Thursday, August 27, 2009

Health Care Rationing And Your Bank Accounts

While the navel-gazing media is doing their job on the Kennedy legacy, keep in mind that Ted Kennedy was:  a) a murderer; b) the man who invented "borking;" and c) a traitor.  Keep in mind also that plenty of Republicans were willing to negotiate with him, including two Republican Presidential candidates.


The Democrats' health care bill allows the health bureaucracy to look into your tax records.


Have a look into the brain of the White House health care advisor who has already laid out the provisions for rationing.


Even the Washington Post admits that co-ops aren't what they're all cracked up to be.


There are now two lines of attack against the Blue Dog Democrats who might be the only resistance to socialist medicine:  either they're brain dead or they're bought off by the insurance companies.


Tales from socialized medicine:  one million British patients have received "cruel and neglectful" care.


It won't just be health care; Washington politicians of both parties may try to push amnesty for Kennedy.


Americans rate working for the government as the top employment choice in today's economy.  That's because bureaucrats have the ultimate job security.


Do you think there might have been political considerations at play when a Canadian border crossing that sees about three travelers a day got a $15 million stimulus grant?


Government schools may use your children to complete the Census so that the Democrats and their constituents in the parasite class can get all of the information they want on you.


The U.S. Chamber of Commerce wants to have a trial on global warming.


The IRS may reduce the amount that individuals can contribute to their 401(k) plans.


The Atlanta Fed chief says that the real unemployment rate is closer to about 16%.  How's that stimulus working out?


Apparently blowing cigar smoke is a form of torture.  I'd call that a relaxing Saturday afternoon.


What's the difference between art and propaganda?  A government grant.

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