Friday, May 08, 2009

Obama's Budget "Cuts"

Obama's budget will eliminate a program that aides states in jailing illegal aliens, is cutting the budget to enforce unions, and is rescinding tax breaks meant for oil and gas companies.  Some of the things he's cut were funded in the "stimulus" package.  Yesterday Obama told the media to stress how "significant" the cuts he made were.


The stress test results show that banks need almost $75 billion to be able to survive a worsening or long recession.  The feds claim that this is the beginning of the end of the bank bailouts.  I'll believe that when I see it.


The Godfather President is now threatening to rescind stimulus money for California if that state doesn't do the bidding of the SEIU.


Government Motors' current restructuring plan will have them building more cars outside the United States.  Let's see if the Godfather will let them do so.


The European Union is calling for a shorter work week in order to create jobs.  This won't work.


Unemployment is at a quarter-century high, and it would have been higher if the government wasn't hiring for next year's Census.  At what point does this become Obama's recession, despite his attempts to use emotion to save the economy?  Obama's solution to unemployment is to spend money to retrain people who have been laid off.


The Federal Housing Administration wants $800 million to cover its losses.  That's one government agency, funded by you, asking for more money, from you.


The Republicans desperately need to come up with and sell to the American people their alternative on health care before we end up with socialized medicine.


Australia is preparing for the end of American dominance on the world stage.


Investors must now consider political risks, in addition to the normal economic and business risks, before putting money anywhere.


Remember the story of the 16-year-old kid who was supposedly arrested for making a bomb threat under the Patriot Act?  It turns out that his mother was making it up, and the kid was a troublemaker.  Jason Pye also took me to task on the Patriot Act, reminding me of some things that I had forgotten.  Mea maxima culpa.


Despite the so-called "cuts" to the Obama budget, members of Congress are still asking for plenty of earmarks.


Maryland has extended its hate-crimes law to include urban outdoorsmen.


A bunch of environmentalists on a "carbon-free" 5,000 mile trip to Greenland were rescued by an oil tanker.


The city of Atlanta declined to issue a building permit to a Starship Enterprise, but we're getting one here in Warner Robins.  Very interesting.

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