Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Obama's Eco-Friendly Small Cars of Death

The credit card industry might start imposing fees and rolling back rewards programs from the responsible cardholders because they will not be able to impose those fees on the irresponsible under a Congressional "reform" plan that passed the Senate today.


George Will used his column to defend greed.  I love greed.


Nearly three quarters of people who took Massachusetts' elementary school teacher's licensing exam failed the math portion of the test.


Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu don't seem to be seeing eye-to-eye on the idea of a "two-state solution."  Hamas is busy criticizing the "racist and radical Zionist entity."  A two-state solution is impossible.


President Obama issued his new fuel economy standards for cars today, which will cost automakers billions of dollars and will probably cost thousands of lives.  The neutered automakers have endorsed the plan, which ultimately amounts to a $1,300 car tax.


The Democrats are pushing to push their cap-and-trade that will crush the economy.  Heritage has the costs detailed.


Brazil and China are making plans to drop the dollar as their trade currencies.


Medicare wastes billions of dollars per year in paying for medical equipment.  These are the same people who would be running socialized medicine.


Forty-two percent of Americans say that everyone in the United States should have free health care.  Anyone who thinks it could possibly be "free" is an idiot; it'll be paid for through a number of special taxes.


Treasury Secretary and tax cheat Timothy Geithner opposes caps on executive pay.


After making comments that have been estimated to have cost Las Vegas $100 million, Barack Obama is going to Las Vegas to raise money for Harry Reid, but he won't have time to meet with Nevada's Governor.


The federal government runs its own marijuana garden in Oxford, Mississippi.  It's illegal for anybody else to do it.  Almost half of Americans still oppose the idea of legalizing and taxing marijuana.


An Iraqi war veteran survived some of the heaviest fighting of the war only to be killed in a bar fight because somebody said something about somebody's girlfriend's tattoos.


Georgia is tops in the country for entrepreneurship.


Mayor Donald Walker issued his fiscal year 2010 budget, and there are no furloughs or layoffs of city employees or tax increases.


It is nice to know that the Warner Robins Police Department doesn't have anything better to do than underage drinking stings.

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