Thursday, April 30, 2009

Barry's 100 Days Presser: Lame

The World Health Organization says that "all of humanity" is threatened by the Mexican flu, and Clown Prince Vice President Joe Biden told Americans this morning to avoid flying or riding the subway because of the fears over the Mexiflu.  Scientists are now saying that this is a relatively mild strain of the flu virus, and at least one person makes a good case for wanting to be infected with the Mexiflu.  In a place where this is actually relevant due to a third-world, substandard health care system, Mexico City is shutting down taco stands.  When they shut down taco stands in Mexico, you know it's serious.  The first confirmed case in Georgia was really a Kentucky woman who has recently been in Mexico.


Barry mocked the Tea Parties yesterday at a town hall meeting in St. Louis.


The Presidential Press Conference (which I didn't watch) included nothing but fluff questions from pre-chosen reporters, the flat-screen teleprompter at the back of the room, and a bunch of mini-speeches.  Here's a wrap on it.  Some of his claims, especially related to saving jobs, are questionable at best.


Arthur C. Brooks says that the real culture war is over capitalism.


By the way, remember Andrew Speaker?  Most of you will know him only as the tuberculosis guy.  He is suing the CDC for making such a public fuss over him.


Arlen Specter might face Democrat primary opposition, and at least a few Democrats are not happy about the deal that Harry Reid cut with Specter to get him to join them.


Instead of a real bankruptcy, Chrysler is getting a pre-packaged bankruptcy managed by the Obama Administration.  The bad news is that over half of Americans say that they would not buy a car from a bankrupt automaker.


The Republicans are going to try and rebrand themselves.  They better hurry up, since less than one in four voters call themselves Republicans these days.


Tales from socialized medicine:  the British health service is denying life-saving treatments to patients with kidney cancer due to cost.


Congress passed a budget yesterday that Democrats claim will cut the deficit.  They'll still be spending more than they take in.  It includes steps towards socializing medicine and tax hikes on the so-called "rich."


North Korea is threatening a nuclear test if the United Nations doesn't unwrite the angry letter they sent earlier this month about the last missile test.


What's wrong with saying that Western culture is superior to others?  Plenty, on college campuses.


Here's some information on the commonsense drug laws that they have in Portugal.


Charles Richardson's love affair with Barry continues.


Houston, Peach, and Bibb Counties are seeking a new, regional "brand."

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Barry's 100 Days Bash

Today is President Obama's 100th day in office.  Unfortunately, that still leaves over 1300 days left in this disastrous administration.  I will post again the New York Post's list of 100 mistakes made in the first 100 days.  National Review Online has a list of the violated campaign promises of the Obama Administration.  Also, Dick Morris says that Obama has already sown the seeds of his demise.


Barry announced today that he will campaign for Arlen Specter in his re-election bid.  I hope this is his Waterloo, just like it was Rick Santorum's and, to a lesser extent, President Bush's.  Also, Arlen Specter condemned "Jumping" Jim Jeffords for changing parties in 2001.


"Crazy" Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's new campaign slogan is "Yes, We Can."


Ford and Toyota are gaining on Government Motors and could pass them in terms of market share.  I wonder if that might have something to do with the fact that we're paying the bills for GM?


Citigroup is groveling to the Treasury Department to ask if they will be allowed to pay bonuses to employees.  Already 26% thinks that we have at least a partially socialist economy.


Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC) says that the Republican Party should stop being the party of big business.


The House passed a $3.44 trillion budget today.  Marshall voted for, Bishop against.


More on this swine flu (from here on, I will call it the Mexican flu) nonsense:  the media is wetting itself over the first death of the Mexican flu in the United States, even though the kid who died was a Mexican who came to the United States for treatment.  The federal government wants to stop using the word "swine" to describe the flu because it is not transmitted by pork products (which is actually the smartest thing done yet by the federal government about this).  The World Health Organization says that there are many fewer deaths than what has been publicized (but that doesn't help the panic).  France has asked the EU to stop flights to Mexico, and Cuba and Argentina have stopped all travel to Mexico.  The truth is that the real flu has killed 13,000 Americans this year alone, but that's not part of the media coverage (it's just not sexy enough), which has scared 65% of voters into being seriously worried about the Mexican flu.  Here is a Q-and-A about the Mexican flu that everybody should read.


