Not only will there not be a CBO study of the cost of the Senate Finance Healthcare bill, there also won't actually be a bill.
The Old and Senile wing of the Democrat Party appears to be getting kickbacks from the Obama administration in exchange for their support for their brand of reform.
CNN Reporter Babe Gloria Borger wants Obama to be the Godfather President in dealing with Congress. After all, she's invested in the guy, and Congress is getting in the way of him succeeding.
Obama told the United Nations not to expect the United States to fix everything (or anything, under this President). He also attacked Israel. Muammar Qaddafi followed Obama, criticizing the United Nations and even establishing himself as a birther. While they're talking about global warming, Fidel Castro praised Obama even as the UN leaves a huge carbon footprint. Of course, carbon dioxide doesn't have anything to do with "climate change."
Chris "Tingle" Matthews warns that talk radio will "pay" if there is any anti-Obama violence. The left-wing media is now cheering for Obama to get shot. Transportation Secretary and Token Republican calls talk radio "trash talk."
Sarah Palin gave a speech in Hong Kong in which she extolled the virtues of freedom and earned the description of a "libertarian."
The FCC Diversity Czar says that white people should be forced to step down from positions of power so we can spread that around too. He's also not a fan of the First Amendment.
The Justice Department is reconsidering the policy of state secrecy. This administration is only transparent when it can jeopardize national security.
Reps. Barney Frank and John Conyers want to investigate James O'Keefe and Hannah Giles for their ACORN stings.
President Obama will spend more on welfare next year than Bush spent on the entire Iraq war.
Apparently toll lanes on highways are racist.
Now the government needs a bailout.
Congress flew tattered flags over Congressional office buildings. That seems somewhat appropriate, considering what they do to the Constitution on a daily business while in session.
Georgia has only the 29th best business tax climate.
A man in Chattanooga is still missing, and probably dead, because he decided to try to swim through flood waters. He deserves a Darwin Award, and at least the news story makes it clear that he was not drinking at the time.
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