Friday, January 25, 2008

NYT Endorses McCain

Al Gore, the High Priest of the Global Warming Religion, has increased his apocalyptic rhetoric to new heights.  Now, the polar ice caps will be gone in five years.  This despite the fact that there has been no global warming in a decade.


Speaking of Al Gore, Bono admitted that he has to confess his carbon-emitting sins to the High Priest.  I told you people, it’s a religion.


The British government now has plans to pay people to lose weight.


Dennis Kucinich has dropped out of the Presidential race.  Will anybody notice?


Because of the closeness of both Presidential races, Super Tuesday may not produce a clear frontrunner because of the delegate count.  Keep an eye on the media’s horse race, however; McCain is third in delegates right now but portrayed as the frontrunner.


Republicans in Arkansas did not like Mike Huckabee as Governor.  The picture they paint of him is somebody who could destroy the Republican Party as President.


John McCain’s mother says that McCain the candidate does not have support from the Republican base.  McCain does have support from the editorial board of the New York Times, but not from the board of the Washington Times.


Good news for McCain, however:  Florida, with their Hispanic population, is one state where immigration will not hurt him.


Dick Morris writes about how Hillary will lose South Carolina, and use that to win the nomination.


Democrat voters want socialized medicine twice as much as Republican voters.  Are we supposed to be surprised by this?


Republicans debated last night, but they couldn’t get Hillary out of their minds.  Again, I ask:  where is the conservative?


The Senate is upset that colleges are building their endowments while increasing tuition.  Why is it any of their business?


Peggy Noonan says that President Bush “destroyed the Republican Party.”  Bush just proved her right by proposing doubling the amount of taxpayer dollars sent overseas to fight AIDS.


Not drilling in ANWR could cost $3 trillion in the long term.


In local news, Bibb County has been named one of the 100 best communities for young people in 2008.  That says horrible things about the rest of the United States.


An IT worker in Poland proved that snail-mail is actually slower than snails.


Teen tramp Jamie Lynn Spears is going to give her baby to her mother.  It is probably her mother’s fault that she’s in this situation to begin with.

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