Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Obama Permanent Campaign for Socialism in Full Gear

President Obama, in what is a legacy-building moment, is trying to rally the troops for his socialist health care scheme.  Yesterday he had Democrat Senators to the White House for a pep talk about the health care plan.  He also sent an e-mail to his brownshirts in the permanent campaign urging them to rally in support of Obamacare, and the White House blog yesterday made a post telling people to report "disinformation" about Obamacare to the White House.  You've all become spies for the Administration, and I am asking you to please please PLEASE report me as a source of disinformation.


Back in 2008, Hillary Clinton criticized Obama for being a supporter of a single-payer health care system.


Check it out:  Arthur Laffer agrees with me on how to fix the health care system.  To look at what would happen with the "public option," look at what happened in Maine after they created a public option.


Congressman John Barrow has a column today in the Savannah Morning News explaining his vote against the Obamacare bill in the House.  By the way, the government insurance will allow coverage for abortion, so if that's what gets your panties in a bunch then use that to kill this thing.


Remember when Democrats demonized the executives of the Big Three for flying their private jets to Washington to beg for taxpayer dollars?  Well now the House of Representatives has voted to authorize spending nearly $200 million in taxpayer money to buy three Gulfstream jets for members of Congress to use.


The White House continues to be spineless when it comes to Iran.


Former President Bill Clinton's trip to North Korea yesterday to pick up those American journalists gave Kim Jong-Mentally-Il a chance to save face to the world by coming across as a good guy, and Clinton was just the photo opportunity for Dear Leader, orchestrated by the Obama administration.


This year's tornado season was unusually mild, and the hurricane season has been so calm so far that the experts have reduced the number of projected hurricanes for the year.  It must be all of that global warming that we have going on that's giving NASA reason to look at moving the planet to cool the climate.  Meanwhile, the cap-and-trade bill, according to a federal study, would destroy jobs, just like I've told you it would.


You want to cut down on teen pregnancy?  Here's the best way:  tell teenage girls that it will cost $221,000 to raise a child born in 2008.


Private-sector jobs numbers are down 371,000 in the last month.


Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) admits that without government subsidies, mass transit systems would disappear.

1 comment:

Hamster said...

Socialism is creeping into American society. Conservatives need to recognize it...and stop it.

One of the most insidious forms of socialism is "insurance".

Insurance? .....Socialism?? How can that be?

The insurance industry claims that insurance is just a way to spread the risk.
But what it really is socialism.

Take me. I've been paying fire insurance for over 30 years.
I've never had a house burn down...never filed a claim.

So I called my insurance agent and ask to know "Where's all those premiums I've been sending you year after year ?"
You know what he told me? He said his company had already given it to some guy I didn't even know!!!
"Who did you give it to?"
"This guy whose house burned down.",my agent informed me. "He went on vacation and left the stove on. The whole place burned to the ground"

"So I should have to pay for someone else's stupid mistake?".

" I don't think so. I want my money back." I demanded.

"Sorry. But That's the way insurance works." My agent said. "We take money from those whose houses didn't burn down and give it to those who have had a fire.

We take money from the young and healthy and use it to pay the old and sick.

We take money from good drivers and give it to some guy who totaled his car while driving too fast.

We are spreading the risk. We take money from those who don't need it and give it to those who do. "

That's socialism in a nutshell. Take from those that have and give to those who don't???

That's right. Those hidden forms of socialism have slowly seeped into our society and now threaten to infect every area of our lives.

Time to put an end to insurance. Time to end socialism