Monday, August 25, 2008

Obama/Biden Is Your Ticket

The Messiah has picked his running mate.  Joe Biden will be on the bottom of the ticket, even though the Obama campaign printed bumper stickers and t-shirts with Obama-Biden, Obama-Bayh, Obama-Sebelius, and Obama-Gore.  I guess they were willing to waste the money.


The pick of Biden says a lot of things about Barack Obama.  As I said on Friday, Obama needed somebody to bring gravitas and foreign policy experience to the ticket.  Biden does that.  At the same time, it shows the Obama campaign's acknowledgement of where their candidate is lacking.  It also shows a departure from the language of "change" and rhetoric of changing the political dynamic, since Biden has been in the Senate for longer than John McCain.  He's the ultimate Washington insider, right down to the fact that he loves to cozy up to lobbyists.


The biggest criticism of Biden is that he has a big mouth, which should make him good as an attack dog.  The truth is, the guy's a loose cannon.  There will be a lot of chances in the next 10 weeks for Biden to blow up, potentially hurting the ticket.  He also has a history of lying to make himself sound good.  To sum things up, Biden is a big talker who loves nobody more than Joe Biden.


Obama must have been off the teleprompter when he made his formal announcement, since he called Biden "the next President."


Obama's decision to pick Joe Biden might not have appeased the Clinton supporters who are still planning shenanigans for the Convention.  I'm looking forward to seeing the delegate vote with Hillary being nominated.


On a more superficial note, here's an analysis of Joe Blowhard's hair.


Republicans are already attacking the Obama/Biden ticket, saying it shows that The Messiah is writing off the South.


Democrats have the most advantages they've had since Watergate.  That's before you consider the Messiah effect.


There is only one way that The Messiah could possibly lose this election:  racism.


The Democrat National Convention starts today, with their theme of "One Nation."  This is the last piece of proof that John Edwards won't be invited.  By the way, shouldn't they be worried about having one party?  After all, the "Recreate '68" kooks are already protesting in Denver and the PUMA people are trying their best to make sure Hillary walks out of the convention with the nomination.


New York Delegates were warned about drinking in Denver.  They might just need to be blasted to vote for Obama.


Congresswoman Corrine Brown (D-Jacksonville, FL) called the mayor's office to ask the city of Jacksonville protect her house during Tropical Storm Fay.  The mayor's chief of staff sent city workers to put sandbags in front of Brown's house, then to put sandbags in front of the house of a member of city council without her asking.  Nobody else got such treatment from the city.


Good news:  illegal immigrants are returning to Mexico in record numbers.


It's August, and thanks to global warming, Minnesota and Wisconsin had a chance of frost last night.  Yet another reason I live in the South.


A 1,000 pound woman accused of murder is causing a problem for prosecutors:  she's too fat to go to jail or court.

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