Barry wants to change sentencing rules for crack cocaine as opposed to powder cocaine.


The final direct cost to taxpayers for that Air Force One photo op in New York City was $328,835.  That doesn't include lost productivity.


The Treasury Department says that at least six major banks need more capital.  This is another move towards socializing them.


Millions of dollars from the "stimulus" funds will be coming to Middle Georgia soon.


Congressman Sanford Bishop spent $25,000 in legal fees in March.  He's having to defend himself against the obvious evidence of his corruption.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Specter to Join Democrats

Arlen Specter is going to switch parties and become a Democrat.  Here's his full statement.  He had said on March 17 that he would not switch parties, showing what an opportunist he really is.  He also told President Obama that he's a "loyal Democrat."  Let's be honest, does this really make much of a difference?


The Fox television network will not carry Barry's 100 days primetime press conference.  I'll be watching Fox instead of Barry.  The other networks will show the press conference, which isn't surprising since half of their newscasts in Obama's first 50 days were devoted to their love of the President.


People are still panicking over the swine flu, stoked by media fears threatening everything from a deeper recession (not likely) to more government intervention in the economy (very likely).  Panic now, because Peach County is on the CDC's national watch list due to the number of illegal Mexican aliens there.  Despite the fact that this thing originated in Mexico, there still isn't enough reason for the highly incompetent Janet Napolitano to say that closing the Southern border may be a possibility (of course, the billions in welfare costs haven't been enough, why would the fear of a pandemic flu change her mind?).  This swine flu popped up for the first time in 1976, and President Ford ordered a nationwide vaccination program that ultimately failed.  That didn't turn into a pandemic.  Politically incorrect but factually correct statement of the day goes to Michael O'Leary, who runs budget Irish airline Ryanair, who said that the swine flu is only a risk for those "living in slums."  With every other supposed pandemic that we were supposed to have had by now, Wesley Pruden asks "Are We Dead Yet?"


We'll talk today about the New York photo op gone bad yesterday.  Just think about this:  why couldn't they have just used Photoshop?


Cap-and-trade might not happen this year, according to a leading House Democrat.


As if GM's nationalization plan wasn't bad enough, now Chrysler is offering the United Auto Workers 55% ownership in the company.  If you think we're done bailing these guys out, think again.


Rasmussen reports that 77% of voters prefer a free market economy to a government-managed economy, but 41% are in favor of government-run health insurance.  Thanks to government education, it's hard for many to tell why that's inconsistent.


The Obama Administration has proposed new spending programs that will add $6,500,000,000,000 to the national debt in the next 10 years.  This despite the fact that the Treasury will borrow a record amount of money this quarter.


According to the Treasury Department, Bank of America and Citigroup may need more bailout money.  Remember that Bank of America was forced to take a bailout to begin with, and forced to acquire Merrill Lynch, which was losing billions.


The IRS made $12 billion in improper Earned Income Tax Credit payments last year due to fraud.  Food stamp fraud may also cost $400 million from the "stimulus" money.


The Obamas were stingy when it came time to donate something to their daughters' school auction.


The state is going to spend $660 million in "stimulus" money on education for special needs and low income students.  How does this stimulate the economy?


Governor Perdue is going to sign the bill to require Georgia students to complete an annual fitness test.  Don't schools have more important things to do?


A white supremacist will be put to death tonight, and the usual anti-death penalty suspects have been strangely silent.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Swine Flu Threat Overblown

With Barry's 100th day in office coming Wednesday, here is the only "OMG!!!!  First 100 Days!!!11!1!" wrap-up story you need to read:  100 Days, 100 Mistakes.


I'm not really worried about this swine flu yet, but apparently the EU is since they've issued a travel warning about the United States and Mexico, which the CDC says is unwarranted.  At least one good thing may come of it, as a Democrat Congressman from New York wants to close the Southern border.  Other Democrats are just blaming Republicans.


Obama must not have been paying the teleprompter enough attention, because it scrolled too slowly for him this morning.  After the teleprompter started behaving again, it told Obama to promise to spend 3% of GDP for research and development.  Maybe it's for researching new teleprompter technology.


Obama wants to go back to the "pay-as-you-go" rule.  I guess he's spent enough money without trying to raise taxes.


