Friday, October 31, 2008

Obama Boots Conservative Papers' Reporters

The Obama campaign kicked reporters from the Washington Times, New York Post, and Dallas Morning News off their campaign airplane.  Is it a coincidence that all three endorsed John McCain?  I think not.


How crazy are some leftists?  Erica Jong says that if Obama loses it will spark the second American Civil War.  That's only the tip of the iceberg.


Democrats are already fighting amongst each other over how quickly they are going to ram through the Obama agenda.


"Crazy" Mahmoud Ahmadinejad sees an opportunity to spread Islam with what he sees as a collapse of international bullies.  Meanwhile, al Qaida endorsed Barack Obama and the Democrats.


Here's a brilliant column:  If we elect an admitted socialist President, we'll deserve what we get.


Oh, for you Obama supporters out there:  Obama is already trying to lower expectations of his administration.


John Murtha is desperate for money after his comments calling his constituents racists and rednecks


According to USAToday, local tax increases are going to be hard to push through this election year.  That's because most of them can't be targeted so that only the evil rich pay for them.


Clarke County Schools are closed today because too many teachers call in sick every year on the day before the Georgia-Florida game.


A few Northside High School students painted their faces black yesterday for spirit week.  No problem, right?  Not unless you're wearing a No-bama t-shirt.


A new study shows that men prefer brunettes for "wife material."


Another study finds that female political candidates are boosted by good looks.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Obama's Dishonest Infomercial

Dr. Greg Domin will be joining us today during the 2:00 hour to discuss the Obama infomercial.  We'll warm up by telling you how much Obama lied throughout the infomercial, which was criticized by infomercial pros.


On the campaign trail yesterday, Obama attacked John McCain for calling him a socialist.


A poll in the Los Angeles Times shows Barack Obama leading in both Florida and Ohio.  The scarier part is that 6% in Florida and 3% in Ohio who have already voted don't know who they voted for.  This is why I say some people shouldn't vote.  John Stossel agrees.


Here's a speech that Bill Ayers gave two years ago in Venezuela about his perspective on education.  Why does this matter?  Because Barack Obama was funding this ideology through the Woods Fund and the Chicago Annenberg Challenge.


Barack Obama's aunt was found in a rundown Boston slum.  Spread the wealth, Barack!


In an effort to prepare for an Obama victory, here's what happened in Philadelphia last night after the Phillies won the World Series.


How about some global warming stories?  Last night saw record cold temperatures in Ocala, Florida, and Switzerland received the most October snow since they started keeping records.  The best, though, is that the "Gore Effect" came to London.  The British Parliament was debating a global warming bill, while outside the city was being blanketed by the first October snow since 1922.


Democrats in the bureaucracy of the state of Ohio checked into Joe the Plumber's records more extensively than originally reported, including whether he was receiving welfare.  At least he's been offered a record deal over all of this.


Georgia Congressman David Scott (no relation) says that his black Republican opponent doesn't seem to like black people.


Here's Rick Goddard's last ad.  It's a good one.


Olympia, Washington doesn't want to let a developer build a grocery store on a wetland, so instead he's proposing building a "sex emporium," including a drive-up window for customers.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Obama's First 100 Days

With just 6 days left until the election, what can you expect early in an Obama Administration?  Pat Buchanan tells us about Obama's first 100 days.  Also, here's an underreported issue:  what Barack Obama will do to the court system.  The relevant background is that Obama had an affinity for Marxists in college and spoke at the Chicago chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America in 1996.  Don't expect to hear this in the uppity mainstream media.


Just so you know who'll be electing Obama, a judge in Ohio has ruled that homeless people can list a park bench as their address to register to vote.


Erick Erickson at still seems confident, with some of the polls (including Rasmussen and Gallup) moving towards McCain and the accuracy of the polling coming into question.


There is more talk of problems within the McCain-Palin campaign.  Some of the McCain aides don't like Sarah.


With Lieberman's support of John McCain, the Democrats are looking at removing him from his chairmanship on the Senate Homeland Security Committee.  The Hill has the coverage of all the shuffles the Democrats are considering.


