After trying to make sure that the left-wing organizers, including the purple people eaters of the SEIU and ACORN, showed up to his town hall meeting last night, Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD) was still booed by an overflow crowd. Arlen Specter also faced a hostile crowd this morning at a town hall meeting in which he claimed that he is a defender of the Constitution. Obama, in his town hall meeting today, pointed to the competition between FedEx, UPS, and the postal service as a reason that the private sector will be able to compete with the government on health care as well.
The White House will not back Nancy Pelosi on her claim that town hall protestors are "Un-American."
Only 32% of voters across the country support a single-payer health care system, with 57% opposed. Meanwhile, public support for the Democrats' plan has fallen to a new low of just 42%, with 53% opposed.
The White House continues to claim that health care reform would not add to the deficit, despite the fact that the Congressional Budget Office says otherwise. The CBO also says that preventive care, which Democrats claim will cut health care costs, will actually increase costs.
Sarah Palin was right about federal bureaucrats making end-of-life decisions for the American people. One of the health care bills will also require parents to accept government agents into their homes to tell them how to parent.
The Obama administration is planning on repealing a ban on tracking how people use Government websites. I can see where this could lead.
The increase in the minimum wage was probably responsible for destroying one out of every four jobs lost last month.
Even government watchdogs aren't sure where the bank bailout money went.
President Obama says that immigration reform (read: amnesty) will have to wait until next year. Lindsay Grahamnesty is already chomping at the bit to help make sure it passes.
Moe Lane at points out that the cash-for-clunkers program is either very popular or very unpopular, depending on whom you ask. Is anybody else noticing the change in marketing on the cash-for-clunkers program by car dealers?
House Democrats have dropped their plans to force the Pentagon to buy them fancy jets.
Georgia colleges are furloughing employees, cutting jobs, and even eliminating classes to balance their budgets. If only local school boards would take note.
The state is spending $1500 per sign to announce projects that are funded by the "stimulus" package.
A swastika was painted outside of Rep. David Scott's office. It wouldn't surprise me if this was done by liberals to try and frame conservatives as racists and bigots.
Governor Perdue's staff announced their furloughs today, and apparently Governor Perdue already took his furlough days. Did anybody notice?
Congressman Marshall is going to have two town hall meetings in Houston County. One will not be open to the public, and one has a yet-to-be-determined time and location, but will be on August 24. We're still waiting for Marshall's office to finish their town hall schedule.
Sen. Chambliss will have a town hall meeting on health care tomorrow at 2pm at Central Georgia Technical College. Thanks for the advance notice, Saxby.
The Macon delegation is working to come up with a way to fund the failing Georgia Music and Sports Halls of Fame. We should have details early in the show.
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