The United States is lifting a law banning HIV-positive immigrants from coming to the United States legally. It still might be two years before the new law takes effect.
The new AIDS prevention strategy: bribe gay opinion leaders to talk positively about safe sex.
Joe Lieberman is apparently on John McCain's short list of running mates. Lieberman has previously said that he did not want to run again, which is a good thing for McCain; if he picked Lieberman, he'd be finished.
The OPEC cartel had a record income for the first half of this year. Will The Messiah start demanding a windfall profits tax on them? I'm not holding my breath.
Here's something for you crazy environmentalists: humans are doomed because of global warming. Stop breathing and save us all, will you?
In the wake of the truth about John Edwards' affair being made public, a former Clinton campaign aide claims that, had Edwards left the race before Iowa , Clinton would be the nominee. This should make for some interesting what-if deliberating.
Here's proof that the United States can't afford a President Obama.
Another socialized medicine horror story. Wait until this comes here, thanks to the Messiah. The difference will be that we won't have anywhere to go.
Courtesy of the Rocky Mountain News, some things you might not know about the Messiah. Not all of these will be included in the new Gospel, the book of Barack.
The Politico is starting to worry about the Messiah's chances for victory. Here is their list of seven worrisome signs for Obama.
The Maldives ratified a new constitution that only grants citizenship to Muslims. By the carrot or the sword
A lifeguard in Montreal filed a human rights complaint against a YMCA for not allowing her to wear her scarf of oppression while on duty.
A caravan of hybrids is driving across the state to try and spread their environmentalist agenda. Isn't this a waste of gas?
If you're going to talk trash about the United States , you better be able to back it up. You hear that, Frenchy?
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