The bailout bill has become a free-for-all.  I told you so.


Bubble-headed bimbo actress Hayden Panettiere says she wants to pay higher taxes.  Go ahead; nothing's stopping you.


Joe Biden had a little slip-up yesterday, saying that Obama would cut taxes for those making less than $150,000 a year.  The New York Post points out that the Democrats will raise taxes, and that the American people have been warned about it.


Elizabeth Edwards criticized both Obama and McCain for viewing health care as a commodity rather than as a right.


SurveyUSA has a new poll out for the Marshall-Goddard Congressional race that shows Marshall up by 4 points, within the margin of error.


The Governor's Office of Consumer Affairs is investigating 166 gas stations for "price gouging" after Hurricane Ike.  Wait until I tell you about how the penalties are determined.  (H/T PeachPundit)


Scientific researchers have found that women wearing red look better to men.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Obama: Take Election Day Off

Here's one thing to look forward to if Democrats have a filibuster-proof majority:  Democrats are already looking at getting rid of the tax exemption for 401(k) plans.


Ted Stevens was found guilty on all seven counts of corruption.  John McCain then called on Stevens to step down.  Be prepared to hear his name ad nauseam for the next week.


Barack Obama wants you to take the day off on Election Day to make sure that he wins.  Why not?  After his tax plans hit your business you might not have a job anyway.


Barack Obama's friends in ACORN seem to have trouble paying their taxes.  Also, Barack Obama has only paid the Bush tax rates since 2001.  Why not pay more, Barack?  This is just more examples of leftists wanting to spread your wealth, but not their own.


Speaking of spreading the wealth, the Obama campaign responded to the audio that we played yesterday of the Messiah lamenting that the Supreme Court didn't redistribute wealth by saying that this just a distraction.  By the way, in the longer version, Obama compared the United States to Nazi Germany.


We have more on Obama's work with the Chicago Annenberg Challenge and the Woods Fund, including where he gave money to Afrocentrist groups to "educate" children.


This column on the AJC's website claiming that McCain is as much a socialist as Obama will probably be effective with government-educated fools.


At least Republican strategist thinks that McCain and Palin will win the election.  Dan Perrin says it's a lock. has excommunicated the so-called conservatives who have endorsed Barack Obama.


In the economic downturn, at least one group of people is still making money:  Congress got 13% richer last year.


DNC Chairman Howard Dean can't wait for the Democrats to rule the whole government.  Nancy Pelosi says that it will make them more "bipartisan."


John McCain's campaign staff is upset about Sarah Palin not bending to their will at all times.  It's simple:  she's the best thing they had going for them, and they ruined it.  She's actually trying to win the election.


North Korea is threatening an attack on South Korea.  Barack Obama wants them to talk and play nice.


Police in Augusta are already preparing for riots on election night.


The city of Macon is considering moving a police precinct into the Macon Mall.


There is a freeze watch for middle Georgia tonight, and last night there was snow in the North Carolina mountains.  Global warming, anyone?


The state of Georgia is having an "Apply to College Week" to encourage high school students to take advantage of the taxpayers.  You've got to get them hooked on government early…


Here's the Lord's Prayer in Reggae-rap:  "Obama be thy name"

Monday, October 27, 2008

Obama Loves Redistribution of Wealth!

The Wall Street Journal points out that electing Obama with a mandate will lead to a second-class United States economy.  Also, even in Great Britain there are some columnists who understand that Barack Obama's foreign policy is dangerous.  It's a shame that so many people are too busy celebrity-worshipping to actually think about what will happen under a President Obama.


We have a couple of soundbytes from Barack Obama in 2001.  The first one is Obama regretting that the Constitution "reflected the fundamental flaw of this country."  The second one is Obama wishing that the Warren court during the Civil Rights Movement had done more redistribution of wealth.


Here's a brilliant column from a journalist who laments the decline of his profession.


Joe the Plumber is "scared for America" over Barack Obama's socialist plans.  He's also a supporter of the FairTax.  By the way, when the Democrats were vetting Joe better than they ever did The Messiah, they were using government computers to do it.  I wonder whose side the bureaucrats are on?


