Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tea Party Day

Today is Tea Party Day, so the whole stack today is about the Tea Party movement.  We'll have a number of guests joining us on the show today, including Libertarian candidate for Governor John Monds, state Senator and Republican candidate for Lieutenant Governor Eric Johnson, Secretary of State and Republican candidate for Governor Karen Handel, and state Senator Cecil Staton.  We may have a few other surprise guests over the course of the show as well, and David Cranshaw will join us.  Come out and join us, buy t-shirts and protest signs, drink some sweet tea, and have a good time!  All the information you need is included at


Glenn Reynolds at the Wall Street Journal points out that while the Tea Parties are a conservative grassroots movement, they may not lead to gains for Republicans—at least until we can trust them to clean up their act.  You Republican politicians who have been the problem have been warned—no AstroTurfing.

David Cranshaw wrote an excellent column in the Sun News today about the Tea Party.


USAToday has a phony poll out today saying that the American people are fine with big government.  This is part lies, part ignorance.


The White House and Congressional Democrats are already prepared with their talking points on the Tea Parties—they're orchestrated by corporate lobbyists.

1 comment:


thanks for all your hard work at today's tea party jeff and crew! i had a great time at my very first ever protest rally. i have never been around such friendly law enforcement officers and really enjoyed some insightful and intelligent conversations with other attendees. have a look at some of the pictures i took at