Thursday, September 24, 2009

Government Schools Teach Kids to Praise Dear Leader

While health insurance company Humana is being investigated for telling seniors that the Democrats' plans for health care will cut benefits for them, the Democrats are working on a bill in the Senate Finance Committee that will cut $500 billion from Medicare.


The House Bill, which Nancy Pelosi wants to make more liberal, will destroy jobs, income, and economic activity, according to the Heritage Foundation.


ACORN is suing James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles, along with Andrew Breitbart, for the sting videos.  They have no standing for the suit, so this should be fun.  ACORN is also a tax cheat, so let's get that admitted in a court of law, shall we?  Unfortunately, the bill to defund ACORN could have some unintended consequences.


Government school students in New Jersey were forced to sing a rap about President Obama (including his middle name!) that, among other things, praises his great accomplishments.  Can anybody say brainwashing?  Another government school teacher used Obama's healthcare speech for a class quiz.


The United States will issue $7,000,000,000,000 in debt bonds in Fiscal Year 2009.


President Obama's policies would redistribute nearly $1 trillion in wealth every year.


New York Governor David Paterson admits what happens when you raise taxes on the rich.


Environmentalists want to control what kind of toilet paper you use.


At the UN meeting, President Obama is refusing to meet with British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, which the British press is calling "unforgivable."  Try getting any support from them on any of your international agenda now, Mr. President.


Obama quoted Ronald Reagan today to say that we have to get rid of nuclear weapons.  He still doesn't get it.


Would-be Honduran dictator Manuel Zelaya claims that he is being tortured and that "Israeli mercenaries" are trying to assassinate him.  At least Hugo Chavez taught him who to blame for international sympathy.


Here's another study showing that charter school students outperform their peers in regular government schools.


The "stimulus" bill has created over 25,000 jobs, all of them for the federal government.


Social Security is headed towards fiscal insolvency.  The only way to fix this massive Ponzi scheme is privatization.


A Census worker has been found hanged in Kentucky.  How long until talk radio is blamed for this?


There could be another very large wave of real estate foreclosures coming.  Remember, government is to blame for all of this.


Almost 90% of Americans think that the media helped get Obama elected.

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