Monday, January 28, 2008

Obama Wins SC Big; FL Tomorrow

This weekend, Barack Obama took more than twice as many votes as Hillary Clinton in the South Carolina Democrat primary.  Bill responded by comparing Obama to Jesse Jackson.


Bill Clinton claims that his wife is not a polarizing figure, but has just been portrayed that way by the vast right wing conspiracy.


Things are starting to fall apart for the Clintons:  The Kennedys are lining up behind Barack Obama, as is Toni Morrison, who called Bill Clinton the nation’s “first black president.”


Now that she’s won Michigan and is leading in Florida, Hillary wants those two states to have their delegates reinstated.  It’s all about power with this woman, not principle.


John McCain is attacking Mitt Romney, comparing him to the Democrats.  Is it over Romney’s socialized medicine scheme, the cost of which will skyrocket next year?  No, it’s a distortion of his Iraq policy.  Isn’t this the first time McCain has ever criticized anybody for being too much of a Democrat?


Speaking of Romney, Vice President Cheney’s lesbian daughter has joined his campaign.  As if Romney didn’t have enough problems with the Christofascists.


John McCain, who has become the pick of the GOP establishment, picked up the endorsements of Florida Sen. Mel Martinez and Gov. Charlie Crist.


The Atlanta Journal-Constitution’s Jim Wooten writes that it is time to wean Americans of their dependency on big government.  I don’t see either of the two major parties trying to do that, preferring to pander to those who suckle at the government teat.


Ruben Navarrette also writes on “The Scary Sense of American Entitlement.”  Now if only the entitled voters would understand (or stop voting).


Islamists had planned on attacking transportation systems across Europe, including in Spain, until they were arrested.  Wasn’t ignoring the threat of Islamic terrorism supposed to make Europeans safe?


Islamists in Bangladesh tried to burn a woman alive to keep her from converting from Islam to Christianity.  This is what dhimmitude is like.


President Bush gives his final State of the Union Address tonight.


Blacks see a kind of “financial apartheid” in this subprime mortgage mess.  They think that, even though they took loans they knew they couldn’t repay, the government should bail them out, just like the “victims” of Katrina.  Will the entitlement mentality never end?


The mortgage “crisis” has created a ghost town in a suburb of Cleveland.  But remember, it’s the fault of the greedy banks (who are losing money) and the evil Republicans.


Toyota beat General Motors for the first time in global car sales.  It doesn’t hurt matters that they just make better cars.


An entrepreneur wants to build a 16-mile-long tunnel under Long Island Sound—with absolutely no taxpayer money.  That, my friends, is how to build a road; free market solutions!


Georgia is the last state to mandate the use of seat belts in pickup trucks.  Unfortunately, the meddling state legislature wants to change that.


A man has been charged with involuntary manslaughter and reckless endangerment after a kinky sex practice ended with his wife dead.


Apes are better at rapid memorization than humans.

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