Thursday, February 28, 2008
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Obama Wins Again
According to a Hillary supporter, Democrat delegates from red states are just “second-class delegates.” Can’t you feel the love, Democrats? This comes as Hillary is trying to turn some of Obama’s pledged delegates so she can take the nomination at the convention. It turns out that those “pledged” delegates are actually not pledged to anybody.
The AP’s Ron Fournier says that the Democrat nomination is Obama’s to lose.
Here is the Rasmussen analysis that shows that the Democrats have the White House won, no matter who their candidate is. Thanks to Dr. Greg Domin for the tip here.
Accuracy in Media has done a little bit of research into Barack Obama, and they found that his childhood mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, was an activist in the Communist Party USA.
Government schools in
Immediately after picking up the endorsement of former President George H.W. Bush, John McCain gave his own “read my lips” pledge to not raise taxes. Republicans, you’ve heard this before, and it’s already given you one President Clinton.
Dutch politician Geert Wilders is working on a short film about Islam. After studying the religion (he calls it an ideology), he says that he doesn’t hate Muslims, just Islam. If only there were more people in the West who get it like this guy.
Speaking of the peaceful, loving religion of Islam, an Iranian father has stoned his daughter to death for allegedly having a relationship with a man. Also, two weeks ago two sisters were stoned to death for allegedly committing adultery. Don’t you love how Islam honors its women?
Another story from Islam: a 70-year-old Iranian man has been sentenced to 4 months in prison and 30 lashes for walking his dog. Because dogs are considered impure in Islam, he was charged with “disturbing the public order.”
Global warming asininity is coming to
Tip to the Talkmaster for this one: ExxonMobil (the oil company of “obscene” profits) paid almost $30 billion in federal income taxes last year, as much as the bottom 50% of earners combined.
This has been an issue ever since Reichert took office in December, but today we are finally going to get into a discussion on the city of Macon annexing land (and taxpayers).
Tonight there will be a lunar eclipse. There is some interesting history behind some of these things.
A church is telling its members to have sex every night for the next month.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Happy President's Day!
A California Assemblyman (of course a Democrat) has introduced a bill requiring that all government high school science curriculums include teaching “climate change.” I’m sure they will be taught valuable skills of logical deduction, such as blaming a cold snap on global warming, as they have in
Bill Clinton had a fight with an Obama supporter while campaigning for his wife. The guy was rude, but it still shows that the
Also on the Democrat side, some of the early vote totals from
Hillary aide Harold Ickes now wants the delegates from
British health authorities are considering forcing people to get a license in order to buy tobacco products.
The cost of entitlements for senior citizens is up 24% since 2000.
By a 45-39 margin, Americans say that socialized medicine would be better than the current health care system. About a third of Americans, however, don’t even know what socialized medicine is.
Big shock here: Mitt Romney has endorsed John McCain.
Remember those FEMA trailers that the pieces of human waste exposed by Hurricane Katrina are living in? They have formaldehyde in them. Good incentive for them to become self-reliant for once in their lives.
The state of
Today is President’s Day, so of course we get one of these idiotic polls about who Americans think was the greatest President. Most of the Americans polled I’m sure could not mention a specific achievement of any of the Presidents they said were great.
Doug Giles weighs in on last week’s shooting on the campus of
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
No Voice Means No Show
Unfortunately, I have no voice today. Therefore, I can’t do the show. Hopefully I will have my voice back on Friday.
For all of you class warfare types, watch this video and tell me how bad the middle class really has it. Then go read this article about how badly we need the rich. Of course, the FairTax would help everybody even more…
The Saudi religious police have banned red roses. These people really need to loosen up.
The British Olympic Association has lifted the gag order on its athletes in the Beijing Olympics. I still say that the Western world should boycott them.
The Pentagon has charged six Islamic terrorists at
The Mexican President came to Harvard (he took off his sombrero) and complained about the “anti-immigrant perception” in the
Meanwhile, President Bush has a plan to send Mexico $1.4 billion to, in part, help them secure their southern border. Not only that, but now they are skipping the background check requirement to obtain legal residency. Does anybody in
The Hispanic population in
On the campaign trail, after Obama won everything yesterday, the
Dolly Parton had to postpone a tour for her latest album because of her breasts.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Obama Sweeps Clinton
President Bush called John McCain a “true conservative” in an interview on Fox News Sunday yesterday. I still want to know what Bush knows about conservatism, since he’s been such a liberal in the last 7 years.
