Monday, March 10, 2008

Back from Spring Break!

Gas prices have hit a new high, and it looks like they are heading up even more.  Why?  When in doubt, blame leftists.  It starts with the 2007 Energy Bill, which has the potential to prohibit oil imports from Canadian oil sands.


Gas prices are just the start, however; grocery prices are also rising sharply.


Fundy leaders from the Southern Baptist Convention are now officially on the global warming bandwagon.  There is also a study out that says that carbon emissions must approach zero soon, or warming could become catastrophic.  Remember, it’s all about controlling your life.


Republicans got another bad sign for this year’s election on Saturday.  Former House Speaker Dennis Hastert’s seat was won by a Democrat.


Clinton’s team is now talking about a joint Clinton-Obama ticket.  I’ve been saying this since Obama became a real competitor; we just have to figure out who will be on the top of that ticket.  Barring something amazing, it will be decided by the superdelegates, who are staying out so far.


Dick Morris is saying that it is over for Hillary, but her campaign has a three-prong strategy to win.  None of the three prongs involve theft (yet), but they do want to seat the Florida and Michigan delegates.


Al Sharpton is threatening to sue the DNC if they seat the Florida delegates.


This should say something about Barack Obama’s background:  he is supported by Marxist terrorists FARC in Colombia.


On the Republican side, former Goldwater speechwriter Brent Bozell says that McCain’s strategy of taking conservatives for granted in November is a big mistake.  Ron Paul says he cannot support McCain.


President Bush vetoed a bill banning waterboarding and other forms of interrogation—Democrats and John McCain call them “torture”—from being used by the CIA.


The Vatican came out with another list of seven deadly sins.  They said that the old ones were too “individualistic.”


A lawmaker in Kentucky wants to make anonymous internet postings illegal.


A vasectomy clinic in Oregon is telling men to get a vasectomy when they have an excuse to stay home and watch the NCAA tournament.

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