Wednesday, February 06, 2008

McCain winner on Super Tuesday

Evangelicals delivered Georgia for Mike Huckabee last night, as 70% of Republican voters said that it was important that the candidate share their religious beliefs.


McCain’s people also helped deliver West Virginia for Huckabee yesterday, in what Romney alleged was a dirty “backroom deal.”


On the day before Super Tuesday, Hillary wrote in the Wall Street Journal about her plan for “shared prosperity.”


Despite some big wins for Hillary last night, Obama is claiming the delegate lead right now.  The AP is giving Hillary the lead.


With Super Tuesday over, where is the next focus?  DC and its suburbs, for the “Potomac Primary.”


Some conservative Republicans, following the path of Ann Coulter, plan to become “suicide voters,” voting for Hillary to keep McCain out of the White House.  Others think that Hillary leading the Democrat ticket will entice conservatives to vote for McCain in an attempt to stop her.


The United Benefit Advisors, a company that advises businesses on employee benefits, is telling people to beware socialized medicine promises.


People who need to have their voter registration rescinded:  Ethel Goodwin showed up to vote at 6:30 yesterday, along with 6-10 other people.  Unfortunately for them, Wisconsin didn’t vote yesterday.


Nancy Pelosi skipped voting yesterday (voting by absentee ballot instead) to try to court some NASCAR votes by hosting Jimmie Johnson.


Two sisters in Iran are going to be stoned to death for adultery.  In Iran, adultery means being in the company of another man while their husband is gone.


Also in Iran, a man has been sentenced to death by hanging for drinking alcohol.


Bad news for Al Gore:  China is experiencing its coldest winter in 100 years, shutting down transportation and wreaking havoc across the country.


Two Anglican Bishops are telling people to participate in a “carbon fast” for Lent.  How stupid is this?


Willie Nelson appeared on the show of whack-job Alex Jones to say that he does not believe the “official” story of September 11.  Apparently Willie got some bad weed.


Wearing high heels is good for women’s sex lives.


Sex can cure headaches.


A North Carolina court ruled that a woman injured on the job is only entitled to have one of her breast implants redone, not both of them, under a workers’ compensation suit.

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