Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Feeling Stimulated Yet?

Today is the anniversary of the signing of the "stimulus" law last year, and more people believe that Bush blew up the World Trade Center than believe that the "stimulus" has created jobs.  The White House is claiming that they have created or saved 2 million jobs, at an average cost of over $96,000 per job.  The private sector, on the other hand, can create jobs for an average of about $31,200.  As the "stimulus" money is going to slashed government programs, Democrats are (rightly) criticizing Republicans as hypocritical for opposing "stimulus" while still getting the pork projects for their districts and states.  The number of voters who think that the "stimulus" helped and who think that it hurt are a statistical tie.


What happens when you use class warfare as the basis for your tax policy?  People with wealth use it to leave.


Most Americans believe that nobody should pay over 50% of their income in taxes to the federal, state, and local government combined.  They don't realize that it's getting close to being too late for the evil, hated, nasty rich.


Economists are predicting doomsday as the only way to handle the national debt.  Meanwhile, The Mistake is setting up a deficit commission to recommend tax hikes to deal with the deficit and foreign countries are starting to get nervous about the United States' ability to repay its debt.


The TSA is going to start swabbing airline passengers' hands looking for explosives.  This makes a lot more sense than the full-body scanners.


The report from a formerly leading global warming alarmist scientist that the earth has not warmed since 1995 has been mostly ignored by the navel-gazing media.  At least NBC noted that the problematic ice resurfacing machines being used at the Winter Olympics were the environmentally friendly machines.


Here's what union leaders really think about taxpayers.


The next fiscal time bomb will probably be government pensions.


This is scary stuff:  The government has your baby's DNA.


Senators Saxby Chambliss and Johnny Isakson know not to use the word "Obama" in their press releases praising the loan guarantees for Plant Vogtle.


There is strong opposition under the Gold Dome to Governor Perdue's proposed hospital tax.


Governor Perdue released his transportation bill last night.  Here's the full text, but pay special attention to the first few pages.


Tomorrow will mark the midpoint in the General Assembly's session, and what have they done?  Well, not much, it seems.


The Warner Robins City Council took up the incredibly important issues last night of spending $50,000 for renovations for a city pool and getting an update on the G-RAMP boondoggle.  The most important issue facing the City Council, the Law Enforcement Complex, will have to wait until the City Council's retreat next month.


The man who is supposed to be Mayor Shaheen's point man on G-RAMP still can't provide any proof that jobs will be created if G-RAMP happens.

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