Thursday, April 09, 2009

Only 53% of Americans Prefer Capitalism to Socialism

Just think about something for a moment.  If you were somebody who wanted to inflict harm on the United States, would you be concerned or emboldened by the Obama Administration's reaction to the Somali Pirates story?  Don't forget to consider the history that the United States has with Islamic pirates.


The Iranians continue to push towards a nuclear weapons program, and we are going to negotiate with them.  Where do you negotiate when one side demands the annihilation of another country?  And what is "Crazy" Mahmoud Ahmadinejad thinking while he watches the handling of a rag-tag bunch of pirates from Somalia?


Bill Whittle over at PajamasMedia is encouraging rich people to "Go Galt."  For those of you who don't get it, read Atlas Shrugged.


The Treasury Department hasn't had many takers to their requests for private investors to buy bad debt, so now they're trying to get small investors to join the program.  The New York Times compares it to buying "Liberty Bonds."  Meanwhile, Wells Fargo (a bank that was extorted into taking TARP money) had a record profit in the first quarter.


The National Taxpayers Union has issued its annual ratings on members of Congress.  Ours don't look good.


President Obama is going to try and push for amnesty for illegal aliens this summer.


Obama is exploring radical ideas to address "global warming" such as shooting pollution particles into the upper atmosphere to reflect the sun's rays.  People explored the same kinds of ideas in the 1970s, only they were worried about global cooling.  Obama is also now admitting to using cap-and-trade to redistribute income.  California is considering a ban on big-screen televisions.  Remember, "global warming" is all about control.


Only 53% of American adults believe that capitalism is better than socialism.


Attorney General Eric Holder says that the Second Amendment won't "stand in the way" of stopping the trafficking of guns to Mexico (a claim that is vastly overestimated anyway).


Guess what happened to drug use in Portugal after they decriminalized drugs?


A small piece of good news in Washington last week came from a vote to permanently cut the death tax to 35%.


Why is there even a question as to whether or not Barry will go to Normandy for the 65th anniversary of D-Day?


Peter Roff compares the Tax Day Tea Parties to the original Boston Tea Party.


The creators of South Park were given a signed photo of Saddam Hussein.  If this means nothing to you, then go rent South Park:  Bigger, Longer, and Uncut.  It's my favorite musical.


State Parks might have to be closed due to state budget cuts.  Here's an idea:  user fees.  Try to turn them into self-sufficient operations.


Almost 32,000 state employees are now being furloughed.  At what point do you start just eliminating those jobs?


Governor Perdue has approved the first batch of "stimulus" funds for roads in Georgia.  Too bad most of the money nationwide not only goes to things other than roads, but it won't be spent for over a year.


The General Assembly's summary of the bills they passed in this session is 47 pages long.  That's just the summary.


Check it out, WMAZ has information on the Tax Day Tea Party!

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