Thursday, October 15, 2009

Obama To Control Your TV

With the health insurance industry issuing another rent-seeking report, Democrats are trying to repeal the antitrust exemption for insurance companies.  Senate Democrats are looking to preserve Medicare entitlement spending that they plan to cut in the ObamaCare bill, which would undo any of the potential spending cuts that would be made to make the bill "deficit neutral." 


Since there will not be a cost of living raise for Social Security this year, President Obama wants to send every Social Security recipient a $250 check.


Hillary Clinton is now personally more popular than President Obama.


Sen. Lindsey Graham (RINO-SC) is working extra hard on that permanent minority status.

Cap-and-tax will hurt the United States' economy, according to the Congressional Budget Office.


Even though the amount of ice in the Arctic Ocean has increased, some breather scientists say that within a decade there will be no ice in the Arctic during the summer.  Meanwhile, wood is coming back as a power source as part of the left's efforts to push us back to the Stone Age.  California is set to ban big screen televisions because they use too much electricity.


This year's Atlantic hurricane season has been virtually nonexistent.

Yesterday I warned you about the Value-Added Tax.  Here's why you should be concerned about it.


Now the left thinks that the military is racist against Obama.  I think their disagreements with Obama stem more from weakness, like the fact that Obama is considering getting rid of the preemptive strike doctrine.


The left is going to control your television set next week.  I'm glad I'll miss this one.


The "stimulus" package has only created 30,383 jobs, at a cost of $71,500 per job.  Maybe that's why President Obama is looking at any way he can find to create jobs.  He's getting desperate.


Sens. Chris Dodd (D-CT) and Johnny Isakson (RINO-GA) are teaming up to work on a second stimulus package.

That apartment complex in Oregon that had banned American flags has changed its mind.  Sunlight is the best disinfectant.


Mexicans say that "Mexican-Americans" owe more loyalty to Mexico than the United States.  If you asked them they would probably also say that the southwestern United States should still belong to Mexico.


An evil oil company is going to build the largest ships ever constructed to harvest natural gas.


A kooky church in North Carolina plans to burn Bibles because they're not the "real" Bible.  In Lexington, Georgia, a parent is protesting the fact that an evangelical group was allowed to give out Bibles to students.  I wonder how that parent felt about President Obama speaking to her children?


Apparently seniors are an important enough interest group to have their own forum for candidates for Warner Robins mayor.


Middle school students are being asked to take a pledge to never bring a gun to school or use a gun to solve a problem.  I bet that'll be about as effective as abstinence pledges.


John "the Fascist" Oxendine's father was kicked off the board of a nonprofit organization after agreeing to pay a fellow board member nearly $400,000.


Georgia's unemployment rate stayed steady last month, even though more jobs were lost.

1 comment:

J_in_Perry said...

Getting rid of the pre-emptive strike doctrine? Good riddance. Self-defense only, Jeff