Monday, February 11, 2008

Obama Sweeps Clinton

President Bush called John McCain a “true conservative” in an interview on Fox News Sunday yesterday.  I still want to know what Bush knows about conservatism, since he’s been such a liberal in the last 7 years.


Despite dropping out of the race, Mitt Romney won the CPAC straw poll for the second straight year.  Also notable is that over 1 of every 10 participants said that they would not vote if either McCain or Huckabee is the nominee.


Huckabee played up the country bumpkin image, while making the rest of us Southerners look backwards when he admitted on Meet the Press to eating fried squirrel in college.


NBC News’ David Shuster is in hot water with the Clinton folks for saying that Chelsea was being “pimped out” for her mother’s campaign.  This is from the same woman who invented “bimbo eruptions.”  In response to Shuster’s comments, Hillary is threatening to skip future appearances on MSNBC.  Remember, criticizing liberals is not allowed, which is why they want to bring back the Fairness Doctrine so badly.


Bad news from the Hillary camp:  After Barack Obama won everything this weekend (including a Grammy), Hillary’s campaign manager is out.  Major changes in campaign staff is always a bad sign, even when you are still the establishment candidate.  She desperately needs a win in Virginia, because she’s going to lose Maryland and DC on Tuesday.


A former Nobel Prize winner says that Barack Obama will be assassinated if he is elected President.  Maybe he could be protected by his cult followers?


British athletes will not be allowed to criticize the Chinese government during the Olympics this summer.  I still say they should be boycotted like the 1980 Games.


A British environment minister blames a large proportion of birth defects among Pakistani immigrants on inbreeding due to arranged marriages with first cousins.


Politicians in Kuwait want to ban Valentine’s Day, saying that the day spreads “immorality” in society.


A Pakistani teachers’ union wants to make sure that college and school syllabi will not include contributions from non-Muslims.


A 12-year-old boy who was trained to be a suicide bomber is now in a British government school.


British police say that 17,000 women are the victims of honor crimes every year.


Canadians are already giving extra welfare benefits to Muslim men with multiple wives.

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