Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Happy Birthday USMC!

Happy birthday to the United States Marine Corps!


The Beltway Sniper, Muslim terrorist thug John Allen Muhammad, will be executed today.  Good riddance.  Make sure you slip some bacon grease into his last meal.


More details continue to emerge about the Fort Hood shooter's Islamist beliefs, including his statement in 2007 that the military should allow Muslims to leave service as conscientious objectors and the fact that he was under an FBI probe in 2008.  Despite that, he still received a promotion just a few months ago.  The media, meanwhile, continues to blame Bush and Chris Matthews can't figure out what is wrong with a member of the Army making a call to al Qaeda.


Even liberals admit that ObamaCare will bankrupt America, but that doesn't stop the Democrats in Congress from using tax dollars to buy votes on the plan to make sure it passes.  President Obama says that it is appropriate to penalize people for not getting health care but stopped short of endorsing jail time for people who do not pay the fines.  The Wall Street Journal points out that this really is all about making the middle class dependent upon government.


The European media says that Obama did not go to Berlin because it was not enough about him.


This year had the third coolest October on record.  It's all that global warming.


Environmentalists have found a new enemy:  golf balls, which are being called "humanity's signature liter."


NASA is trying to debunk the 2012 apocalypse myths.  Your tax dollars at work.


Remember the Kelo decision?  Now the property sits vacant and barren as the company that wanted it is leaving the city of New London, Connecticut.


The Obama State Department is willing to give Iran time to think about whether to accept a nuclear deal.  They'll use that time to build bombs and enrich uranium.


The Warner Robins City Council discussed changes to the city's sign ordinance in a special meeting last night.  There is absolutely nothing entertaining or sexy about sign ordinances until strip clubs or sex shops get involved.


Georgia's October revenue figures are in, and it doesn't look pretty for the budget writers in the General Assembly.  It looks like they will have to either raise taxes, like left-wing interest groups want, or have real substantial cuts to spending, like I want.


The state had a bond sale, and some of those bonds will be paid back by a federal tax subsidy.


Jim Marshall is being targeted by MoveOn.org.  Oh please, please, pretty please primary him!


Former Miss California USA Carrie Prejean has a sex tape, and her mother saw it.  Will this bimbo stop clinging to her 15 minutes now?


Check it out, my first post on United Liberty!

1 comment:

J_in_Perry said...

Muslims SHOULD have conscientious objector status. EVERYONE should be able to attain that status. To say otherwise means we have soldiers who are slaves to their commander in chief. In fact, I bet if he had been able to get CO status, this could have been avoided.