Despite dropping out of the race, Mitt Romney won the CPAC straw poll for the second straight year. Also notable is that over 1 of every 10 participants said that they would not vote if either McCain or Huckabee is the nominee.
Huckabee played up the country bumpkin image, while making the rest of us Southerners look backwards when he admitted on Meet the Press to eating fried squirrel in college.
NBC News’ David Shuster is in hot water with the
Bad news from the Hillary camp: After Barack Obama won everything this weekend (including a Grammy), Hillary’s campaign manager is out. Major changes in campaign staff is always a bad sign, even when you are still the establishment candidate. She desperately needs a win in
A former Nobel Prize winner says that Barack Obama will be assassinated if he is elected President. Maybe he could be protected by his cult followers?
British athletes will not be allowed to criticize the Chinese government during the Olympics this summer. I still say they should be boycotted like the 1980 Games.
A British environment minister blames a large proportion of birth defects among Pakistani immigrants on inbreeding due to arranged marriages with first cousins.
Politicians in
A Pakistani teachers’ union wants to make sure that college and school syllabi will not include contributions from non-Muslims.
A 12-year-old boy who was trained to be a suicide bomber is now in a British government school.
British police say that 17,000 women are the victims of honor crimes every year.
Canadians are already giving extra welfare benefits to Muslim men with multiple wives.
Friday, February 08, 2008
McCain now Republican nominee
The big news of yesterday was Mitt Romney’s exit from the Presidential race. We’ll cover that, along with reaction to his and John McCain’s speech at CPAC, today.
Also at CPAC, President Bush indicated his support for McCain. Why were either of them allowed to speak at CPAC?
Ron Paul actually got it right yesterday, accusing Republicans of acting too much like Democrats.
Club for Growth President Pat Toomey (who should be a junior Senator from
Ann Coulter made the case for why conservatives have no reason to support John McCain.
Hillary Clinton loaned her campaign $5 million. She’s in trouble; losing the fundraising battle and momentum. She had planned on having the nomination sealed by now.
The Archbishop of Canterbury says that Sharia Law in Britain is inevitable.
Remember that joke of a National Intelligence Estimate released in December that said that
A lawmaker in the
One scientist said that politicians who do not believe in global warming should be thrown in jail.
Nancy Pelosi would be safe, though: she bought $89,000 worth of carbon offsets with taxpayer dollars to offset the impact of House business.
Meanwhile, more intelligent scientists are worried about a legitimate threat: global cooling due to a downturn in the Sun’s output.
The Grapevine,
Shaquille O’Neal was traded to the Phoenix Suns this week, and he already has a second job nailed down: chasing illegal immigrants.
Some stores in
The state of
I wonder what he would have to say about a 3rd-grade “transgender” student in a
The World Health Organization says that tobacco could kill 1 billion people by the year 2100. I’ll fire up a stogie to that.
Cluster Column
You Shouldn’t Vote If…
By Jeff Scott
Before I start, I know that by the time you read this Super Tuesday will have come and gone, and many of you will have voted. Such is the unfortunate limitation of a biweekly newspaper. My advice to you would be to clip this column out and keep it around until November and beyond. The words will be just as wise, if not as relevant, as they are now.
I frequently am asked “who should I vote for on election day?” When I am asked, I usually impart my wisdom upon the asker and move on; however, a better question to ask would probably be “should I vote on election day?” Most Americans are incapable of making an informed enough decision to be allowed to vote. Personally, I think you should have to pass a yearly test of knowledge of American history and the Constitution, with a special focus on the legitimate purposes of government, to be allowed to vote that year. I also think that you should have a stake in the way that tax dollars are spent; you should be a net positive, rather than a net negative, to the public treasury to be eligible to vote at all (the exception is members of the military who, rather than contributing their dollars, are putting their lives on the line in defense of the United States). The concept is simple enough; if you are contributing to the money that government spends, then as a shareholder you get a vote (after all, that is your money). If you are just suckling at the government teat, then you should not be allowed to vote. Why should you be allowed to vote yourself somebody else’s money? This, of course, would change from year to year (and be eliminated completely with the implementation of the FairTax).
With those two ideas in mind, and attempting to prevent the ignorant masses from voting, I give you the following rules about voting:
If you are a Muslim, then you shouldn’t vote.
If you think the
If you think that you have a constitutional right to vote for President, then you shouldn’t vote.
If you care more about Britney Spears’ mental state than that of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, you shouldn’t vote.
