Monday, February 08, 2010

Liberals Love Socialism

A majority of both Democrats and liberals have a favorable view of socialism.


President Obama predicted that the Colts would win the Super Bowl.  He really does have a kiss of death, doesn't he?


The "Green Police" ad last night cut too close to home for me.  It's what the enviro-nuts really want to see happen.


China holds a very powerful and very dangerous weapon over the United States:  the debt bomb.


Even Republicans who claim to love to cut spending don't want to see their favored spending get cut.


After the Tea Party convention allowed itself to be hijacked by the birther nutcase Joseph Farah of World Nut Daily, I am almost ashamed to have been a part of the Tea Party movement.


The recession has been over for a while in the government sector; in fact, recession seems to be the boom-time for government employees.  Meanwhile, the number of people on food stamps has reached a new record.  Social Security is on the brink of bankruptcy.


The Mistake is trying to extend an olive branch to Republicans in an attempt to be bipartisan.  If Republicans are smart, they won't fall for this.


While Washington is buried under snowmageddon (I'll explain the difference between snowmageddon and snowpocalypse on the air today), we are reminded that RFK Jr. a little over a year ago told us that there would be no more snow in Washington thanks to global warming.  Even though the head of the IPCC is telling skeptics to rub their faces in asbestos, we really are witnessing the collapse of the global warming movement.


Republicans are actively recruiting people to run for Congress who have never held political office before.


Iran is going to start enriching uranium to 20%, which is more enrichment than is ever needed for power production.  They're also threatening to deliver a punch that will stun the West later this week.  How long will we continue to tolerate these nutcases?


You really can be bored to death.  The cure for this is listening to the Jeff Scott Show every afternoon.


Beer may be good for your bones.


The Macon Telegraph had two fluff pieces on Rep. Jim Marshall on Saturday that detailed Marshall's opposition to Obama's budget and his support of paygo rules for Congress.  They left out that in the same vote that required paygo Marshall was supporting a $1.9 trillion increase in the national debt.


The Walking Ethics Complaint, John Oxendine, had a special "personal interest" in an investigation involving the doctor who took him to the Oscars.  This is why so many Republicans are starting to cringe over the fact that he is still considered the front-runner.


Rep. Larry O'Neal (R-Bonaire) is sponsoring a bill to try to better enforce the state sales tax.


Opposition is building to Governor Perdue's plan to restructure state government to give the Governor the power to appoint some currently elected offices.  Apparently opposition from some "big names" in the tea party movement is what will ultimately kill it.


Sen. Emanuel Jones (D-Decatur) wants to limit the abuses of zero tolerance policies at schools.


A ballot access bill has been proposed in the General Assembly that would give parties other than the Republicans and Democrats an easier ability to run candidates for state offices.


The AJC points out that the first quarter of this legislative session has been really boring.


Cordele is looking at becoming an "inland port" city.  This could be a great opportunity, but hopefully it doesn't spend tax dollars to do it.


The Cobb County School System is defending its decision to put new artificial turf on all of their high school athletic fields.  Houston County should look into this.


Houston County Schools employees will see less money in their paychecks starting this month.  Is that the world's smallest violin I hear playing?


The Warner Robins City Council is going to take a look at the Law Enforcement Center at their meeting tonight.  Expect them to try to move it away from Perkins Field.


Houston County will be defending itself in the Georgia Supreme Court tomorrow because they used I-75 as a revenue enhancer.

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