Friday, August 31, 2007

2008 Fatigue Already Setting In

Opponents of illegal immigration are frequently and incorrectly branded as racists because we value the rule of law in this country.  Jackasses like this kid in Colorado chanting “white power” during a discussion of immigration don’t help our case.  To make matters worse, I can’t even blame it on this kid’s government education.


We finally figured out what it takes to deport an illegal immigrant:  They have to catch TB.


Fred Thompson will announce this week that he is officially running for President.  It still doesn’t matter; even if he manages to win the nomination he will lose to Hillary anyway.


Barack Obama’s campaign says they need to win Iowa or New Hampshire to mount a significant challenge to Hillary.


The headline says it all on this one:  “White House Hopefuls Love Iowa Ethanol.”  They don’t love Nebraska or Kansas ethanol.  It’s just prostitution, also known as campaigning.


Republicans might finally be coming around on the FairTax.  If they actually put it on their platform then maybe we will have reason to support them.


“Dangerous chemicals” from Iraq were found at the United Nations headquarters yesterday, requiring the FBI’s help to remove them.  But remember, Saddam did not have chemical weapons!


Uh oh.  Less than half of all published scientists are endorsing the theory of man-made global warming.  Don’t expect the environmentalists to listen; they’re still ignoring NASA’s mistake.


Did you irresponsibly borrow more than you can pay back?  It’s okay, the government will bail you out!


Now the American Cancer Society is getting on the no-health-insurance-sob-story bandwagon.  Socialized medicine, here we come!


Government school police officers in Houston are in trouble for distributing a guide to Ebonics.  Wouldn’t it make sense for them to be able to understand their subjects?


Here’s some fodder for the religious right:  a judge overruled Iowa’s gay marriage ban.  This is sure to become an issue for Republicans in the primaries.

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