The leaders of Bolivia, Cuba, Dominica, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Venezuela say that capitalism is to blame for all problems in the world, and in fact threatens life on the planet.


Here's something to look forward to with socialized medicine:  forced nursing home care for the elderly.


Andrew Lloyd Webber says that raising the top marginal income tax rate in Great Britain could lead to top talent leaving the country.  Their liberal press doesn't care.  I'm sure they also don't care that the super-rich have been crushed by the global recession.


OPEC wants oil prices to be higher.  Who are the nasty, greedy ones now?


Under Government Motors' survival plan, the federal government and the UAW combined would own 89% of the company, with the feds owning over half of the company alone.


Attorney General Eric Holder is begging Europe to take some Guantanamo Bay detainees.


The latest "coddle the kiddies" movement in government schools:  no-fail grading systems.


The Treasury Department's treatment of Bank of America is a case study in what not to do to help the economy.


Obama told Harry Reid "I have a gift, Harry."  Humility is not his strong suit.


Since you folks were so excited to talk about it on Friday, here's a post from Jason Pye saying that legalizing marijuana is more popular than the Republican Party these days.


A new rival to Viagra can be rubbed into the skin.  Is anybody else thinking what I'm thinking, or am I just a pervert?


Macon Telegraph Editor Charles Richardson pulls out the class warfare card to show his complete and utter ignorance of economics in criticizing the tax cuts passed by the General Assembly.


Eric Johnson announced that he will run for Governor next year.  There doesn't seem to be much satisfaction on the part of Georgia Republicans with the current field of candidates (at least before Johnson entered the race).  Will Nathan Deal change that?


Two Crawford County parents make the case for universal school choice in an op-ed in today's Telegraph.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Obama Damaging National Security

The federal government may force out the CEO of Citi as a sacrificial lamb to make the banks fear them.  They really do want to control the banks, as the chairman of Credit Suisse warns against excessive government intervention in the banking industry.


Jackie Chan thinks that liberty is "chaotic."  Barney Frank likes personal liberty, but not economic liberty.


The New York Times, as it circles the drain, still gave big bonuses to their CEO and owner.  Their credibility is now officially shot.


The Obama administration will release photos of detainee "abuse," as CIA officials are lawyering up since the administration won't defend them anymore.  A UN stooge says that Bush administration lawyers must be prosecuted for approving what they call "torture."  I love the statement of New York Republican Congressman Peter King regarding the Democrats' position on national security.


Democrats refused to allow a global warming skeptic to testify alongside Al Gore because they didn't want Gore to be humiliated.


Barry wants the federal government to become the only student lender.  If government would get out of education, it wouldn't be so expensive.


The Club for Growth issued their 2008 ratings for members of Congress.  Here's how our Georgia delegation did.


Georgia schools are going to get a total of over $1.5 billion in "stimulus" money, with the first part being distributed Tuesday.


Unemployment rates dropped last month in Macon and Warner Robins, and it looks like the housing market locally may be rebounding.  Don't give any credit to the "stimulus" for that, because almost none of the money has been spent.


Congressman Lynn Westmoreland will not run for Governor.  It looks like state Senator Eric Johnson will abandon his campaign for Lieutenant Governor and run for Governor instead.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Obama Playing Godfather Again

President Obama is having his meeting with the credit card company CEOs today, in his continued role as financial Godfather.  The credit card companies are just trying to stay in business without the help of the federal government.


This is one of the best ideas I've seen in a while:  Randy Barnett makes the case for a Federalism Amendment.


Government Motors is going to close most of its factories in the United States for nine weeks this summer.  This should be a good move for GM, but it won't be because UAW workers will still get most of their pay.


Treasury Secretary and tax cheat Timothy Geithner says that the United States needs the rest of the world's economy to recover before we can recover.  He may acknowledge that the United States is the world economic leader, but does he really believe it?


FDIC Chairman Sheila Bair wants to end the concept of banks being "too big to fail" by having the federal government determine what is "too big" and not allowing banks to grow too much.


