Thursday, June 25, 2009

Obama Filibusters on Infomercial

Yes, I did watch the ABC-Obama socialized medicine infomercial last night.  If you follow me on Twitter, you would already know that, because I live-tweeted the infomercial.  It was, as expected, fluff, but I don't think it helped his case for socialized medicine, especially since even ABC said that Obama "struggled to explain" his plan.  The infomercial turned into an Obama filibuster, with 60% of the broadcast time being taken by the Comrade in Chief.  It also doesn't help his case that the infomercial was the lowest rated network program in the 10:00 hour.


President Obama also didn't tell the American people (and he won't) that government will always ration health care.  In fact, rationing never came up last night.  Rationing will inevitably mean the same thing:  sorry, old folks.  To try and sell his plan, Obama is going to tour the country with every health care sob story he can find.  Despite Obama's best efforts, Karl Rove still says that Obamacare isn't inevitable.


Even if the Democrats don't get their socialized medicine wish, they'll throw a health care bone to the unions.


The cap-and-tax bill will be up for a vote tomorrow, and Democrats are unsure that they will be able to pass it, especially since the bill will harm farmers.  At least they won't have to deal with Al Gore coming to town.  The Wall Street Journal points out that this is probably going to be the biggest tax increase in history, and the Washington Times found out that it includes billions of dollars to save trees in other countries around the world.  Meanwhile, global warming is being blamed for Tiger Woods losing the US Open, but not for the fact that temperatures in extreme northern Canada are so cold that birds and other species of wildlife are not even breeding.  (H/t to Ace of Spades)


The Democrats are starting to see their agenda slipping, and Americans are growing increasingly skeptical of Obama's promises of fiscal discipline.  I am as optimistic as I have been since Obama took office.


Republicans take note:  74% of Americans trust their own economic judgment more than they trust Congress'.


Unfortunately, it looks like the government of Iran is starting to stop the protests, as the opposition party postponed a rally they had scheduled for today without a rescheduled date.


The Supreme Court ruled today that strip-searching a middle school girl over an ibuprofen was unconstitutional.


Cal Thomas points out what many of us already know:  more education spending doesn't necessarily mean that students will learn more.


The state of California could run out of money by July 28.  This is what happens when you let liberals run things.


A few members of Congress are trying to take the politics out of redistricting.  Don't count on this going anywhere.


President Obama has announced that he will veto a defense spending bill if the F-22 is included.

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