Wednesday, February 13, 2008

No Voice Means No Show

Unfortunately, I have no voice today.  Therefore, I can’t do the show.  Hopefully I will have my voice back on Friday.


For all of you class warfare types, watch this video and tell me how bad the middle class really has it.  Then go read this article about how badly we need the rich.  Of course, the FairTax would help everybody even more…


The Saudi religious police have banned red roses.  These people really need to loosen up.


The British Olympic Association has lifted the gag order on its athletes in the Beijing Olympics.  I still say that the Western world should boycott them.


The Pentagon has charged six Islamic terrorists at Guantanamo Bay in connection with the 9/11 attacks.  Unfortunately, they get to hear the intelligence against them in court.


The Mexican President came to Harvard (he took off his sombrero) and complained about the “anti-immigrant perception” in the United States.


With Arizona and Oklahoma now enforcing immigration law, many Mexicans are leaving the states and heading for Texas.  Who’da thunk it?


Meanwhile, President Bush has a plan to send Mexico $1.4 billion to, in part, help them secure their southern border.  Not only that, but now they are skipping the background check requirement to obtain legal residency.  Does anybody in Washington have a clue?


The Hispanic population in America will triple by 2050.


On the campaign trail, after Obama won everything yesterday, the Clinton team has set up a firewall on March 4, when Ohio and Texas will be contested.  Of course, she has to learn the ridiculously complicated rules in Texas first…


Dolly Parton had to postpone a tour for her latest album because of her breasts.

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