If you have absolutely no clue who Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is, much less how to pronounce his name, you shouldn’t vote.
If you think that the government has a constitutional responsibility to provide food stamps, housing, retirement, education, healthcare, heating oil, et al. to its people, then you shouldn’t vote.
If you think that the government has constitutional authority to take money from its citizens to provide food stamps, housing, retirement, education, healthcare, heating oil, et al. to its people, then you shouldn’t vote.
If you think that tax cuts for the rich are unfair, but do not know how much of the tax burden is paid by the so-called “rich,” then you shouldn’t vote.
If you refuse to vote for Hillary Clinton because she’s a woman or because her name is
If you want to vote for Hillary Clinton because she’s a woman or because her name is
If you think that John McCain is a conservative, then you shouldn’t vote.
If you vote for a candidate based on looks (especially you former John Edwards supporters), then you shouldn’t vote.
I think that makes a pretty comprehensive list to weed out most of the ignorant people in the
By the way, the line about Muslims was a joke, meant only to stir the pot among those who think I am a racist anyway. Let’s see how many immediately stopped reading to send me an e-mail or death threat without reading through to the end. If you sent me a hate mail about it without getting this far, then you shouldn’t vote either.
Jeff Scott is the host of the Jeff Scott Show, which airs every MWF 11am-1pm on Mercer Radio (
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
McCain winner on Super Tuesday
Evangelicals delivered
McCain’s people also helped deliver West Virginia for Huckabee yesterday, in what Romney alleged was a dirty “backroom deal.”
On the day before Super Tuesday, Hillary wrote in the Wall Street Journal about her plan for “shared prosperity.”
Despite some big wins for Hillary last night, Obama is claiming the delegate lead right now. The AP is giving Hillary the lead.
With Super Tuesday over, where is the next focus? DC and its suburbs, for the “Potomac Primary.”
Some conservative Republicans, following the path of Ann Coulter, plan to become “suicide voters,” voting for Hillary to keep McCain out of the White House. Others think that Hillary leading the Democrat ticket will entice conservatives to vote for McCain in an attempt to stop her.
The United Benefit Advisors, a company that advises businesses on employee benefits, is telling people to beware socialized medicine promises.
People who need to have their voter registration rescinded: Ethel Goodwin showed up to vote at 6:30 yesterday, along with 6-10 other people. Unfortunately for them,
Nancy Pelosi skipped voting yesterday (voting by absentee ballot instead) to try to court some NASCAR votes by hosting Jimmie Johnson.
Two sisters in
Also in
Bad news for Al Gore:
Two Anglican Bishops are telling people to participate in a “carbon fast” for Lent. How stupid is this?
Willie Nelson appeared on the show of whack-job Alex Jones to say that he does not believe the “official” story of September 11. Apparently Willie got some bad weed.
Wearing high heels is good for women’s sex lives.
Sex can cure headaches.
Friday, February 01, 2008
Mercer Sponsors Liberal Gathering
Democrats claim that John McCain nearly left the Republican Party in 2001. The issue here is not that he considered it, but that it wouldn’t have been a surprise had he actually done it. Now he’s the Republican frontrunner.
At the Republican debate Wednesday night, McCain was caught in a lie about his lack of support for the Bush tax cuts.
Hillary is playing to her female base by purchasing an entire hour of programming on the Hallmark Channel for a town hall meeting.
Bill Clinton finally admitted what all global warming believers refuse to: to “fight” global warming, the economy would have to slow down.
Mike Huckabee was heckled in San Francisco. I’m just surprised his campaign can afford to fly him to
On Wednesday Congress heard the same old tired line about how they should subsidize home heating bills during the winter. Does that include helping this unemployed woman who bought a TV for the Super Bowl?
Ann Coulter has endorsed Hillary Clinton if John McCain is the nominee.
President Bush’s budget as it stands now plans to keep down domestic spending. Where was this 7 years ago?
Your tax dollars at work: Funds from the Department of Homeland Security brought a radical Islamic sympathizer to
Environmentalists are joining native Alaskans in suing the federal government to prevent the sale of an area of the sea for the purpose of drilling for oil. Before you complain about ExxonMobil or the other oil companies’ profits, blame the environmentalists.
The Mercer-sponsored “New Baptist Covenant” meeting in
The City Council of Berkeley, California has kicked the Marines out of town. A couple of them even wanted to give preferential treatment to the socialist kook women’s group Code Pink.
A school district in
This may be the best idea I’ve heard in a long time from government schools:
Researchers at