Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Socialist Medicine Horror Stories

Fewer people are concerned about global warming, even though 8 in 10 still believe that the earth is getting warmer.  On this program, we will continue to push back the frontiers of ignorance.


Only a quarter of Americans say that they have a good understanding of science, which puts them at a diminished capacity to be an informed voter.  Basically, people who have no idea about the science behind "global warming" and other issues are following blindly like pigs to the slaughter.


Barack Obama is getting criticism for wanting to make old folks complete wards of the state.  It's all about trying to buy votes away from the old guy.


Congressional Democrats are angry over the fact that two-thirds of United States corporations do not pay federal income taxes.  Remember, no company ever pays taxes—they pass on those costs to consumers.


Alaska has already begun enriching itself at the expense of consumers by creating a windfall profits tax on oil companies.


Ralph Reed is throwing a fundraiser for John McCain.  This might help the Maverick among the turbos, but shouldn't do much for him otherwise.


Courtesy of National Review Online, here are 25 hints that you won't vote for Barack Obama.


A former Republican Congressman (who lost in 2006) endorsed Barack Obama and expressed the hope that The Messiah will take Chuck Hagel as his running mate or in his administration.


The official newspaper of the Communist Party USA all but endorsed Barack Obama, saying that he will end 30 years of ultra-right rule.  Were the commies sleeping through the Clinton years, or were they just hung over from their mourning the fall of the Soviet Union?


The fawning media is worried about the Bradley effect showing up and beating Obama in November.


Cancer patients are not getting the medicines they need from Britain's socialized healthcare system.  They have stated that patients are pretty much screwed if it would cost too much to save them.  Rationing—coming to the United States under socialized medicine.


More details are coming out on some of the strategies that were deliberated by Hillary's campaign.  As early as last March, Mark Penn recommended going negative against Obama by painting him as less than fully American.


The "Commie Hill Jihadist" pled guilty to attempted murder and assault for driving his car through a campus gathering place at the University of North Carolina.


Macon Mayor Robert Reichert vetoed the hotel/motel tax increase meant to fund the music and sports halls of fame.


While we're on the subject of Macon, Reichert is also asking for a new plan for the redesign of the I-16/I-75 interchange.


A groom was arrested after being too close to his bride at their wedding.


A man was saved from paralysis by super glue.


Winnie the Pooh was arrested for robbery.


An Italian Olympic silver medalist is asking the Italian government to exempt his prize money from taxation.


It wasn't just me—Gmail was down yesterday.

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