Friday, March 14, 2008

Gas Prices, Muslims, and Global Warming--Oh My!

Muslim prisoners in Great Britain are upset because they were offered ham sandwiches as a meal option during Ramadan.  I say they’re lucky they get a choice at all.  They’re prisoners—which means they broke the law—treat them as such.


A Muslim in Israel was praised by his family for shooting his sister in an attempted “honor killing.”  Fortunately (not for him or his family), the woman survived.


Senator Wayne Allard (R-CO) introduced a budget amendment to implement every change that Barack Obama has promised in his campaign—a whopping $1.4 trillion measure.


Speaking of Barack, he criticized John McCain on taxes, saying that he was right when he voted against the Bush tax cuts but is wrong now that he wants to extend them.


Obama also challenged Hillary Clinton to release her earmark requests, as he did.


Democrats are floating a compromise that will seat the Florida and Michigan delegates without benefitting either candidate too much.  It doesn’t matter what they do, because the superdelegates (who are starting to break towards Obama) will still decide the nominee.


President Bush said that 2008 will be a great year for Republicans, saying that McCain will be elected President and Republicans will retake the House.  I don’t know what he’s smoking, but I want some!


Pictures of Eliot Spitzer’s hooker “Kristen” have been released.  Not bad (especially for a prostitute); no wonder Penthouse wants to do a photo shoot with her.


Bad news for you global warming crusaders:  this was the coldest winter since 2001 for the United States and the world (yes, I know it is summer in half of the world).


Tamarac, Florida had an election Wednesday on an annexation proposal.  Nobody showed up to vote.


Poor people in Boca Raton rioted on Wednesday after the government housing authority ran out of applications for people to get housing welfare.


Dr. Walter E. Williams has an excellent column this week about the same thing of my own Cluster column—ethanol.


The feet of Geckos are being used as inspiration for a new generation of bandages.


Here are 50 weird science tidbits and oddities, via the Talkmaster.

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