Friday, May 29, 2009

Anything Goes Friday!

We will have the guys from on the show during the second hour today.


The federal government's obligations increased to $63,800,000,000,000 last year, an increase of 12%.  I don't expect to hear any real concerns from Washington.


Government Motors is headed towards bankruptcy court after first bondholders and now the United Auto Workers agree to the deal that will leave the federal government with 72.5% ownership of the new company.  Here are the concessions from the UAW.  GM can't even show how they've spent the bailout money.


Republicans are trying to figure out how to "tone down" criticism of Sonia Sotomayor.  This is a losing strategy.  Democrats are busy trying to explain away her racist comments saying that she is better than others just because of the color of her skin and the equipment between her legs.


The Obama administration has resorted to making stuff up to justify bankrupting America with their "stimulus" package.


President Obama will name a new "cyber czar" meant to protect computer networks.  Does anybody else worry about Big Brother?


According to environmentalists, 315,000 people die each year due to "global warming."  They came up with a new UN climate treaty that allows China and the United Arab Emirates to emit as many greenhouse gases as they please, while cracking down on the United States.


The Obama Justice Department has dropped all charges against the New Black Panther Party for voter intimidation on Election Day in Philadelphia last year.  Even liberals are offended by this one.


Germany will not take any prisoners from Guantanamo Bay.


A reporter was dragged away from Air Force One yesterday after a confrontation with a White House staffer.  Unfortunately, the world knows that she was from Macon.


Obama says that health care has to be done this year, or it may never be done.  Do you think he's seeing the end of the honeymoon?


Rasmussen did a poll on a national sales tax, and a plurality of Americans would support it if it replaced the income tax.  Republicans should be paying attention.


Check out the Army's new weapon.  Sweet!


A man in Oregon called 911 because he claims McDonald's messed up his order.


A 29-year-old in Tennessee has fathered 21 children with 11 different brood mares.


Unemployment in Central Georgia is starting to level off, even dropping in Warner Robins.


The GBI says that Congressman Sanford Bishop did nothing illegal in the Muscogee County Marshal's Office.  That's a shame, because I was looking forward to this whole investigation.


Governor Perdue is forcing state agencies to cut 25% next month.  It's a shame the cuts aren't permanent.


Robins Air Force Base opened a new commissary yesterday.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

GM Bondholders Cave to Administration Demands

President Obama travelled to Las Vegas and Los Angeles the last two days, raising money for Harry Reid and the Democrat Party.  It will cost taxpayers at least $265,000 for just one leg of that trip.  The White House justified the trip by having some "official" remarks on solar energy while in Nevada.  While in Los Angeles Obama told attendees that "You ain't seen nothing yet."  Just wait until they socialize health care.


Obama Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor went to the left of the Ninth Circus Court of Appeals in a decision on the Second Amendment.  She has also ruled against a government school student who was forbidden from running for student government after making comments critical of school officials.  Abortion rights supporters are not convinced on Sotomayor yet, so she might even get a challenge from the left.  Meanwhile, the White House is doing rhetorical gymnastics in an attempt to defend Sotomayor's racist statement about a Latina woman making better decisions than a white man.  They are also warning opponents to be "careful" in opposing Sotomayor, and it looks like Republican Senators might back off of opposing her.  Already 87% of Americans believe that she will be confirmed, including me.


Clown Prince Vice President Joe Biden is the latest person to make a joke about Barack's Teleprompter.


GM bondholders have been "encouraged" to accept the latest bankruptcy deal that will leave the federal government in control of 72.5% of the company.  Meanwhile, a plurality of Michiganders believes that the Obama administration has harmed the domestic auto industry.  Meanwhile, more evidence continues to surface that the list of cut Chrysler dealers was politically motivated.


Nancy Pelosi went to China to talk about "global warming."  She says that "every aspect of our lives must be subjected to an inventory."  If only the Chi-Coms would just keep her there…


The Obama administration is not inviting the Queen of England, who actually served in World War II, to D-Day festivities.


A CNBC reporter was reprimanded by the Saudi Oil Minister for calling OPEC a "cartel."  Meanwhile, the cartel is pushing oil prices above $65 per barrel.


Only 37% of Americans believe that the country is headed in the right direction.