Obama yesterday made indications that he would support drilling for oil and natural gas in the United States.  I'm not holding my breath on this one.  He also burned over 9,000 gallons of airplane fuel on Earth Day so he could give his Earth Day speech in Iowa.  CBS News shared their vision of what "green" living should be, by showing a place in Peru where they depend on a combination bicycle and washing machine to do their laundry, with the help of people from MIT.  Why not help them get electricity instead?


Apparently air pollution actually helps stop global warming.  What do environmentalists do with this information?


Apparently the FBI spied on Tea Party participants.  I'm a bit skeptical, but I'll at least consider it.


The Treasury Department has not come up with a plan to manage what it owns under the TARP program.  Where's the exit strategy?


Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano apparently thought that the 9/11 hijackers came into the United States through Canada, prompting one Canadian newspaper to ask how she got her job.


Here's a shocker:  the woman who begged President Obama for a house is still unemployed.


Vice President and Clown Prince Joe Biden announced yesterday that $300 million in "stimulus" money will go towards buying clean cars.  Weren't they just bragging about "cutting" $100 million from the budget?


Conservatives in Britain realize that, if their government raises tax rates for the rich to 50%, the high achievers will leave the country.


Obama's moves to investigate Bush Administration officials for the "torture" of Islamic terrorists could be the beginning of the downfall of his Presidency.  We can only hope.


The failures of America's government education monopoly are actually costing the United States more than health care, through a loss of growth in GDP.


The family of the Somali pirate being put on trial in New York is asking for a pardon for the pirate.  The families of the killed pirates also want compensation for killing their kids.


Somebody is paying for robo-calls to Congressman Lynn Westmoreland's constituents, telling them to ask Westmoreland to stay in Congress.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Link: The Great Global Warming Swindle

Keep Your Lights On--It's Earth Day

Today is Earth Day, and I can think of no better way to celebrate than by thoroughly debunking the myth that is global warming.  Astronomers are having some trouble figuring out why the sun is so quiet, which is causing a reversal of global warming.  There is a study that shows that rich countries, rather than polluting more, actually pollute less, a trend that only improves with a heavy respect for property rights.  People are starting to quit caring about "global warming," as there is a decline in "green guilt."  This isn't stopping the Democrats from pushing their cap-and-trade scheme, which will not stop "climate change" and will cost American households almost an extra $4,000 per year.  The most important thing for the Democrats is that it would be "the most significant revenue-generating proposal of our time."  It's all about power.


Here's an excellent video about government corruption.  The only way to prevent corruption is to separate so much power from politicians.  Removing the power from politics would also cut down on the so-called "revolving door" between Congress and lobbying firms.


Government run colleges and universities are raising tuition much more than private institutions.  Remember this whenever you think about government running anything else—especially health care.


National Intelligence Director Dennis Blair says that high-value information was obtained in interrogations that included what the left calls torture.  Despite that, President Obama is open to the idea of prosecuting Bush administration officials who authorized the use of these tactics.


Barney Frank is showing his hypocrisy, blaming the Bush administration for helping more people own homes, when he pushed for the same things.


Congressman Steve King echoed Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, comparing him to President Obama.


Barry is trying—and failing—to make a viable out-of-court automaker bankruptcy deal.  Just let them go.


The Supreme Court is hearing a case today on reverse discrimination, in which the fire department in New Haven, Connecticut refused to promote top performers on an aptitude test because none of them were black.  Meanwhile, a Republican and a Democrat are working together on a hate crimes bill.


New York City is paying poor people to act responsibly.  When was the last time you got paid for taking care of yourself?


Here's another nefarious part of the card check bill:  there are no safeguards to prevent the union from faking signature cards.


I love this statement from Clayton County juvenile court judge Steven Teske:  "Zero tolerance is zero intelligence."  He was talking about bullies, but that's the reason for that ridiculous case of the 13-year-old girl who was strip-searched at school.


The back-and-forth on the Tea Parties continued today in the Macon Telegraph's letters to the editor and in the Speak Out section of the Sun News.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Democrat Scandals Everywhere Today!

