Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Obama's First 100 Days

With just 6 days left until the election, what can you expect early in an Obama Administration?  Pat Buchanan tells us about Obama's first 100 days.  Also, here's an underreported issue:  what Barack Obama will do to the court system.  The relevant background is that Obama had an affinity for Marxists in college and spoke at the Chicago chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America in 1996.  Don't expect to hear this in the uppity mainstream media.


Just so you know who'll be electing Obama, a judge in Ohio has ruled that homeless people can list a park bench as their address to register to vote.


Erick Erickson at still seems confident, with some of the polls (including Rasmussen and Gallup) moving towards McCain and the accuracy of the polling coming into question.


There is more talk of problems within the McCain-Palin campaign.  Some of the McCain aides don't like Sarah.


With Lieberman's support of John McCain, the Democrats are looking at removing him from his chairmanship on the Senate Homeland Security Committee.  The Hill has the coverage of all the shuffles the Democrats are considering.


The bailout bill has become a free-for-all.  I told you so.


Bubble-headed bimbo actress Hayden Panettiere says she wants to pay higher taxes.  Go ahead; nothing's stopping you.


Joe Biden had a little slip-up yesterday, saying that Obama would cut taxes for those making less than $150,000 a year.  The New York Post points out that the Democrats will raise taxes, and that the American people have been warned about it.


Elizabeth Edwards criticized both Obama and McCain for viewing health care as a commodity rather than as a right.


SurveyUSA has a new poll out for the Marshall-Goddard Congressional race that shows Marshall up by 4 points, within the margin of error.


The Governor's Office of Consumer Affairs is investigating 166 gas stations for "price gouging" after Hurricane Ike.  Wait until I tell you about how the penalties are determined.  (H/T PeachPundit)


Scientific researchers have found that women wearing red look better to men.

1 comment:

knowitall said...

Wait a minute, a homeless person can list a park bench as their address and vote? What is this? I swear the liberal illuminati are looking out for those who don't want to better themselves.