Congressman and candidate for Governor Nathan Deal says that his introduction of the birthright citizenship bill has nothing to do with political timing for his run for Governor.  The bill itself has nothing to do with his run for Governor, so I believe him.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Affirmative Action Supreme Court Nominee

More information is constantly emerging about Obama's Supreme Court pick, Sonia Sotomayor.  On the appeals court level she has already gone one-up on the Kelo decision, and she has sided with fish over humans in the last two years, so she's not a fan of property rights and she will support environmentalists.  Apparently she isn't a remarkable judge, as even liberals are attacking her for lacking "intellectual depth."  Basically, she's the affirmative action nominee, just like Barack Obama is the affirmative action President.  Liberals attacked Miguel Estrada, another Hispanic who happens to be a conservative, in 2003 as an "affirmative action candidate."  There are, of course, plenty of questions to ask Sotomayor, which will come up in the Judiciary Committee hearings, but already there are allegations and defenses of "judicial activism," even though I don't think anybody knows what it really means.  I'll tell you today.


North Korea says that it will no longer abide by the armistice that ended the Korean War in 1953, as they continue to test fire missiles.  Russia is even preparing for the possibility of a nuclear conflict on the Korean peninsula.  The Obama Administration, on the other hand, is treating this as nothing but "bluster" and "nastiness."  It also doesn't help that the Obama Administration isn't even sure who's really in control in North Korea.  Don't you feel safe with this guy in office?


It looks like GM will end up in bankruptcy after all, but the government could end up with up to 69% ownership.  Meanwhile, in the continuing fight over Chrysler, it turns out that it was not the company's decision to cut dealerships (that means it was the Obama administration's decision), and that profitable dealerships might have been cut to benefit big Democrat donors.  There has been no transparency on how those decisions were made.


The latest idea to stop "global warming" is to force everybody to paint their roofs white.


Obama's newest czar is the "cyber czar," with authority to develop strategies to protect both government and private computer networks.


The explosion of the national debt threatens America, according to the Financial Times.  China has even warned the Federal Reserve to stop "printing money" to handle the debt, and on Capitol Hill Democrats are pushing for a Value Added Tax.  I'll explain what that is on the show today.


Democrats in California are upset that President Obama has not snapped his fingers and made everything better for them.


Some states are considering basing funding for government-run colleges and universities on graduation rates.  I have another idea just for Georgia:  Force a student who doesn't finish college to repay their HOPE grants.


A hospital administrator in Texas was forced to take down an American flag because others found it "offensive."


Roland Burris was caught on a wiretap offering Robert Blagojevich campaign cash for Rod Blagojevich in exchange for Obama's Senate seat.


Congressman Jim Marshall is defending the Obama administration's "tax cuts" in an attempt to marginalize the Tea Party movement.  Remember, the next one is coming up on June 30.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Obama Picks Supreme Court Justice

President Obama's pick for the Supreme Court, Sonia Sotomayor, is just what we expected:  a far-left liberal who is also a payoff to certain interest groups (namely women and Hispanics).  We have a big stack on her today, including her belief that a minority can render better decisions than a white male and that policy is made by courts.  She recently rejected a reverse discrimination case, but she has almost nothing on abortion.  Even liberals have criticized her for being intellectually shallow.  Here are some of her other opinions, including one in which she held that the Second Amendment only applies to the federal government.  As of Sunday, before the nominee was known, Republicans were still threatening a filibuster.


North Korea tested a nuclear weapon over the holiday weekend, giving the United States less than an hour's worth of notice before detonation.  President Obama calls it a "grave concern," and the UN Security Council has sent Kim Jong "Mentally" Il a letter telling them how angry they are.  The Norks responded by test-firing more missiles.  Meanwhile, "Crazy" Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says that the debate over the Iranian nuclear program is "over" and that they will pursue nukes, rejecting efforts by the West to negotiate the program.


Transportation Secretary and Obama Administration token Republican Ray Lahood wants to "coerce people out of their cars."


The British government is trying to get rid of certain foods because they are considered bad for the environment.  Global warming is all about control, not about saving the planet.  Al Gore is pushing business leaders to ask for global warming action, saying that "Mother Nature does not do bailouts."


