Friday, November 27, 2009

Climategate May Kill Cap and Tax

The peace-at-any-price left is promising to "spank" President Obama if he sends more troops to Afghanistan.  Why must they use that word?


Three million Muslims threw stones at the devil as part of the annual Islamic pilgrimage earlier today.  Why do they give the devil the same punishment they give rape victims and homosexuals?


The Climategate e-mails may kill cap-and-tax in the United States Senate and in the Australian Parliament, as they leave the impression that global warming has been a fraud from the beginning, something that I already knew to be true.  The scandal is spreading around the world, including to New Zealand, where real scientists found fraud in the "official" reporting of global temperature increases.


Here's a nice essay on why Ayn Rand still resonates with people, especially young people.


Businesses are still not hiring in part because Congress is still thinking about the cap-and-tax bill and their takeover of health care.


A couple was able to crash the White House State Dinner Tuesday night.  While the Secret Service says that they never posed any threat to the President, remember that members of Al Qaeda have learned how to transport explosives in their rectums.


Michael Barone says that ObamaCare will speed up the bankrupting of America.


The New York Court of Appeals ruled that New York City can take the private property of home and business owners for the purpose of economic development.


John Stossel says that we pay politicians to lie to us.  We pay them first with our tax dollars, second with our liberties, and third with our votes.


Levi Johnston's mother was sentenced to three years in prison for dealing Oxycontin.


Secretary of State Karen Handel wants to eliminate some of the 36 boards that hand out 200 different kinds of licenses for professionals.  Where has this been the previous three years while she's been Secretary of State?


The Centerville Islamic terrorist (whom the Macon Telegraph still is not labeling as a Muslim) has been extradited to Philadelphia.


Clifford Holmes plans to vote for Chuck Shaheen for Mayor next week, based in part on rumors that former supporters of Donald Walker were making decisions for Chuck Chalk.

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