Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Lots of Islamic Militant News Today

Thanks to “global warming,” natural disasters have quadrupled in the last two decades.  Of course, this is just more reason to soak the evil rich countries.


We have a new campaign to start for environmentalists:  Take yourselves out of the gene pool to save the planet (and avoid passing on your stupidity to a future generation)!


Robert Novak calls Mike Huckabee “The False Conservative.” Who cares?  Chuck Norris endorsed him!


Fred Thompson is proposing a tiered “flat” income tax rate that still punishes success.  I guess he gave up on the FairTax, so now I have given up on him.


Rudy Giuliani is finally attacking Mitt Romney for his socialized medicine scheme as governor of Massachusetts.


Mississippi Senator Trent Lott plans to retire by the end of the year.


Republicans, incapable of raising money, are trying to recruit rich people to run for office so that they can finance their own campaigns.


Disabled Iraq and Afghanistan veterans were chased out of a swimming pool by a bunch of hostile women in Britain.  These are the people who deserve to live under Islamic law.


Muslims in Nigeria shut down a University because they were upset over a non-Muslim student allegedly wiping himself with pages from the Koran.


A woman in Egypt has been jailed for three years because her legal papers said she was a Christian, even though her father’s conversion to Islam when she was 2 legally made her a Muslim.


A group of Islamic militants beheaded a man and his wife in front of their children because he did not pray and wore western-style pants.


Islamic terrorists are targeting an Army base in Arizona, with the help of Mexican drug cartels.  Do we need a clearer reason to close the border?


Don’t all of these stories on the peaceful religion of Islam make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside?


The Heritage Foundation reports on covert Democrat attempts to re-enact the Fairness Doctrine.

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