The state of Maryland raised taxes on its richest citizens, and—surprise!—those evil, nasty, filthy, stinking rich people left.  British banks are threatening to turn down American clients if the Obama administration follows through on its plan to track American earnings wherever they go around the world.


President Obama admits that the United States is out of money.  This could get even worse as more Americans start claiming early retirement from Social Security.


The Saudi Arabian Oil Minister says that oil will reach $75 per barrel.  It's ok, you can go on thinking it's the oil companies who are the bad guys.


Nearly half of Americans oppose closing the prison at Guantanamo Bay, and only 25% believe that Guantanamo has weakened national security.


It looks like an immigration "reform" bill will wait until the fall.


It appears that some political motivations were considered in choosing which Chrysler dealerships were closed.  A vast majority of them were Republican donors.


At least 35 states have seen legislation introduced this year to assert states' power under the United States Constitution.


Taxes pay for $25 million in lobbyist salaries in the state of Georgia.


Oh boy, another story about segregated proms in Georgia that makes the northeast liberal elite laugh at us.


Rep. Nathan Deal, a candidate for Governor next year, has introduced a bill to end citizenship for anchor babies.  Can we get him to just run for Senate instead?


The Georgia DOT will start selling advertising space on their HERO trucks


Warner Robins is going to receive more "stimulus" money.


An adult novelty store has opened on Watson Boulevard in Warner Robins.

Friday, May 22, 2009

USA To Lose AAA Bond Rating?

Tax cheat Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner is promising to cut the budget deficit as some analysts believe that the United States may lose its AAA bond rating.  What's wrong with that statement?  CNN says that, because the United States is a deadbeat, there's nothing to worry about.


The President of the Federal Reserve of Philadelphia says that inflation will increase, and the dollar continues to get weaker.


Senator Max Baucus (D-MT), who is leading the charge for socialized medicine in the Senate, says that the socialized medicine plan won't cover illegal aliens…for now.


The Senate is considering a 145% tax hike on beer.


The Supermax prison in Colorado would not be ready to take on Guantanamo Bay detainees.  Clown Prince Vice President Joe Biden says that the decision to close Gitmo was "like opening Pandora's Box."


Just because we can't get enough reminders:  Light Cars are Dangerous Cars.


Speaking at the graduation ceremony of the United States Naval Academy, President Obama promised not to send people to war without cause.  I wonder what is a justifiable cause for him?  He also said the upholding our values will keep us safe.  I wonder how the Islamic terrorists feel about our values?


Former Vice President Cheney is the only Republican with the stones to take on President Obama.


Congress is considering spending $68 million to renovate private parking garages for House members.


Your tax dollars at work:  The Centers for Disease Control want you to know not to pee in the pool.


The White House made a bunch of kindergarteners cry when they were denied a White House tour because they were late.  I hope the kids learned a lesson.


President Obama has approved plans for a nuclear power deal between the United States and the United Arab Emirates.  They can do it there, but we can't do it here.


Men are facing extinction because the male gene is dying out.


Max Cleland has received a White House appointment as secretary of the American Battle Monuments Commission.  Why do we have an American Battle Monuments Commission?

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Islamic Terror Plot Foiled in New York

The FBI arrested four homegrown Islamic terrorists trying to bomb synagogues and shoot down planes in New York City.  The suspects converted to Islam in prison.  They were not part of a larger Islamic terrorist group, which makes them even scarier.


President Obama and former Vice President Cheney both gave speeches on national security this morning, with Obama including his idea that Guantanamo Bay prisoners will come to the United States.  Cheney mopped the floor with Obama.  Here is the raw text for Obama, here it is for Cheney.  Cheney's approval ratings are rising these days; the Bush Administration should have used him more.


One out of every seven prisoners released from Guantanamo Bay returns to Islamic terrorism.  White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said that closing the prison at Guantanamo Bay was a "hasty decision."


"Benedict" Arlen Specter has fully transitioned to the Democrats, now defending Nancy Pelosi and questioning the honesty of the CIA.


The Obama Administration's "regulatory czar" nominee cleared a Senate committee.


Big business is trying to use political fears of global warming to make more money.  This is not capitalism, this is corporatism.


