Friday, October 10, 2008

Anything Goes Friday

Here's another case of ACORN voter fraud, this one involving ACORN paying somebody to register to vote 72 times.  Remember, the Obama campaign paid them over $800,000 for "election services."


John McCain might finally be getting it on the economic situation, saying now that he plans to investigate Barney Frank and Chris Dodd.


Louis Farrakhan called Barack Obama the Messiah.


Obama tried to get Iraq to not negotiate with the Bush Administration over a concrete deal for the future of American troops there.


The Obama campaign sent the Secret Service to investigate somebody who was critical of the Messiah.


According to libertarian Steve Chapman, the bailout has failed because it leaves too much uncertainty as to the extent of government involvement in the market.  Meanwhile, the Washington Post is wondering out loud whether this will spell the end of American capitalism.


Republican consultant Christopher Coffey has some advice for how the McCain campaign can still win the election.  It doesn't involve ACORN, Bill Ayres, or Jeremiah Wright.  He wants McCain to talk about the economy, and Chris Cillizza says that's why the Ayres attack won't work.  Meanwhile, Investor's Business Daily points out that Ayres has only changed his tactics, not his radicalism.


The former Comptroller is pointing out the problems the United States faces with entitlement spending.  He's right when he says nobody will bail us out; nobody will be able to bail us out.


As the only local radio personality there, I will talk today about last night's Senate and Congressional debates.

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