Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Angelina Jolie Not An Obama Fan

Now President Obama might only add 30,000 troops in Afghanistan.  Regardless of what he does, he'll announce it Monday night in a big production at the US Military Academy at West Point that is more about show than substance.  The Brits are starting to criticize Obama's delay in making any decisions because they have troops there too.


The "pay as you fight" tax is gaining traction on Capitol Hill, and it will hit a lot more than just the rich.


Some Navy SEALs are facing assault charges because when they captured the guy who masterminded the attack on and mutilation of four Blackwater security guards in 2004, he came in with a bloody lip.


The smoking gun was found in the hacked global warmers' documents; they have been falsifying data to hide their agenda.  Despite proof that global warming is a fraud, President Obama is going to attend the beginning of the UN climate summit in Copenhagen in a couple of weeks.


Obama's polling numbers are in the dumps.  Almost all he has left are minorities, the poor, and people who don't go to church.


President Obama has shattered the spending record for a first-year President, but next year he's going to get serious about the deficit.  I'll believe that when I see it.


The growth in the 3rd Quarter GDP was revised downward by 20% yesterday.


Obama has the fewest Cabinet members with private sector experience of any President in the last 100 years.  The private sector is a mere obstacle, not something to be celebrated.


The Washington Post is closing all of their bureaus outside of Washington, DC.  I have absolutely no sympathy for the failing mainstream media.


Thomas Sowell nails it with this one:  politicians are not trying to solve our problems; they're only trying to get themselves re-elected.


Even Arianna Huffington is asking if unemployment is Obama's Hurricane Katrina.


Obama's Muslim grandmother is on a pilgrimage to Mecca at the invitation of Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah.


The One was caught leaving the White House carrying the latest issue of GQ, which features him on the cover.  Give the guy a break; he could have just been looking at the Leighton Meester spread.


As Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO) tries to make today "Complaint Free Wednesday," David Boaz has a complaint for him and every elected official everywhere.


The very hot Angelina Jolie apparently "hates" President Obama.  She just got a lot hotter.


PETA wants the University of Georgia to stop using a real bulldog as their mascot.  UGA fans, I'm with you on this one.


Marietta police officers are considering changing the city's oath for police officers because somebody might get offended by having to say "so help me God."


Islamic terrorism has come to Centerville.  Wonderful.

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