The Treasury Department is going to give more bailout money to GMAC, which could allow the federal government to hold a majority ownership stake in Government Motors' finance arm.


Three pension funds are fighting the White House on the Chrysler bankruptcy.  The pension funds, far from being the "speculators" that the White House attacked, represent teachers and police officers in Indiana.


Liberals dominate as commencement speakers at colleges across America.  It's called preaching to the choir.


Democrat Congressman Alan Grayson wants paid vacation to be an entitlement to all employees.


What kind of little brat would rob their 93-year-old great-grandmother?


The state DOT will spend more money on a planned I-75 interchange because they wanted to save buildings that even the owners didn't want to save.


David Poythress, a Democrat candidate for Governor, set up a straw man argument to bash the Republican candidates, claiming that they want to secede from the United States.  Sadly, Republican candidate Austin Scott felt the need to respond to the bogus argument.  It's called the 10th Amendment; go read it.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

RNC Trying to Find Themselves

Today's must-read:  Why Government Can't Run a Business.


Another billionaire (achiever) is leaving New York due to taxation.  President Obama would be wise to take note.


The federal government is already rationing health care under Medicare.


Tax cheat Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner says that the so-called private-public bank help will begin in 6 weeks.  I wonder how much intimidation is involved in this?


This is a letter from a Dodge dealer who will be shut down.


The United Auto Workers are not thrilled about the idea of having control over the automakers.  They're not in the business of making money.  With the new, tougher CAFE standards the Obama Administration really has gone too far in taking over the auto industry.


The new CAFE standards will only be effective if gas prices get high again, because otherwise people will buy larger vehicles not subject to those standards.  They'll pay more for them, but that's what the American people want.  The new standards could kill more Americans than the Iraq War.


Iran had a successful ballistic missile test today.  At what point do we start taking these guys seriously?


Democrats are trying to get a bailout for minority-owned broadcasters.


House Democrats have hired a speed-reader to read the 946-page cap and trade bill.  They want to get this thing passed this week.


The Republican National Committee is having a special meeting to, in part, consider a resolution to call the Democrat Party the "Democrat Socialist" Party.  RNC Chairman Michael Steele spoke yesterday, promising to take on President Obama head-on and for the Republicans to emerge as the party of new ideas.  I'm still waiting on those ideas.


If you want to pass something, you can always count on the laziness of elected officials like they did in Louisiana.


Some people are trying to draft State Rep. Austin Scott to run against Jim Marshall next year.  His chances for success are significantly better there than in his run for Governor.


Macon and Bibb County held a forum on the pandemic flu yesterday.  Less than 10 people showed up.


Mayors Reichert and Walker met last week.  I hope Mayor Walker told Reichert to keep their gangs in Macon.


Oops:  WMAZ's satellite truck tore down some traffic lights in Macon yesterday.


Part of I-16 will be closed over the weekend because a tractor-trailer hit a bridge.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Obama's Eco-Friendly Small Cars of Death

The credit card industry might start imposing fees and rolling back rewards programs from the responsible cardholders because they will not be able to impose those fees on the irresponsible under a Congressional "reform" plan that passed the Senate today.


George Will used his column to defend greed.  I love greed.


Nearly three quarters of people who took Massachusetts' elementary school teacher's licensing exam failed the math portion of the test.


Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu don't seem to be seeing eye-to-eye on the idea of a "two-state solution."  Hamas is busy criticizing the "racist and radical Zionist entity."  A two-state solution is impossible.


President Obama issued his new fuel economy standards for cars today, which will cost automakers billions of dollars and will probably cost thousands of lives.  The neutered automakers have endorsed the plan, which ultimately amounts to a $1,300 car tax.


The Democrats are pushing to push their cap-and-trade that will crush the economy.  Heritage has the costs detailed.


Brazil and China are making plans to drop the dollar as their trade currencies.


Medicare wastes billions of dollars per year in paying for medical equipment.  These are the same people who would be running socialized medicine.


Forty-two percent of Americans say that everyone in the United States should have free health care.  Anyone who thinks it could possibly be "free" is an idiot; it'll be paid for through a number of special taxes.


Treasury Secretary and tax cheat Timothy Geithner opposes caps on executive pay.