Here's Barney Frank's idea for an economic stimulus:  big government.


A television station in Orlando, Florida actually conducted a tough interview with Joe Biden, asking if Barack Obama is a Marxist.  The Obama campaign responded by cutting off that television station from any more interviews.  Just wait to see what they do to talk radio and other dissenters once Obama is President.


Sarah Palin was in Iowa Saturday, warning about the nanny state that Barack Obama will create.  Meanwhile, the New York Times points out that some businesses are scared about Obama's health care plans.  Why hasn't the McCain campaign been hitting on this stuff all along?


Remember that bailout that was supposed to help banks pay for their bad mortgages?  The banks can use it instead to buy their competitors, pay bonuses, or just hoard.


Here's another one of those stories about a Republican civil war if Obama wins big.


A Philadelphia Inquirer columnist says that white people shouldn't be allowed to vote.  How about he just stays home?  (H/T Newsbusters)


With budget cuts going on statewide, do you think Governor Perdue is going to give up his "Go Fish" project?  Nope.


Those of you who want tickets to the Northside-Warner Robins game on Friday, reserved seats go on sale today.  By the way, has anybody considered the fact that it's Halloween?

Friday, October 24, 2008

Georgia in play for Obama?

The New York Post is wondering out loud whether the stock market's fall is really just a panic over the possibility of a President Obama.  With his brand new confiscatory taxes and "spread the wealth" socialist (or perhaps racist?) mindset, I wouldn't want to invest right now, even though there are some really good buys out there.  Of course, the uppity mainstream media is ignoring the fact that Obama was a member of the socialist New Party, and that he gave money to a former chairman of the Communist Party (Marxist-Leninist) while at the Chicago Annenberg Challenge.


The landslide is lining up:  Obama now leads in Georgia, according to InsiderAdvantage.


The Financial Times claims that McCain's problem is that he's not appealing enough to the inside-the-beltway cocktail party crowd.  Quite the opposite.


The price gougers at OPEC have decided to cut production in an effort to raise prices.  Enjoy low prices while they last—OPEC won't let them last long.


The United Nations is upset because there's income inequality in major American cities (including Atlanta).  By the way, they also found that the most balanced city is Beijing.


Sen. Elizabeth Dole (R-NC) is running an ad against her opponent that all but concedes the Presidential race to Barack Obama.  Truth is that it's a brilliant ad.


A DJ in Dubai has been fired for impersonating God.  Barack Obama's been doing the same thing for a year; can we fire him?


Ted Kennedy is busy working on a socialized medicine bill to greet President Obama when he takes office in January.  This thing will pass, and Republicans will help it pass.


Here's a great column by Steven Milloy about the environmentalist left's real agenda:  socialism.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Sen. Jeff Bingaman (D-NM) Hates Talk Radio

The Messiah feels a "righteous wind" at his back.  The more of these things I hear from him, the more I realize he's just leading a cult.  And of course, a cult leader never has trouble asking his worshippers for more money.


Al Gore appeared at Harvard yesterday to talk about global warming, and temperatures were so cold that the University served hot cider and soup to keep everybody warm.  There was also a group of environmentalists on bikes that had to deal with freezing temperatures to send a message to political candidates to deal with "climate change."


After Democrat Congressman John Murtha called his constituents racists, then called them rednecks to explain their racism, the latest poll shows Murtha leading by just four points, within the margin of error.


Here's a shocker:  the uppity mainstream media's coverage of John McCain is much more negative than that of Barack Obama.


John McCain, talking to the Washington Times, tried his best to distance himself from President Bush.  The problem is the letter next to his name (R).


Hillary's idea of the "vast right-wing conspiracy" is back.


Here's something to consider before you vote for the socialist Barack Obama:  Argentina tried to increase government revenues and the government's role in the economy, and tried to use taxes to achieve "fairness," and now their economy is in the toilet.  Wait for Obama to do the same here.


New Mexico Democrat Senator Jeff Bingaman wants the Fairness Doctrine to come back.


