Thursday, May 21, 2009

Islamic Terror Plot Foiled in New York

The FBI arrested four homegrown Islamic terrorists trying to bomb synagogues and shoot down planes in New York City.  The suspects converted to Islam in prison.  They were not part of a larger Islamic terrorist group, which makes them even scarier.


President Obama and former Vice President Cheney both gave speeches on national security this morning, with Obama including his idea that Guantanamo Bay prisoners will come to the United States.  Cheney mopped the floor with Obama.  Here is the raw text for Obama, here it is for Cheney.  Cheney's approval ratings are rising these days; the Bush Administration should have used him more.


One out of every seven prisoners released from Guantanamo Bay returns to Islamic terrorism.  White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said that closing the prison at Guantanamo Bay was a "hasty decision."


"Benedict" Arlen Specter has fully transitioned to the Democrats, now defending Nancy Pelosi and questioning the honesty of the CIA.


The Obama Administration's "regulatory czar" nominee cleared a Senate committee.


Big business is trying to use political fears of global warming to make more money.  This is not capitalism, this is corporatism.


The Treasury Department is going to give more bailout money to GMAC, which could allow the federal government to hold a majority ownership stake in Government Motors' finance arm.


Three pension funds are fighting the White House on the Chrysler bankruptcy.  The pension funds, far from being the "speculators" that the White House attacked, represent teachers and police officers in Indiana.


Liberals dominate as commencement speakers at colleges across America.  It's called preaching to the choir.


Democrat Congressman Alan Grayson wants paid vacation to be an entitlement to all employees.


What kind of little brat would rob their 93-year-old great-grandmother?


The state DOT will spend more money on a planned I-75 interchange because they wanted to save buildings that even the owners didn't want to save.


David Poythress, a Democrat candidate for Governor, set up a straw man argument to bash the Republican candidates, claiming that they want to secede from the United States.  Sadly, Republican candidate Austin Scott felt the need to respond to the bogus argument.  It's called the 10th Amendment; go read it.

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