After making comments that have been estimated to have cost Las Vegas $100 million, Barack Obama is going to Las Vegas to raise money for Harry Reid, but he won't have time to meet with Nevada's Governor.


The federal government runs its own marijuana garden in Oxford, Mississippi.  It's illegal for anybody else to do it.  Almost half of Americans still oppose the idea of legalizing and taxing marijuana.


An Iraqi war veteran survived some of the heaviest fighting of the war only to be killed in a bar fight because somebody said something about somebody's girlfriend's tattoos.


Georgia is tops in the country for entrepreneurship.


Mayor Donald Walker issued his fiscal year 2010 budget, and there are no furloughs or layoffs of city employees or tax increases.


It is nice to know that the Warner Robins Police Department doesn't have anything better to do than underage drinking stings.

Monday, May 18, 2009

"Giving Back" Messages to Graduates

Oops, he did it again:  Joe Biden gave away the location of the secret Vice Presidential bunker.


This is a message that President Obama needs to get:  Soak the Rich, Lose the Rich.


Michelle Obama told graduates at the University of California at Merced to "give back."  I'll tell you today why I hate that phrase.  Governor Perdue told Mercer University graduates to "serve others," which is only marginally better.


Obama is going to issue new national requirements for emissions and gas mileage of cars and light trucks.  This won't just apply to the nationalized companies.


No matter what you think of Obama, you can't envy the position he is in regarding Pakistan, which is increasing its arsenal of nuclear weapons.  At least the United States has a plan to secure their nukes if Pakistan falls to the Taliban.


Obama is meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu to attempt peace in the Middle East.  Obama wants to create a Palestinian state, while Netanyahu wants to focus on stopping the Iranian nuclear program.  Obama expects a positive response from the Iranians.


Almost one out of every three Americans would pay higher taxes to provide health insurance for all.  That's odd, since almost half of Americans don't pay taxes.  An 81% tax increase would be required to pay for the entitlements that already exist.


Senate Republicans are lowering expectations of a fight over the Supreme Court.  Good for them.


Some on the left are getting frustrated with Obama, while some Republicans are pleased with the direction that Obama is taking regarding the military.


The latest version of cap-and-trade will reduce GDP by a total of $7.4 trillion by 2035 and destroy 844,000 jobs a year, in exchange for (in theory) lowering global temperatures by 0.044 degrees Celsius.  I don't care how much you believe in global warming, this can't be worth it.


Senator Lindsey Graham is fine with the idea of transferring Guantanamo Bay terrorists to the United States, as long as they don't end up in South Carolina.


Democrats in Congress are trying to eliminate a competitive bidding program in an attempt to transfer hundreds of thousands of jobs from the private sector to the government.


The Supreme Court will consider the constitutionality of Sarbanes-Oxley.

The state Department of Natural Resources is asking people not to feed dolphins because, in part, the dolphins can become dependent on handouts and forgets how to catch food itself.  No, this is not just a metaphor.


John "The Fascist" Oxendine has received $2.6 million from employees and owners of insurance and small-loan businesses since 1998.


Republican candidates for Governor exchanged a few attacks this weekend during the Georgia GOP convention.


The weather alert system in Houston County is getting closer to reality, and it looks as though it will be focused on a phone system.


A cross-dressing man tried to rob a Macon liquor store, but the owner shot back.  It's just a shame that the shot wasn't fatal.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Bailing Out Life Insurance--Who's Next?

More dead people are getting "stimulus" checks from the Social Security Administration.


More bailouts:  this time it's big life insurance companies.  Why can't we just let companies go bankrupt anymore?


The federal government is pressuring Bank of America to change its board.


Big businesses are not pleased with Obama's rhetoric.  What did they expect?


The Obama Administration is working on a trade war with Canada.  Way to go, guys.


Thousands of Americans lose their jobs every time the federal minimum wage is raised.


President Obama exaggerated the cost cuts that health insurance companies promised.


While Democrats are trying to claim that the CIA broke the law in briefing members of Congress, the Obama Administration is refusing to release memos that detail the successes of enhanced interrogation techniques.


Richard Posner says that the conservative movement lacks intellectualism.


A new bill has been introduced to indoctrinate kids on environmentalism starting in Kindergarten.