Today is a juicy day for Democrat scandals.  You have California Senator Dianne Feinstein introducing a bill to spend $25 billion on a government agency that had just given her husband's business a lucrative contract, California Congresswoman Jane Harman promising help for an AIPAC espionage case in exchange for help becoming House Intelligence Committee Chairwoman, Pennsylvania Congressman John Murtha is still directing earmarks to his campaign contributors, Mississippi Congressman Bennie Thompson is getting millions of dollars in homeland security earmarks for his alma mater, even though they don't have the capacity to provide the services under the earmarks, and Indiana Congressman Pete Visclosky has to use his campaign funds to pay for legal help defending himself from an FBI probe into his campaign fundraising.  Power corrupts.  Absolute power corrupts absolutely.


To make things even worse, we have warnings from the bailout watchdog that the program is vulnerable to fraud.  Some banks are trying to get out of TARP, and Obama isn't crazy about the idea, as they take the backdoor to nationalization.


Obama is going to attend a meeting with credit card company executives, presumably to protect them from the pitchforks the same way he is with the banks, as long as they kiss his ring.


Even the mainstream media recognizes the insignificance of Obama's so-called budget cuts.  Here are some analogies for the amount of the cuts proposed.  Even White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs can't call these serious budget cuts with a straight face.  Obama clearly thinks we're all stupid and can't count.


Former Vice President Dick Cheney wants to release more of the CIA interrogation memos—the ones on the results of interrogation, like the fact that waterboarding Khalid Sheik Mohammed led to information that stopped a 9/11-style attack on Los Angeles.


John McCain is criticizing Barry's version of a cap-and-trade scheme.  He's criticizing only the version, not the concept, which might be why McCain is facing primary opposition next year.


A majority of regular Americans view Tea Parties favorably, but the political class hates them.  Republicans still aren't seeing big benefits from the Tea Parties.


Hugo Chavez says that Venezuelan-style socialism has started to become policy in the United States under Obama.


Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano says that crossing the border is not a crime.  I wish we could fire these people just for ignorance.


The Ninth District Court of Appeals decided that the Second Amendment applies there.


Forget deficits or national security, what really matters is that a shirtless Obama will be on the cover of The Washingtonian magazine.


A teenager ruined his pants when a police officer jumped out of the car that he was trying to steal.  The best punishment would be just to publicize the kid's name.


Senator Johnny Isakson will not run for Governor, instead sticking with his re-election bid for Senate.  Now if only we can find a "real" Republican to oppose Isakson for Senate.  Isakson is showing his true colors in supporting Arlen Specter in his re-election bid.  This is why I hope to support (if he runs) Eric Von Haessler's Senate run.  You can see his speech to the Georgia Libertarian Party Convention last weekend over at Jason Pye's website.


A poll released yesterday shows John "The Fascist" Oxendine as somewhat of a frontrunner in the race for the GOP nomination for Governor.  Apparently Congressman Lynn Westmoreland is seriously considering a run for Governor as well.  Sam Olens will run for Attorney General.


Warner Robins no longer uses the gas chamber to kill stray animals.  Now if only we can eliminate the need to kill these animals…

Monday, April 20, 2009

Obama to Cut Spending? Not Really

Did Barry get the clue from the Tea Parties?  Well, he did ask his Cabinet to cut spending—barely.  At least some Democrats in Congress are resisting Obama's tax hikes.


The Obama Administration is still writing off the Tea Parties, with David Axelrod calling them "unhealthy," while NPR called the Tea Parties "cockamamie."  Habersham County, Georgia tried to kick Tea Partiers off of government property last week.  Proving that the Tea Parties are not just anti-Democrat rallies, plenty of Republicans were shunned or booed at Parties across the country, including Republican Congressman Gresham Barrett.


Barry and socialist Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez had a moment over the weekend at the Summit of the Americas.  He now has to defend the moment.  I felt a lot better about having a President that Hugo Chavez hated.


Some economic indicators are starting to turn around, no thanks to the "stimulus," which some are concerned is not being spent quickly enough.


More Americans believe that global warming is natural rather than man-made, so the Energy Secretary has to get even crazier in his assessments of global warming.


It's not just the DHS that is worried about veterans; it turns out that the FBI has been focusing on Iraq and Afghanistan veterans when looking into "extremist groups."


Obama wants to force credit card companies to stop marketing in ways that addict people to credit.  What do we do about the federal government's debt addiction?


The Obama Administration may convert bank bailouts to equity shares in the companies.  They also will only allow repayment of TARP funds if it is in the "national economic interest."  Can anybody say nationalization?


