Tuesday, September 22, 2009

ACORN's Rolodex

Here's a theory worth considering:  fewer traffic rules make for better behavior and safer driving.  Albany, Oregon is thinking about emulating the Dutch experiment in that town.  (Thanks to Justin for the tip)


Even the Washington Post is wondering why President Obama is starting to waffle on Afghanistan, and General McChrystal is threatening to resign his command if he is not given the resources to be victorious there.


Tales from socialized medicine:  One out of six patients in the British National Health Service is misdiagnosed.


Guess who is in ACORN CEO Bertha Lewis' rolodex?  Would you believe that the guy who holds Karl Rove's old job is in there?  Most of the members of Congress who voted against defunding ACORN have offices in their districts.


The Congressional Budget Office predicts that Social Security will see deficits starting next year, and may never see surpluses again.


Obama wants to push for a new economic world order at the G20 later this week.


American taxpayers are paying millions of dollars to keep tyrants and despots safe at the United Nations.


The Godfather President is investigating an insurance company for having the audacity to send a mailer critical of the government takeover of health care.


Would anybody be surprised if there were earmarks in the health care bill?  I didn't think so.


The uninsured are only responsible for about 17% of emergency room visits.


Obama's Energy Secretary compared the American people to teenagers.


Obama is still wedded to this global warming nonsense, and he's making some promises that he knows he won't be able to keep.


The international press is starting to catch on to the fact that Obama is weak.  Don't expect to get this from the leftwing media here.


Americans are more likely to believe that government is doing too much.  Two out of every three voters are angry about the policies of the federal government, but 60% don't believe either major party has the answers.


There may be an actual coup coming in Honduras, with the help of the Obama administration.


I love this column:  Jimmy Carter is the poster boy for racism.


With the flooding already present in Middle Georgia, we should be prepared for more rain this year and into the winter.


Warner Robins followed Perry as the second city in Houston County to join a program to prevent city services from going to criminal aliens.


You can Kanye West your website!

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