Friday, April 17, 2009

Obama Apologizes for America...Again

Did you attend the Tea Party just because you hate the fact that a black guy is President?  Me either.  By the way, thank you again to HoneyBaked Hams and Chic-Fil-A for the tea, thanks to Jonathan Radney at the Sign Factory for the t-shirts and signs (contact him if you still want a shirt), thank you to the City of Warner Robins for allowing us to use their space and equipment, thank you to Lynne for taking pictures, and thank you to all of you for making the Middle Georgia Tax Day Tea Party a success!


Check it out, I might be a terrorist!  (At least if you listen to the DHS report)


Seven Republican members of the Senate (not including Chambliss or Isakson) wrote a letter to DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano scolding her over the DHS report on "rightwing extremism."


The Obama Administration released memos detailing the interrogation techniques used on enemy combatant Islamic terrorists, which will only help the Islamic terrorists because now they know what to train for.  Jeff Emanuel over at points out that what the left calls "torture" is less severe than what he went through in military SERE training, and ABC News is worried about the fact that Islamic terrorist Abu Zubaydah was "tortured" with an insect.  The Administration claims that Barry never really wanted to release the memos, which we all know is bovine excrement, especially since he is out apologizing to the rest of the world for America again.


The EPA is essentially going to declare carbon dioxide (the stuff that plants need to live and that we all exhale) as a pollutant.  If the bureaucrats at the EPA would stop breathing, then they could cut their carbon footprint to zero!  By the way, it snowed near Las Vegas yesterday and they're getting covered in snow throughout much of Colorado.  I guess global warming doesn't own a calendar.


What happens when a journalist who isn't a liberal tries to cover an event at a journalism school?  John Ziegler found out the hard way.


Here's a statistic that shouldn't surprise you at all:  one out of every nine people born in Mexico currently lives in the United States.


At least I can say one good thing about our Congressional delegation:  Georgia is 50th in the country in per-capita pork barrel spending.  I'll be satisfied when Georgia is getting zero pork projects.


The race for Governor could get very crowded in the next few weeks now that Casey Cagle has dropped out.  We will start the show with this today.

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