A majority of likely voters think are worried that the federal government will do too much to "fix" the economy.


Three patients who received colonoscopies at VA hospitals have been diagnosed with HIV.  Remember, this is the future of health care if the Democrats have their way.  The Senate is taking up efforts to nationalize health care this week.  They already have the Department of Health and Human Services on board.


Chris Dodd has only had five donations to his re-election fund from residents of his home state of Connecticut, making him the poster boy for the permanent political class.


The AJC is worried that the tax cuts passed by the General Assembly will bust the state's budget.  Even if it does, what's wrong with that?  Starve the beast!


Lobbyists spent big money trying to sway legislators this year.  The second biggest lobbyist was the University System of Georgia—meaning that your tax dollars were spent lobbying members of the General Assembly to spend your tax dollars.


Hopefully Governor Perdue will sign a bill to tighten immigration laws in Georgia.  By the way, did you know that Georgia hosts a large immigration detention center in Lumpkin County?


The Macon Telegraph had a nice write-up on yesterday's front page about the annexation of land into the city that Warner Robins has taken on since Mayor Donald Walker came into office.


There's still plenty of ignorance in the local media about the Tea Parties, as you can see from yesterday's and today's letters to the editor in the Macon Telegraph and from Obama flunky and the editor of the Telegraph Charles Richardson.


The Macon Telegraph decided to scare everybody about another BRAC, so here's that story.


A bunch of people are angry about the fact that Houston County school buses won't drive down dirt roads when there are safety concerns anymore.  Get over it, people.


The new executive director of the Warner Robins Housing Authority is trying to make people who live on your tax dollars more comfortable.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Obama Apologizes for America...Again

Did you attend the Tea Party just because you hate the fact that a black guy is President?  Me either.  By the way, thank you again to HoneyBaked Hams and Chic-Fil-A for the tea, thanks to Jonathan Radney at the Sign Factory for the t-shirts and signs (contact him if you still want a shirt), thank you to the City of Warner Robins for allowing us to use their space and equipment, thank you to Lynne for taking pictures, and thank you to all of you for making the Middle Georgia Tax Day Tea Party a success!


Check it out, I might be a terrorist!  (At least if you listen to the DHS report)


Seven Republican members of the Senate (not including Chambliss or Isakson) wrote a letter to DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano scolding her over the DHS report on "rightwing extremism."


The Obama Administration released memos detailing the interrogation techniques used on enemy combatant Islamic terrorists, which will only help the Islamic terrorists because now they know what to train for.  Jeff Emanuel over at points out that what the left calls "torture" is less severe than what he went through in military SERE training, and ABC News is worried about the fact that Islamic terrorist Abu Zubaydah was "tortured" with an insect.  The Administration claims that Barry never really wanted to release the memos, which we all know is bovine excrement, especially since he is out apologizing to the rest of the world for America again.


The EPA is essentially going to declare carbon dioxide (the stuff that plants need to live and that we all exhale) as a pollutant.  If the bureaucrats at the EPA would stop breathing, then they could cut their carbon footprint to zero!  By the way, it snowed near Las Vegas yesterday and they're getting covered in snow throughout much of Colorado.  I guess global warming doesn't own a calendar.


What happens when a journalist who isn't a liberal tries to cover an event at a journalism school?  John Ziegler found out the hard way.


Here's a statistic that shouldn't surprise you at all:  one out of every nine people born in Mexico currently lives in the United States.


At least I can say one good thing about our Congressional delegation:  Georgia is 50th in the country in per-capita pork barrel spending.  I'll be satisfied when Georgia is getting zero pork projects.


The race for Governor could get very crowded in the next few weeks now that Casey Cagle has dropped out.  We will start the show with this today.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Thank You for Making the Tea Party A Success!

Thank you is all I can say to those of you who came to the Middle Georgia Tax Day Tea Party yesterday.  I'll have more on the show today, including the local media's reaction and the final tally of petition signers, but again I just want to say thanks to those of you who joined us in Warner Robins and those who joined us in Eastman as well.  You can find pictures from the event on our station's website here, and Lynne, who attended the Tea Party, took a bunch of pictures which you can find here (Thanks Lynne!).


Here are the links to the local media stories on the Tea Party:  13WMAZ, 41NBC, Fox24, and the Macon Telegraph.


