Tuesday, October 13, 2009

ObamaCare Will Pass Committee

Last night the health insurance industry released a report showing how much more Americans are going to pay for health insurance as a result of the Baucus bill, and the Democrats were not happy with it.  By 2019 the average family will spend an extra $4,000 on health insurance, which the Democrats say will be subsidized by taxpayers so it won't seem so bad.  The Reason Foundation says that what insurance companies really want is a stronger individual mandate and larger subsidies, and the Cato Institute says that this may be what ultimately kills ObamaCare.  What should kill it is the experience of RomneyCare, where their state health plan is already starting to ration care, just like they do in Britain, where a grandfather was sent to his death by their government health care system..


The "stimulus" has primarily helped to save jobs of government school teachers and administrators.  These are the same government school teachers and administrators that suspended an Eagle Scout over a pocket knife left in his car and suspended a Cub Scout for taking a camping utensil to school to eat his lunch.


The White House has been attacking Fox News.  What would the Nobel committee say?


Criminal aliens are going to be housed in hotels.


The military wants a new bunker-buster fast.  They deny that Iran is the reason for the urgency, but really, does it matter why they want it?  It will make for great explosion porn.


A new study is out from Britain that says that welfare destroys the work ethic.


The United Auto Workers gave up nothing in terms of base pay, health or pension benefits in their "concessions" to the automakers.


Obama's advisor on Muslim affairs loves Sharia law.  She wants to be an oppressed woman.


Some members of Congress are considering a tax credit for your pets.  This is another stupid idea, although not as stupid as most that Congress has.


Fox News reports on the waste of tax dollars to guarantee air service to small towns.  Macon is one of those small towns.


The state claims that the "stimulus" package employed over 10,700 young people through a summer jobs program.  At least they're going to stop using roadside signs to advertise the pork from the "stimulus" bill.


Do you want to know how to get money from your neighbors' wallets?  Ask Johnny Isakson!


Overly offended people with racial chips on their shoulders are still demanding that Valdosta's school superintendent resign because the Obama speech was not shown to students there.


Apparently City Clerk Stan Martin and his accomplice from the IT department were looking for Donald Walker's hidden treasure during their break-in of the mayor's office.  I don't care what they were looking for; this was just stupid.

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