Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Specter to Join Democrats

Arlen Specter is going to switch parties and become a Democrat.  Here's his full statement.  He had said on March 17 that he would not switch parties, showing what an opportunist he really is.  He also told President Obama that he's a "loyal Democrat."  Let's be honest, does this really make much of a difference?


The Fox television network will not carry Barry's 100 days primetime press conference.  I'll be watching Fox instead of Barry.  The other networks will show the press conference, which isn't surprising since half of their newscasts in Obama's first 50 days were devoted to their love of the President.


People are still panicking over the swine flu, stoked by media fears threatening everything from a deeper recession (not likely) to more government intervention in the economy (very likely).  Panic now, because Peach County is on the CDC's national watch list due to the number of illegal Mexican aliens there.  Despite the fact that this thing originated in Mexico, there still isn't enough reason for the highly incompetent Janet Napolitano to say that closing the Southern border may be a possibility (of course, the billions in welfare costs haven't been enough, why would the fear of a pandemic flu change her mind?).  This swine flu popped up for the first time in 1976, and President Ford ordered a nationwide vaccination program that ultimately failed.  That didn't turn into a pandemic.  Politically incorrect but factually correct statement of the day goes to Michael O'Leary, who runs budget Irish airline Ryanair, who said that the swine flu is only a risk for those "living in slums."  With every other supposed pandemic that we were supposed to have had by now, Wesley Pruden asks "Are We Dead Yet?"


We'll talk today about the New York photo op gone bad yesterday.  Just think about this:  why couldn't they have just used Photoshop?


Cap-and-trade might not happen this year, according to a leading House Democrat.


As if GM's nationalization plan wasn't bad enough, now Chrysler is offering the United Auto Workers 55% ownership in the company.  If you think we're done bailing these guys out, think again.


Rasmussen reports that 77% of voters prefer a free market economy to a government-managed economy, but 41% are in favor of government-run health insurance.  Thanks to government education, it's hard for many to tell why that's inconsistent.


The Obama Administration has proposed new spending programs that will add $6,500,000,000,000 to the national debt in the next 10 years.  This despite the fact that the Treasury will borrow a record amount of money this quarter.


According to the Treasury Department, Bank of America and Citigroup may need more bailout money.  Remember that Bank of America was forced to take a bailout to begin with, and forced to acquire Merrill Lynch, which was losing billions.


The IRS made $12 billion in improper Earned Income Tax Credit payments last year due to fraud.  Food stamp fraud may also cost $400 million from the "stimulus" money.


The Obamas were stingy when it came time to donate something to their daughters' school auction.


The state is going to spend $660 million in "stimulus" money on education for special needs and low income students.  How does this stimulate the economy?


Governor Perdue is going to sign the bill to require Georgia students to complete an annual fitness test.  Don't schools have more important things to do?


A white supremacist will be put to death tonight, and the usual anti-death penalty suspects have been strangely silent.

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