Senator Dick Durbin has introduced an amendment to the credit card reform bill that would allow retailers to charge people less for paying with cash.  This actually makes perfect sense.


Attorney General Eric Holder says that the Obama administration will "do its best" not to release dangerous prisoners after it closes Guantanamo Bay.  They are also restarting military tribunals for the detainees there.


"Benedict" Arlen Specter is reconsidering his opposition to the card check bill.  As Michelle Malkin says, this is his final betrayal of the Republican Party.


President Obama's energy policy will be beholden to environmentalist extremists.  Here's another surprise:  the rise in sea level from ice melting in the Antarctic has been overstated.


An all-solar house that had its ribbon cutting seven months ago still isn't open to the public.


Despite the fact that 70% of people with health insurance rate their own coverage as either good or excellent, only 35% of Americans rate the nation's health care system the same way.  They just believe the lies from the media and the political class, especially about the uninsured.  Here is the truth about the people who have no health insurance.


The drug czar is calling for an end to the "war on drugs."


The drought in Georgia is almost gone.


The state is using federal welfare dollars to spend on other programs.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Nancy Pelosi: CIA Lied To Me!

If you charge your iPod, you'll kill a polar bear.  So say environmentalists.


California wants a piece of the TARP money to help pay for their massive welfare state.  Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is even considering selling San Quentin prison and the Los Angeles Coliseum.


John Murtha's opponent for Congress last year said that Murtha's aide threatened him with redeployment to Iraq.


Nancy Pelosi is now accusing the CIA of "misleading" her and the rest of Congress on waterboarding.  She can no longer deny being briefed, so she has to attack the people who did brief her.  Karl Rove says that Pelosi was an "accomplice to torture," using the left's words against them.


Amateur hour at the White House continues, as Obama changes his mind on releasing photos of detainee "abuse."  He is also considering detaining Islamic terrorists indefinitely and without trial, only on American soil instead of at Guantanamo Bay.


Members of the Senate say that the United States needs to woo world tourists, and they want to spend tax dollars to do it.


Even the Associated Press says that the Obama Administration has been loose with the facts on the so-called "stimulus" package.


President Obama cut the deficit by $175 billion this year just by using dishonest accounting standards.


The anti-gun Brady folks want to use the DHS report on "rightwing extremism" to revive the so-called assault weapons ban.


Organized labor has become the most powerful force in government.


Chrysler is going to close 13 dealerships in Georgia, none of them in our listening area.  This is a big mistake because the dealers are the ones who make the profits for the company.  Government Motors, on the other hand, has political troubles because they want to import a lot of cars.


Obama gave the commencement address at Arizona State University last night, where he was not given an honorary degree.  He responded by joking about audits from the IRS.


Seventy percent of Americans with health insurance are pleased with it.  On the free market side of medicine, Pfizer will offer free drugs to unemployed people who lost their health insurance.


Archaeologists think they have found the oldest known sculpture of a human—a woman with really large breasts.


Johnny Isakson is supporting Charlie Crist for Senate in Florida over his conservative opponent.  Does nobody have the cajones to primary this guy?


Four of the six Republican candidates for Governor support the state sovereignty resolution that came up in the state Senate this session.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Here Comes Socialized Medicine

Washington State is giving a special tax break for newspapers.  Do you think any of the newspapers will be critical of state government there again?


Tax cheat Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has his eyes on nationalizing smaller banks next.  It's all part of making sure that the Obama administration can control how much the evil, nasty, horrible bank executives get paid.


The federal government has spent only 6% of the "stimulus" money.  This, again, is proof that this thing was never meant to truly stimulate the economy.


The House has promised that they will pass a health care reform bill by July 31, which will include, if House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer has his way, government-run health care.  It may be paid for with a tax on private sector health care and/or new taxes on the evil rich, alcohol, cigarettes, or sodas.


The federal government had its first budget deficit in April since 1983.


Steny Hoyer wants to investigate what Nancy Pelosi knew and when she knew it on the interrogation of Islamic terrorists in captivity.  Am I the only one who thinks this is a waste of time other than in the context of an investigation into alleged wrongdoings by the Bush administration?  What is not a waste of time is debating whether or not President Obama will release photos of detainee interrogations.