National mainstream media coverage was decidedly negative.  The New York Times said that the Tea Parties were more about "group therapy" than solutions.  CNN sent a "reporter" out to argue with one of the tea party participants, and then call it anti-government and anti-CNN.


The Republican Party is hoping to get some momentum from the Tea Party movement.  It will only happen if they renounce their past and come up with some real ideas.  I'm not seeing that in Washington these days.  In Texas, Governor Rick Perry pointed out that technically Texas can secede from the Union at any time.  If they do, I'm moving there.


The Obama Administration barely acknowledged the Tea Parties, but when he did he claimed that he has already cut taxes and said that he wants a simpler tax code.  It's called the FairTax.  Obama, by the way, is one of the rich people he wants to tax.  He made $2.7 million last year.  Good for him—now if only he wasn't so self-loathing.


Congressman Jim Marshall, who will receive a large number of petitions (the official number will be announced during the show), stayed far away from the Tea Parties.  Instead, he went to a government high school where he'd get a friendlier crowd.


Big state news came out yesterday when Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle announced that, due to health reasons, he would drop out of the race for Governor but would run for re-election as Lieutenant Governor, an interesting statement in itself.  This could mean a whole new crowd of candidates for Governor, including possibly House Speaker Pro-Tem Mark Burkhalter.  It is interesting for Cagle to leave the race just hours after the release of a poll showing him with a commanding lead.


Republicans and veterans are not happy about the DHS report about "rightwing extremists."  Meanwhile, DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano stands by the report, but orders to the media is that only one question about it is allowed.


JPMorgan Chase wants to give back the TARP money.  We should be encouraging this.


Former Congressman Tom Tancredo was disrupted by an unruly student protest while speaking at the University of North Carolina.  Liberals love freedom of speech, as long as they're the ones choosing who has that freedom.


Iran has complained to the United Nations about Israeli "threats."  I bet the UN takes those threats more seriously than Iran threatening to wipe Israel off the map.


Government officials say that in recent months the NSA has been intercepting private e-mail messages and phone calls beyond the legal limits given by Congress.  Remember that when government takes a power it will always expand it.


Georgetown University covered Jesus' name prior to a speech by President Obama at the White House's request.  They can only handle one Messiah at a time.


United Airlines is going to start charging heavy passengers double to fly their airline.  If you take up two seats, you pay for two seats; it makes sense to me.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tea Party Day

Today is Tea Party Day, so the whole stack today is about the Tea Party movement.  We'll have a number of guests joining us on the show today, including Libertarian candidate for Governor John Monds, state Senator and Republican candidate for Lieutenant Governor Eric Johnson, Secretary of State and Republican candidate for Governor Karen Handel, and state Senator Cecil Staton.  We may have a few other surprise guests over the course of the show as well, and David Cranshaw will join us.  Come out and join us, buy t-shirts and protest signs, drink some sweet tea, and have a good time!  All the information you need is included at


Glenn Reynolds at the Wall Street Journal points out that while the Tea Parties are a conservative grassroots movement, they may not lead to gains for Republicans—at least until we can trust them to clean up their act.  You Republican politicians who have been the problem have been warned—no AstroTurfing.

David Cranshaw wrote an excellent column in the Sun News today about the Tea Party.


USAToday has a phony poll out today saying that the American people are fine with big government.  This is part lies, part ignorance.


The White House and Congressional Democrats are already prepared with their talking points on the Tea Parties—they're orchestrated by corporate lobbyists.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tea Party Eve

Tomorrow is, of course, tax day.  That means two things:  tomorrow is the Middle Georgia Tax Day Tea Party, and that people are stressed about having to pay their taxes.  This year, people plan on being more frugal with their refunds, which some worry could harm the economy.


John Avlon points out that to be consistent and non-partisan the Tea Parties have to address the big spending of the Bush years.  Don't worry, we're covered.


We have more on this DHS report about "rightwing extremism" today.  Texas Governor Rick Perry would be included in the category of "rightwing extremist" because he supports a state sovereignty resolution being considered in his state.  Here's the full text, if you'd like to read it.


