Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Bush Partially Nationalizes Banks

More election-stealing news from ACORN:  They registered Mickey Mouse to vote in Florida, election officials caught a fraudulent ACORN voter casting a ballot in Ohio, and a 7-year-old girl was registered to vote in Connecticut.  Given Barack Obama's ties to and support for ACORN, it's no shock that now ACORN is trying to cozy up to John McCain.  It's the old KKK rule:  you never want to have the most hated people on your side.


Remember Mark Foley, the Republican former Congressman who resigned after trying to get too friendly with the Congressional pages?  His replacement now has a sex scandal of his own, and this one involves money.


Joe Biden says that John McCain may regret the attacks he's making on Barack Obama for the rest of his life.  That sounds like a threat.


Forty seven percent of voters think that it would be good for the economy to raise taxes on the top income earners.  Remember, they're going to be making Barack Obama the next President of the United States.


The New York Times' David Brooks points out that the Democrats will significantly grow government when they have control of the federal government.  Of course, with the Bush Administration putting money into private banks, why wait until the Democrats take control?


John McCain announced his new economic plan today, which largely included tax cuts.  Obama, on the other hand, called for a moratorium on foreclosures, which he criticized when Hillary proposed the idea.


The FBI is, for the first time, saying that the murder of two girls by their Muslim father is an honor killing.


With polling data getting increasingly tight, now Saxby Chambliss is in the "fight of his life."


The Macon Telegraph reports a sob story that low-income minority students don't get recess in school.  Aren't these the same kids who are the lowest performing academically anyway?

1 comment:

knowitall said...

I am so sick of the banks being looked upon as the struggling victims. They charge high interest, and have made their money back. It's time to invest the liberal illuminati and what they're doing with that money.