A gas station owner in Pasco, Washington is in trouble with the local government there because his gas is cheaper than anywhere else in town.


Democrats in Pennsylvania are wondering whether Barack Obama will pay them for their votes.


MSNBC has partnered with a number of left-wing groups for an "Election Protection" project to make sure nobody has any trouble voting (read:  to steal the election, if necessary, to make sure that The Messiah Barack Obama wins).


Bob Barr says that John McCain can't win the election.  Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black?  Oops, sorry, that was racist.


Voting "rights" groups want to force the state of Georgia to stop verifying citizenship status for Georgia voters.


Tourism is down in Macon, but somehow that has nothing to do with the crime levels in the city.


The Macon Telegraph has endorsed Jim Marshall for Congress.


There is talk that blacks may riot whether Barack Obama wins or loses this election.  The potential repercussions of that are coming up in Macon, which we'll discuss today.  Erick Erickson over at Peach Pundit weighs in on the issue as well.


Saxby Chambliss responded to the DSCC ad attacking the FairTax with his own ad, featuring the truth.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Obama Changes Tax Plan

Barack Obama has changed his tax plan just a little bit so he can claim that it's not welfare.  Now there is a work requirement to get his "tax cut."  It wasn't the not working that made it welfare; it was the giveaway to people who don't pay taxes.


Did you know the term "socialist" is an old code word for black?


You have to love this redistributionism:  an Albany, New York city council member wants to force higher-paid government workers to take 10 days a year of unpaid time off, so they can afford to give raises to those who make less.


Celebrities are successful in getting younger demographics out to vote, regardless of whether the celebrities know anything about the issues.


House Republicans are trying to get a special counsel to investigate the failures of Fannie and Freddie.  Democrats aren't crazy about the idea, since they're the ones who would be investigated.


The Republican Party, going through an identity crisis?  You don't say!


Here's an idea to make sure there aren't any more gas shortages in Georgia:  build refineries in the Savannah area.


We'll have more discussion of the proposed Constitutional Amendments today.  Jim Wooten with the AJC agrees with me, that Amendment 2 should be a definite "NO" vote.


The Atlanta Press Club had scheduled debates for Atlanta-area members of Congress, and none of the incumbents showed up.  We know what that's like.


Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich was in Macon this morning to raise money for Rick Goddard.  He's not optimistic about the Republicans' chances.


Jeremiah Wright (of God DAMN America fame) has decided to postpone a speaking engagement in Macon.


Bad economic news throughout Middle Georgia:  the Rheem plant in Milledgeville is cutting about 400 jobs, and the Medical Center of Central Georgia is cutting over 200 jobs.


The big news we teased on Monday coming from the District Attorney's office is that 7 people have been charged with vehicular homicide in the death of a 19-year-old drunk driver.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Obama's Plans to Soak The Rich

Orange County, California voters were able to vote from their cars, in a McDonald's-style drive-thru, yesterday.  Was anybody verifying that all of those voters were actually supposed to be voting?


A dead goldfish was offered a chance to register to vote (but not by ACORN) in Illinois.


Here's a graphical depiction of McCain's and Obama's tax plans, and how they would affect all wage earners (I can't say taxpayers).  Given what you see there, doesn't it make sense that Obama's plan would take away incentives for small businesses to hire new workers?  Barney Frank is on board with Obama, since he says there are plenty of rich people to tax.


Now Obama worshippers can pray to their Messiah with a votive featuring Obama's picture.


Robert Novak says that Colin Powell's endorsement of Barack Obama is no surprise, since he's never really been a Republican.


Another example of hatefulness from Obama supporters:  a man in Clearwater, Florida believes that somebody keyed "KKK" in the side of his Lexus, among other vandalisms, because of his pro-McCain and anti-Obama stickers on his car.


More scientists are distancing themselves from the man-made global warming cult, because already the increases in temperatures over the last thirty years have been reversed.


Tales from socialized medicine:  doctors in Great Britain are being paid to not send their patients to hospitals.


Newt Gingrich could be the next RNC Chairman?  (H/T to


Bob Barr says that he scares John McCain.  No you don't.