It took over a week, but the United Nations Security Council finally managed to agree to write a letter to Kim Jong-Mentally-Il telling him how angry they are about North Korea's rocket launch.  Also featured in national security amateur hour, the United States is considering dropping the condition that Iran shut down their nuclear facilities for talks.


From the peaceful, serene, loving, caring religion of Islam, we get the story of the Taliban killing a young couple for eloping.


For the media, when government doesn't cut employees despite budget cutbacks it's using "ingenuity" and being "resourceful."  For me, it's just continuing to take from taxpayers.


We are getting more information about those Navy SEAL snipers who took out the Somali pirates Sunday.  They have had more than three years of specialized training to make that kind of shot.


With amnesty likely to come back next month, we have an illegal alien stack today.  Illegals are claiming tax credits that they're not supposed to be eligible for and are costing the state of Florida alone over $3,800,000,000 every year.  Also, don't forget they're reproducing rapidly.


Add this to the list of reasons for GM's money woes:  they are recalling 1.5 million cars made between 1997 and 2003 because of possible engine fires.  If you make your product correctly the first time, then this kind of thing won't happen, and you might not face bankruptcy.


A woman in Brazil survived being shot in the chest because of the money she had stuffed in her bra.  Keep that in mind before you go shopping in the Macon Mall, which will probably get a new precinct of the Macon Police Department.


Macon will close their gas chamber for killing unwanted animals this week.  I don't know which is more humane, but the problem is not the method, but the need to kill the animals.  At the risk of sounding like Bob Barker, please have your pets spayed and neutered, folks.


The Georgia Board of Regents has a meeting today.  They will consider raising tuition at state colleges and universities.  A lot of the money will come from lottery funds.


The state legislature approved money to buy land that's not actually for sale.


Cobb County Commissioner Sam Olens will announce Friday his candidacy for either Governor or Lieutenant Governor.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Only Two More Days...

...until the Middle Georgia Tax Day Tea Party!  You can find all the information you need on the Tea Party here.

Happy Tax Freedom Day!


A group of Navy SEAL snipers took out the Somali pirates who were holding ship captain Richard Phillips.  Why didn't this happen earlier?  Because President Obama only authorized the use of force if or when Phillips was in immediate danger of being killed.  Somali pirates are now threatening American and French ships, so I think it's time for private shipping companies to hire guards with big guns to protect their ships in that part of the world.  Let any of these other pirates who want to make world headlines meet Allah instead.  There was one pirate who turned himself in before the shooting started, and Attorney General Eric Holder wants to file charges.  The guy belongs in Guantanamo Bay or a "black site," but those are all being shut down.  The military is now considering attacks on the pirates' land bases, and a Democrat Congressman who was visiting Somalia was the target of mortar attacks this morning.  I told you, Somalia is the worst place in the world.


"Green stimulus" money actually costs more jobs than it creates, judging by Spain's experience.


The religious right is conceding defeat through the election of Obama.  Will they go away now?


The Homeland Security Department leaked a report on "Rightwing Extremism" in America that would consider conservatives and libertarians possible terrorism suspects.  Here's the full report if you want to read it yourself.


A British columnist says that Obama is the new "surrender monkey on the block."  Apparently he's a racist; why else would he call him a surrender monkey?


During Obama's trip to Iraq he visited the troops.  The photo op with cheering troops was staged.


The federal budget deficit set a record last month.  Are we surprised, then, that China is cutting back on their purchases of American Treasury Bonds?


The self-esteem movement of the 1980s has led to a generation of entitled and self-absorbed young adults.


This is a question that should be asked much more often with regards to socialized medicine:  when government "competes," guess who always wins?


Rich Lowry says that we are witnessing the rise of the TARP state.


Ari Fleischer (some of you may remember him as Bush's White House Press Secretary with the nickname "bald Jew") says that everybody should pay income taxes.  Over at RedState, there is a discussion going on over the idea of "representation without taxation," when non-taxpaying parasites can make their living at the ballot box.  They are throwing around the idea that I've had for a while—stop letting them vote!


Insurance Commissioner John "the Fascist" Oxendine is busy once again with his pathetic little swipes at Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle.  Now he says that Cagle doesn't like to "think hard."


Warner Robins is getting money from the federal government to fight blight in the city.  It's not federal taxpayers' jobs to pay for this.


Warner Robins dedicated the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Parkway on Saturday.