A majority of American voters (57%) want to replace the entire Congress. Before you get too excited, the number was 59% last October and about 95% of the members of Congress still got re-elected.
I missed the part of the Ted Kennedy funeral in which the family used children to push for nationalized health care in a prayer.
The Boston Globe doesn't just want to use the death of Ted Kennedy to pass the nationalized health care bill that he wanted; they also want to hurry up and start on a wind farm that Kennedy opposed.
President Obama said in 2006 that a mix of the private sector and government was the "worst of both worlds" when talking about health care, and yet that's exactly what he's trying to push in his own health care reform efforts. Larry Elder shows that the government isn't the only answer when it comes to helping the needy get health care, which is proven by the experience of American Indians, who are starting to give up their government-provided health care on reservations in favor of providing their own care.
Only 29% of American voters are confident that Congress knows what it is doing with regards to the economy. That would be a vote of no confidence in Congress.
The federal government will have to borrow 40% of the money that it spends next year.
I love this: Fort Lauderdale, Florida police used the promise of "stimulus" checks to lure criminals with outstanding warrants into a public location where they could be arrested safely. Never doubt that a parasite will come looking for its money.
Union thugs and their enablers in the Democrat Party are trying to push a new tax on Wall Street that would raise a lot of revenue and punish the hated rich. Meanwhile, the Obama Labor Department is relaxing rules on financial disclosure for labor unions. This is just another payback.
Harry Reid wants to see the Las Vegas Review-Journal "go out of business." I can think of plenty of elected officials who would love to see me off the air, and to them I say the same thing that the Review-Journal said: Bring it on.
A bubble-headed and race-baiting member of Congress from Los Angeles says that people who want to stop the Democrats' takeover of health care just want to stop a President who "looks like me" and goes out of her way to praise Fidel Castro and the Cuban health care system.
The Lockerbie bomber was set free for oil.
A woman who must register as a sex offender for performing sex on a 15-year-old classmate when she was 17 was arrested last week for failing to register a new address. Why should she have to register as a sex offender at all?
Yet again, SAT scores have fallen in Georgia, and we rank 47th in the country in SAT scores. The typical excuse is that Georgia scores low because so many students take the test, but that argument rings hollow when you consider that Georgia also ranks 40th in ACT scores. When looking at solutions, who would have ever thought that teaching important subject material would be a way to help raise scores?
Lottery funds can't keep up with the money needed to fully fund HOPE.
State Senate Majority Leader Chip Rogers responded to the Macon Telegraph's call for increasing taxes with force this weekend.
Governor Perdue had his annual fish fry this weekend in Perry, while the Democrats met in Fort Valley to promise to raise taxes.