Last week John Murtha called his constituents racists.  Now he's calling them rednecks.


Here's a column from a Democrat condemning the current state of American journalism:  Would the last honest reporter please turn on the lights?


The Macon Telegraph decided to travel down to Houston County to tell us what we already knew:  Houston County (and veterans) is the key to the 8th District Congressional race.


Here's some detail on who's voting early in Georgia.


A female kicker for a private school football team in Spalding County was prevented from playing for over half the season, then when she was finally allowed to play the other school quoted the Bible to protest her.  These turbo-fundies really give private schools a bad name.


Two men involved in a fatal shooting in Macon were sentenced to five years in prison and five years' probation.  This isn't how you crack down on crime, folks.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Powell Endorses Obama

Is the White House big enough for Barack Obama's ego?  Now he's promising to "change the world."


Barack Obama has put together the country's "largest law firm" to monitor the election.  It's not because he's worried about the election being stolen; the lawyers are just cover for ACORN.


We have more evidence of Obama and William Ayers working together.  Not only did they share an office for three years, Obama gave a very flattering review to Ayers' book.


Colin Powell endorsed Barack Obama.  His explanation is really weak, which, along with the talk of Obama being a "transformative" figure, makes me think it was probably racially motivated.


John McCain finally used the s-word (socialist) to describe Barack Obama on Saturday.  He also finally criticized Obama for his claim to cut taxes for 95% of Americans.  Barack Obama and Colin Powell responded weakly.


This column in the New York Daily News says that, since McCain's vaunted "maverick" status is his greatest liability, he was done as soon as he was named the Republican nominee.


Obama's already measuring the drapes, putting together his cabinet, and preparing his George Soros-funded transition team.  He should, since he raised $150 million last month.  Hey, spread the wealth, Barack!


With President Obama and strong majorities in Congress, the Democrats plan to bring back the Fairness Doctrine, or at least do something else to shut down conservative talk radio.


Joe Biden has predicted that there would be an international crisis within six months if Barack Obama wins.


Libertarian Radley Balko says that the Republicans deserve to be beaten badly in two weeks.


With the bailout bill so far failing to cause a significant economic recovery, Finance Czar Ben Bernanke wants to give out another round of economic stimulus checks.  By the way, the federal government never has to give up its controlling stake in banks.


Finally somebody in the uppity mainstream media gave a strong criticism of the treatment of the Presidential race by the media.  Time Magazine's Mark Halperin won't be invited to any of the hot cocktail parties anytime soon.


The British Government tried to cover up a report saying that disposable diapers are more environmentally-friendly than the old-fashioned ones because the government has been telling people exactly the opposite.


Government abuse:  an 83-year-old woman faces jail time for having a bedroom in a converted garage.  The garage was converted before she moved into the house 30 years ago.


Islamic fascism is spreading throughout the Middle East, although not yet in its violent form.


Jim Martin is trying to back away from that DSCC ad critical of the FairTax.


Real conservatives have to love the title of this column in the Washington Times:  Franklin Delano Bush.


A McCain-hater got caught putting dog poop in the bed of a McCain supporter's pickup truck.


A drunk driver hit a 13-year-old in Warner Robins last night.


That ridiculous "Guns for Tunes" gun swap in Macon got 65 guns off the streets.  It's a good thing they're doing this kind of thing, otherwise people would be getting shot.  Oh wait, never mind.  Two teenagers were shot Saturday night.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Anything Goes Friday

You think that this "if you oppose Obama you're racist" thing isn't fully permeated through American society?  Now even a Florida seventh grader is being called a racist by her classmates for wearing a pro-Sarah Palin shirt.


With Democrats gunning for a supermajority in the Senate to go along with President Obama's agenda, here's what you can expect if they get their 60 votes.  This is the best reason to vote for Saxby Chambliss, which pains me to say, considering how horribly bad Saxby has been.


The Wall Street Journal says that McCain's new nickname for Barack Obama should be "Senator Government."


