Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Congress Thinks They Are Above The Law

McCain calls for more nukes
Sen. Clinton Pitches Ethanol Energy Plan
‘Hillary for President’ rally draws 20 instead of hoped-for 200
Iran test-fires long-range missile
Iran students protest over increased restrictions
Blacks warn of rift if Mfume sidelined
Council skeptical of Ellis tax hike
Government incompetence:  Hurricane Drill in Louisiana Canceled
Immigration Bill Expected To Pass Senate This Week
Exclusive:  A Compromise Plan On Immigration
Bush border patrol plan to pressure courts:  sources
Workers bug out as officers pop in
Fox, in U.S., Says Walls Won’t Fix Problem
Local governments assert their rights:  Marry or get out, US town tells unwed parents
Freedom of speech?:  A.C.L.U. May Block Criticism by Its Board
My View:  This is just more proof that the American Communist Lawyers’ Union believes in free speech, as long as it agrees with them.  Any dissenting speech will not be tolerated.
F.B.I. Raid Divides G.O.P. Lawmakers and White House
Hastert tells President Bush FBI raid was unconstitutional
Hastert Demands FBI Return Documents
Rep. Jefferson refuses to give up panel seat
My View:  The Republicans, just like the Democrats, are just trying to cover their own tails.  There are no constitutional provisions which protect members of Congress from a subpoena.  Rep. Jefferson is being investigated, and prosecutors have a valid reason to believe that he committed a crime.  The FBI has every right to search his office, just as they have a right to search a civilian’s.
**Update (21:03):  Hastert’s demands and declarations now seem to have a reason; perhaps he will be next?  Officials:  Hastert “In the Mix” of Congressional Bribery Investigation
Hastert:  No. 1 Recipient of Abramoff Money

Balko:  Nanny State Makes Poor Babysitter for Americans
du Pont:  Don’t Be Very Worried
Johnson:  Only Nixon Could Go to China, and Only Pence Could Sell Amnesty to the House
Stossel:  Mississippi has a place for heroes:  jails
Blankley:  A modest proposal
Williams:  Click it or ticket

Note:  I received this video in my e-mail.  Isn’t it amazing what the FREE MARKET, along with creativity and ingenuity, can accomplish?  This really might be the future of energy!    

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