The Media Research Center did a study of the major networks' evening news broadcasts and found that they really have been cheerleading for the Obama administration.


President Obama cut Chrysler's advertising budget in half.  Chrysler may also cut over one-fourth of their dealers this week, if Obama lets them.  The Obama administration's behavior in the Chrysler bankruptcy is blatantly illegal under bankruptcy law.


Republican Governors Mark Sanford (SC) and Rick Perry (TX) will host a tele-town hall meeting tomorrow that they are calling "Tea Party 2.0."  This beats the "listening tour."


Obama's budget is so big and expands government so much, the Republicans can't figure out what to say about it.  Right now the biggest ideas they have are to rebrand the Democrats as the "Democrat Socialist Party" and to block a meaningless nominee of the President to try and make an irrelevant political point.  Their only tactic to stop the Democrats' policies is to add pro-gun but non-germane amendments to Democrats' bills.  I don't think the Republican Party could find water if they fell out of a boat at this point.


President Obama is actually asking for a tax cut for some rich people?  That will only last until the Democrats figure it out.


A new report shows that one-fourth of overseas ballots last year went uncounted.


The Massachusetts Transit Bay Authority will ban all of its drivers from even possessing cell phones while operating government vehicles.


A couple in Chicago have started a "buy black" movement to support black small businesses and entrepreneurship.  Good for them; they're using their power of choice as actors in a free market.


More black lawmakers are open to the idea of school vouchers.  They know that the best way to get inner-city children an education worth anything is to get them out of the government education monopoly.


College presidents have been given the power to furlough employees at their institutions.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Big Entitlements Going Bust

The Senate will consider a federal tax on soda and other sugary drinks to pay for Obama's socialized health care system.  Just so you know, here is how ObamaCare will affect your doctor.


Your tax dollars are being used to train Chinese prostitutes to drink responsibly on the job.


It looks like Socialist Security and Medicare are going to fail even faster than what has been expected.  Just wait until the same thing happens on all health care.


Despite the slumping economy, the federal government is increasing its hiring and the average federal worker gets paid over $75,000 per year including benefits.  That's your tax dollars at work.


The so-called "stimulus" package is not being spent where it is most needed, and states are still cutting jobs.  This is just more proof of the fact that this bill was never meant to create jobs or stimulate the economy, but to grow government.  It also doesn't help PR when a woman who has been dead for 42 years gets a Socialist Security check from the "stimulus."


Citing the Great Depression, the Obama administration is going to step up "antitrust" law enforcement.  When does the federal government become subject to antitrust action?  They are a monopoly, after all.


After criticizing big businesses for going to Vegas, Obama is going to go to Vegas to raise big money for Harry Reid.


Despite the fact that he is a big tax hiker who supported the "stimulus" package, the National Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee has already endorsed Charlie Crist for Senate over his conservative challenger.


Obama wants to close 5,000 low-performing government schools over the next five years.  If he has the authority to fire automaker CEOs, what stops him from being able to do this?


Government Motors may leave Detroit under bankruptcy.  Where will they go, Washington, DC?


A Saudi judge says that men have the right to slap their wives if they spend too much money.  You have to love the peaceful, serene, loving, caring religion of Islam.


Oprah admitted that she loves her private jet.  It's time to get the wealth envy crowd and pitchforks!


Here's another story of racial grievances run amok.


What does it take to get enough "street cred" to have a hip-hop career?


Senator Johnny Isakson says that the economy might take 5 years to come back.


John "The Fascist" Oxendine has already issued the first radio ad of the campaign, calling himself "the real deal."  I wonder how another candidate, Congressman Nathan Deal, likes that?

Monday, May 11, 2009

Oxendine's Illegal Campaign Contributions

I always love it when John Stossel has a 20/20 special like he did last week.  You can watch the whole show right here.


This year's budget deficit will be over $1.8 trillion, or 50 cents out of every dollar spent.  Of course, according to the Obama administration this is Bush's fault.  Obama's budget will include an increase in funding to fight a completely preventable disease.


The White House does not think there will be any job growth for the rest of the year, but they expect double the economic growth that private forecasters expect by the end of the year.