President Bush said this morning that capitalism is "the greatest system ever devised."  I'll tell you this afternoon what's wrong with that statement.  John Stossel makes the case for natural capitalism as well, in today's Wall Street Journal.


With "Joe the Plumber" becoming a major figure and issue in the Presidential campaign, the left is working hard to smear him.


OPEC has called for an emergency meeting after oil dropped below $70 a barrel yesterday.


A brewery in California is selling McCain and Obama beer in what they call an "alection."


It's rattlesnake mating season in Georgia.


Do you need to perform CPR on somebody?  Just play "Stayin' Alive" instead.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

McCain Wins, But Not Enough

Mercer University Professor of Political Science Dr. Greg Domin will join us during the 2:00 hour today to discuss the debate.


The real star of last night's debate was "Joe the Plumber," which McCain rightly used as criticism against Obama's plan to raise taxes on the evil rich.  Joe Wurzelbacher is the guy who doesn't like Obama's plans to raise taxes on the rich, and when he asked Obama about it the Messiah told him it is better to "spread the wealth around."  Joe has been making the rounds on TV today, including an appearance on Good Morning America in which he used the s-word that John McCain should have used last night:  socialist.  After Joe the Plumber starred in last night's debate, Joe Biden went on the Today Show this morning and questioned his credibility and his claim that he makes over $250,000 a year (then he went to his lesson on how to count).


The Democrat Senatorial Campaign Committee is running an ad on behalf of Jim Martin blatantly lying and demagoguing about the FairTax.  Here's a column about how and why the FairTax could have prevented the economic mess, and how it could get us out of it.


Guess who is giddy about the economic downturn (other than Democrats, who smell Republican blood in the water over it)?  The Communist Party USA, who remember has half-endorsed Barack Obama.

The Messiah is planning a huge party in Chicago for election night.  He wants as many people to be there to worship him on his coronation night as possible.


Pennsylvania Democrat John Murtha says that even though his district is racist, Obama will win there anyway.


The Ohio Secretary of State is going to the United States Supreme Court to challenge a requirement that she actually do her job in verifying that the people registered to vote are actually eligible to vote.


With the federal government forcibly bailing out big banks, smaller banks are none too happy that their competition is now federally subsidized.


Governor Perdue is allowing local school districts more control over their budget.  It's about time.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Debate Three Tonight

Have you noticed gas prices are down significantly lately?  Well oil is at its lowest price in over a year.  I wouldn't plan on OPEC letting that continue.


Oh no!  Madonna and Guy Ritchie are getting divorced!


Tonight is the final Presidential debate before the election.  John McCain says to expect him to bring up Bill Ayers.  I bet he doesn't do it the way that he needs to do it.


Tales from socialized medicine:  the British health care system spends money to provide private health care for government hospital staff because the wait is too long.


Glaciers in Alaska grew this year.  Nice to see that global warming is still doing its job.


The Democrats are already making plans for the New New Deal so they can have more control over your money and give themselves (and government) the credit for anything good that may ever happen.  Of course, we know that the New Deal actually prolonged the Great Depression, but you won't hear that outside of the Alternative Media.


Here's the latest from Stanley Kurtz on Obama's nefarious alliances.  Now we know that Obama, through the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, funded radical anti-American, Afrocentric ideologies.  This is starting to turn into an "Alice in Wonderland" kind of thing.


Now Newsweek is even reporting that Obama's neckties show that he is linked to the average everyday American.


A new lawsuit is trying to get ACORN broken up and prevent them from registering new voters, claiming that they are just a form of organized crime.


Barack Obama has even started advertising in video games now.  Oh, the things you can do when you don't take public financing and your supporters are willing to stoop to credit card fraud to get you money.


Monday Barack Obama met a college student who complained to him that she has student debt, and she wants help paying it off.


The worship of the Messiah has already spread to putting the Good Word in government school textbooks.


Michelle Obama, The Militant Housewife of Chicago, Illinois, showed her anger, bitterness, and, yes militancy in a telephone interview with the African Press International.


