Monday, September 07, 2009

Labor Day At Lowe Toyota

I'm back at Lowe Toyota today—come see me!


The White House has released the text of Obama's speech to the children tomorrow, and just as I suspected, it is mostly harmless.


I don't celebrate Labor Day, but I do celebrate the fact that labor unions are at an all-time low approval rating.  Clown Prince Vice President Joe Biden spoke to union members this morning, and President Obama used the occasion to name a new Manufacturing Czar to replace ousted Green Jobs Czar, racist, 9/11 Truther, and far-left kook fringe liberal Van Jones. 


Even though liberals are still pushing Obama to require the government option, the administration is once again floating the idea that it may not be mandatory for a reform bill.


A pro-nationalized-health-care doctor in Mississippi wants people who don't want a government takeover of health care to opt out of Medicare.  I'll gladly do that, as long as it means I don't have to continue paying taxes for it.  Can I do the same with Social Security?


Apparently Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA) gets it.  He says that the Constitution doesn't say anything about health care.

Nobel Laureate says that the Obama administration is making many of the same mistakes politicians in the 1930s did to turn a recession into a depression.  As the Wall Street Journal says, it's not too late to stop spending the "stimulus" money and cut taxes instead.


Obama is going to become the first US President to chair a meeting of the UN Security Council.  I'm sure that will make them like us.  This is the same UN that named Fidel Castro a "World Hero of Solidarity."


A plurality of voters blame global warming on planetary trends, not on humans.


We have a bit more information on why Sen. Jeff Chapman joined the race for Governor.  I'm still scratching my head, but he seems like a decent candidate.


Clifford Holmes has already started the attacks on Mayor Donald Walker.

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