Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Remembering 9/11/01

An American Jihadist was sentenced to 24 years in jail for attending an Islamic terrorist training camp.  How long will it be before we give extra scrutiny to people with names like “Hamid Hayat”?


This is an excellent column by Christopher Orlet of The American Spectator explaining the idiocy of calling “Islamophobia” a form of racism.  CAIR, listen up!


Your tax dollars at work:  the federal government was trying to restore the population of an endangered trout in Colorado.  After 20 years, they realized that they were working with the wrong fish.  You can’t make up this kind of stupidity.


Evangelical Christians are not very thrilled right now about the concept of Fred Thompson for President.  Why?  Because he is less than a slam-dunk supporter of that silly Constitutional Amendment to ban gay marriage.


No Child Left Behind is up for renewal, so the House is busy trying to figure out how to make sure that as many kids as possible are still properly indoctrinated by the government.  The biggest opposition right now is coming to an amendment allowing individual school districts to determine their own accountability standards.  There’s still no mention of privatizing education, of course.


Now the environmentalists are being told that biofuels do more harm to the environment than they help.  This includes the environmentalists’ Holy Grail, ethanol.  What will they do now?  Maybe they’ll decide to just kill all men, since men are bad for the environment.


The Democrat hopefuls for 2008 have stopped using the phrase “war on terror.”  Of course, they aren’t willing to call it what it is—a war against Islamic terrorism.


A serial rapist in Florida has requested castration in order to avoid life in prison.


The federal government is tightening immigration and customs procedures.  Unfortunately, they’re still not doing anything about illegal immigration.


A government high school in North Carolina banned the wearing of American flags by its students.


Bad news for you fatasses out there:  you only have yourself to blame if you eat too much chocolate.


Random bathroom sex arrests are down at the Atlanta airport.


According to a study, social networking sites such as FaceBook cost businesses over $260 million per day.  No word yet on what it does to college students’ GPAs.

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