Monday, June 01, 2009

GM Declares Bankruptcy

Here is your must-read of the day:  American capitalism gone with a whimper.


The excuse from the White House about Sonia Sotomayor's statement about a Latina woman making better decisions than a white male is that she regrets her choice of words.  Senator Lindsay Graham wants Sotomayor to apologize for her statement.  Andy McCarthy says that, based on Sotomayor's ideas on race, she would not be able to qualify as a juror.  Chuck Schumer says that Sotomayor is "filibuster-proof," which says more about the size of the Democrat majority than about Sotomayor.


Timothy Geithner has gone to China to try and reassure the Chinese government that the Obama administration will try to control borrowing.


Congratulations, taxpayers!  You are now the proud owner of 60% of Government Motors, also known as the Obama Motor Company.


President Obama spent at least $24,000 in taxpayer money to take Michelle on a date Saturday. Members of Congress are also using your money to buy things for themselves like TVs, cameras, and a Lexus.


The Fairness Doctrine is on its way back, in the form of "localism."


The marginal tax rate on corporate profits was 74.2% in the first quarter of this year.


A candidate for Secretary of State in Kansas sums things up rather well:  "ACORN is a criminal enterprise."


Some black Democrats are starting to realize that school choice is the new civil rights struggle.


The largest teacher's union in Massachusetts is training its teachers in making balloon animals and tie-dye.


By only a 31-27% margin, Americans say that the so-called "stimulus" package helped the economy.  That means 27% of Americans are running afoul of the White House's attempt to restrict criticism of the "stimulus."

Obama has lifted its (never really existent anyway) ban on lobbyists.


Some Guantanamo detainees are going to get laptops and computer classes on your money.


President Obama learned about an intelligence agency while out to lunch.


Congressman Sanford Bishop and Senator Saxby Chambliss are trying to turn the Jimmy Carter National Historic Site into a full National Park.  If people cared enough, then the site would have been saved by the private sector.  This is the same Jimmy Carter who thinks it would be a good idea to release detainee abuse photos and consider investigating the Bush administration.  It's time for the Peanut (for brains) President to go back to the peanut fields.


Insurance Commissioner and Republican candidate for Governor John "the fascist" Oxendine named the guy who funneled $120,000 to his campaign to a state insurance board that serves as a "safety net" for the insurance industry.


State budget cuts have cut "equalization" funding that transfers money from rich school districts to poor ones, but at least Georgia now has a free service so parents can find child care!


The Justice Department rejected Georgia's voter screening program meant to find ineligible voters.  This is the same Justice Department that just threw out charges against members of the New Black Panther Party who were carrying clubs at polling places in Philadelphia last year.


Houston County says that it is likely to increase property taxes next year.


Just so you know, the city of Warner Robins considers serving alcohol a privilege, not a right.


Despite a $1.3 million federal subsidy, very few people actually use the Macon airport.


Macon Police are prepared to destroy guns that have been used in crimes.  Why not sell them for some much-needed revenue to law-abiding gun owners?

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