Jesse Jackson gave some revealing information about what an Obama Presidency will look like when he said that "decades of putting Israel's interests first" would end.  Remember, this is the guy who called New York City "Hymietown."  Wait until you hear what he has to say about Obama's Marxist influences.


Mike Adams has a novel idea:  to solve the immigration problem, nationalize the lawn care industry.


How about this sound byte from Democrat nominee for Senate Jim Martin?  Middle class is a state of mind, not an economic situation.


Bibb County is starting a "gun swap" program, in which people can exchange their guns for stereo equipment.


A man in Tennessee went behind his wife's back to name his daughter "Sarah McCain Palin."  I bet that's the last kid his wife makes with him.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Bush Partially Nationalizes Banks

More election-stealing news from ACORN:  They registered Mickey Mouse to vote in Florida, election officials caught a fraudulent ACORN voter casting a ballot in Ohio, and a 7-year-old girl was registered to vote in Connecticut.  Given Barack Obama's ties to and support for ACORN, it's no shock that now ACORN is trying to cozy up to John McCain.  It's the old KKK rule:  you never want to have the most hated people on your side.


Remember Mark Foley, the Republican former Congressman who resigned after trying to get too friendly with the Congressional pages?  His replacement now has a sex scandal of his own, and this one involves money.


Joe Biden says that John McCain may regret the attacks he's making on Barack Obama for the rest of his life.  That sounds like a threat.


Forty seven percent of voters think that it would be good for the economy to raise taxes on the top income earners.  Remember, they're going to be making Barack Obama the next President of the United States.


The New York Times' David Brooks points out that the Democrats will significantly grow government when they have control of the federal government.  Of course, with the Bush Administration putting money into private banks, why wait until the Democrats take control?


John McCain announced his new economic plan today, which largely included tax cuts.  Obama, on the other hand, called for a moratorium on foreclosures, which he criticized when Hillary proposed the idea.


The FBI is, for the first time, saying that the murder of two girls by their Muslim father is an honor killing.


With polling data getting increasingly tight, now Saxby Chambliss is in the "fight of his life."


The Macon Telegraph reports a sob story that low-income minority students don't get recess in school.  Aren't these the same kids who are the lowest performing academically anyway?

Monday, October 13, 2008

McCain: "Nothing to Fear" From Obama

John McCain is starting today with a new speech in an attempt to come back and fight against Obama and the Democrats.  They're calling it "hitting the reset button," but it won't change the national dialogue enough to matter.  William Kristol says that McCain's best chance would be to fire his whole dysfunctional campaign.  Really, McCain's only chance is to attack Obama for his liberalism, using his associations and alliances through the years (Ayres, Wright, Rezko, Dohrn) as evidence.  McCain could even turn to the work of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, which seeks to turn schoolchildren into left-wing "social justice" activists.


I know at least one thing:  if McCain doesn't stop telling people that they have nothing to fear from an Obama Presidency, he won't stand a chance.  Especially since the drop in the markets are due to a fear of socialism, according to Investor's Business Daily.  Why be afraid of that?  We know that the quasi-socialist New Deal extended the Great Depression by 7 years, and that it was government regulation and control that caused the economic mess to begin with.


The New York Times' Frank Rich comes just short of saying that a right-wing nut job will kill Barack Obama before the election.


Conservative columnists are already pondering the repercussions of an Obama Presidency.  Chuck Muth points out the silver linings, while Michael Barone looks at the demolition of free speech under Obama.  Democrats are already planning their post-election session in Congress to grow government and the welfare state.


Obama has a new answer for the Ayers attack:  he assumed that Ayers had been rehabilitated.  In 1998, Ayers and Dohrn said that they actually wished that they had been more militant.


Joe Biden isn't very happy about the legitimate attacks on Barack Obama.  He's also playing the class warfare card, criticizing companies and individuals for trying to avoid the confiscatory taxes in the United States.


There are 30,000 convicted felons on the voter rolls in Florida.  In other election-theft news, a federal judge in Ohio threw out an order requiring the Ohio Secretary of State to verify all new voter registrations.  In Pennsylvania, a retired Supreme Court Justice says that there probably won't be a fair election this year.  (H/T to for both)


Barack Obama may not set preconditions for talks with Iran, but Iran will set preconditions for talks with Barack Obama.


