Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Democrats a Treasure Trove Of Material

Bad news for Democrats:  They seem to be snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.  28% of Hillary’s supporters will vote for McCain if Obama is the nominee, while 19% of Obama supporters will vote for McCain over Hillary.  22% of Democrats think each candidate should drop out of the race now.


With the Democrat stalemate, there continues to be talk of “Father” Al Gore being the nominee.


Check out who would win the Democrat primary if it was going on in other countries.


Barack Obama so far has been able to avoid being called a liberal.  Now even Hillary is calling him a liberal as though she thinks that is a bad thing.  The New York Times even wonders whether a liberal can unite Americans.


Barack Obama wants to be plenty generous with your money, but he donated less than 1% of his earnings between 2000-2004.  Typical liberal.


The candidates have raised a combined $1 billion for their campaigns this year.  I thought the economy sucked?


George McGovern says it is hard to elect a female President.  What does he know about getting elected President?


Polls show that most Americans are against the idea of the federal government bailing out banks and irresponsible borrowers.


The United States was ranked as only the 22nd most stable and prosperous nation in the world.  Wait until you hear why we ranked so low.


Global warming hysterics are worried about an ice shelf that might break off of Antarctica.  Ice is thicker on the rest of the continent, but they’re worried about this small piece?


The Defense Department accidentally sent Taiwan nuclear missile fuses instead of helicopter batteries.  And you liberals want the government running health care?


A New York City Rabbi was attacked by a group of men yelling “Allahu Akhbar.”  Any guess as to the religion of the attackers?


The Welfare state runs rampant in Great Britain, as evidenced by the family in which nobody has worked in three generations.  You think that doesn’t happen here?  How about the fact that 10% of people in Ohio are on food stamps?


A government high school cancelled a veterans’ event because the Principal feared it might be “too political.”  It was the anti-war protesters making it political, not the veterans.


The NAACP is against a bill banning kids at government schools from wearing saggy pants.


Macon formed a task force to fight gangs, even though the Deputy Chief of Police says there is no gang problem.  Has he been in the Macon Mall lately?


Here’s a shocker:  Social Security and Medicare both need to be fixed.


Now irresponsible mothers can find out who their babydaddy is with a kit they buy at Rite Aid.


Hopefully that babydaddy won’t be 93 years old, like the two guys in Florida accused of trying to pick up a hooker.

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