Three banks are going to try to pay back their portion of the TARP funds after getting clean bills of health from the questionable bank stress tests last week.  The White House wants the Federal Reserve to be the regulator of the entire banking sector.


Health insurance companies are pledging a $2 trillion reduction in the cost of health care as long as the federal government requires people to get insurance.  The Republicans are in a very difficult situation, because compromise means going along with socialized medicine.  The Obama administration is already working on their next tax hike to pay for their socialized medicine schemes.


Despite some Republicans being glad that Arlen Specter left their party, they are still recruiting candidates who are at least as liberal as Specter.  One example is Florida Governor Charlie Crist, who will announce tomorrow that he is running for Senate.


It is looking more likely that Government Motors will declare bankruptcy.  The United Auto Workers is trying to push the Obama administration to prevent GM from cutting their workers in favor of less expensive labor outside the United States.


Former Vice President Dick Cheney says that Obama is endangering the United States.  He's right.


The Arctic Ice Cap is twice as thick as the environmentalists thought it was.  That's global warming, right?


Hugo Chavez is using the Venezuelan military to seize oil and gasoline service companies.


Fannie Mae is coming back to the federal trough after posting a $23 billion loss in the first quarter.


Obama's rich supporters are just now figuring out that he wants to punish them.  Clearly they're not that bright.


The military forced the destruction of Bibles in local Afghan languages to prevent proselytizing.


Here's what President Obama means when he says he wants a "pragmatic" Supreme Court Justice.


Governor Perdue may veto the tax-cut package that passed the General Assembly.


John "the Fascist" Oxendine received over $120,000 from two insurance companies funneled through 10 different PACs in Alabama.  His opponents for the Governor's Mansion have already raised concerns over the issue.  When the AJC published their story, Oxendine's campaign manager responded by saying that the story is just proof that Oxendine is the front-runner for the Governor, and today he agreed to return those contributions.  This controversy came up just two days after Oxendine told his supporters via e-mail to prepare for "lies, rumors, and more lies."  Any of you who are even considering supporting Oxendine should read this series on John Oxendine and liberty.

Friday, May 08, 2009

Obama's Budget "Cuts"

Obama's budget will eliminate a program that aides states in jailing illegal aliens, is cutting the budget to enforce unions, and is rescinding tax breaks meant for oil and gas companies.  Some of the things he's cut were funded in the "stimulus" package.  Yesterday Obama told the media to stress how "significant" the cuts he made were.


The stress test results show that banks need almost $75 billion to be able to survive a worsening or long recession.  The feds claim that this is the beginning of the end of the bank bailouts.  I'll believe that when I see it.


The Godfather President is now threatening to rescind stimulus money for California if that state doesn't do the bidding of the SEIU.


Government Motors' current restructuring plan will have them building more cars outside the United States.  Let's see if the Godfather will let them do so.


The European Union is calling for a shorter work week in order to create jobs.  This won't work.


Unemployment is at a quarter-century high, and it would have been higher if the government wasn't hiring for next year's Census.  At what point does this become Obama's recession, despite his attempts to use emotion to save the economy?  Obama's solution to unemployment is to spend money to retrain people who have been laid off.


The Federal Housing Administration wants $800 million to cover its losses.  That's one government agency, funded by you, asking for more money, from you.


The Republicans desperately need to come up with and sell to the American people their alternative on health care before we end up with socialized medicine.


Australia is preparing for the end of American dominance on the world stage.


Investors must now consider political risks, in addition to the normal economic and business risks, before putting money anywhere.


Remember the story of the 16-year-old kid who was supposedly arrested for making a bomb threat under the Patriot Act?  It turns out that his mother was making it up, and the kid was a troublemaker.  Jason Pye also took me to task on the Patriot Act, reminding me of some things that I had forgotten.  Mea maxima culpa.


Despite the so-called "cuts" to the Obama budget, members of Congress are still asking for plenty of earmarks.


Maryland has extended its hate-crimes law to include urban outdoorsmen.


A bunch of environmentalists on a "carbon-free" 5,000 mile trip to Greenland were rescued by an oil tanker.


The city of Atlanta declined to issue a building permit to a Starship Enterprise, but we're getting one here in Warner Robins.  Very interesting.