John Lewis took the opportunity this weekend to compare McCain and Palin to George Wallace.  In legitimate racial polling, Obama's race is probably going to help him on Election Day.


Check out the tolerance of liberals in Manhattan, and here's more of the left's tolerance for women.  Warning, both are graphic.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Anything Goes Friday

Here's another case of ACORN voter fraud, this one involving ACORN paying somebody to register to vote 72 times.  Remember, the Obama campaign paid them over $800,000 for "election services."


John McCain might finally be getting it on the economic situation, saying now that he plans to investigate Barney Frank and Chris Dodd.


Louis Farrakhan called Barack Obama the Messiah.


Obama tried to get Iraq to not negotiate with the Bush Administration over a concrete deal for the future of American troops there.


The Obama campaign sent the Secret Service to investigate somebody who was critical of the Messiah.


According to libertarian Steve Chapman, the bailout has failed because it leaves too much uncertainty as to the extent of government involvement in the market.  Meanwhile, the Washington Post is wondering out loud whether this will spell the end of American capitalism.


Republican consultant Christopher Coffey has some advice for how the McCain campaign can still win the election.  It doesn't involve ACORN, Bill Ayres, or Jeremiah Wright.  He wants McCain to talk about the economy, and Chris Cillizza says that's why the Ayres attack won't work.  Meanwhile, Investor's Business Daily points out that Ayres has only changed his tactics, not his radicalism.


The former Comptroller is pointing out the problems the United States faces with entitlement spending.  He's right when he says nobody will bail us out; nobody will be able to bail us out.


As the only local radio personality there, I will talk today about last night's Senate and Congressional debates.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Obama Was a Member of Socialist New Party

Democrat strategists are starting to think that the Presidential election will be a landslide, unless there is a terrorist attack.  Jonathan Martin at Politico says that McCain is in a no-win situation; he'll be accused of being a racist if he does what he needs to do to win, and that is attack him on his associations.


Even Barack Obama was surprised that John McCain didn't attack him on his association with unrepentant Marxist terrorist Bill Ayres.  The thing is, McCain doesn't have to attach Obama to the terrorist Ayres; he only has to attach Obama to the radical socialist education agenda that Ayres and Obama were pushing together.  The New York Times is trying their best to clear Obama for his connection to Ayres, but it's not going to stop us in the alternative media.


Now evidence has surfaced that Barack Obama was a member of the socialist New Party in Chicago early in his political career.  Do you think the uppity mainstream media will report this the way that they reported (with less evidence) Todd Palin's alleged membership in the Alaska Independence Party?


The Sheriff of Cook County, Illinois (that's Chicago) will not evict people living in foreclosed homes.


A group of left-wing activists in Illinois tried to survive on $25 for food a week, which is what food stamp recipients get.  Of course the point of this is to try to get more money for food stamp recipients.


Speaking of left-wing activists, ACORN is being caught on more and more charges of voter fraud across the country, especially in Ohio, where they hounded people to fill out voter registration cards even if they were already registered, then claimed that they have no way to not commit voter fraud.  In Indianapolis, they've even achieved the goal of getting 105% of the city registered to vote.


If you want a look into the liberal mind, here's a list of things that liberals wish they could say in public.  Now imagine these people in control of the White House and the US House with a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate.


Uh-oh, oil prices are getting too low.  OPEC is considering an emergency meeting to try to line their own pockets.


With the passage of the bailout bill last week, the Bush Administration is now considering taking ownership stakes in some banks.


Liberals don't understand guns.  Is it any surprise that the NRA didn't endorse Obama?


Tonight is the political forum at the Georgia National Fair.  I'll be there, and I'll cover it tomorrow.


House Minority Leader John Boehner visited Warner Robins yesterday to publicly announce that Rick Goddard will sit on the House Armed Services Committee if he is elected to Congress.


Saxby Chambliss leads by six points in the latest Rasmussen poll.


Who would have thought that beer would be a better investment than stock?