Monday, August 24, 2009

Live From Marshall Town Hall

Late Friday Obama raised the 10-year deficit to $9 trillion.  That will nearly double the debt.  Pete du Pont lays out the high cost of liberalism.


The real reason that Americans are angry is because of the big government in the health care bill, not because they're racists who are upset with having a black President.


Here's an idea on health care that has been floated widely by free marketers but is very difficult to implement:  allow insurance companies to compete across state lines.  I wonder if that is in any of the three alternative health care bills that Republicans have offered but not sold?


A plurality of voters says that workers should be allowed to opt out of Social Security.


USAToday asks a question:  Is America scientifically illiterate?  The answer is yes, but not as much as they are economically illiterate.


Now "climate change" is supposed to mean more heavy rain.  Africa wants $67 billion a year to deal with the consequences that will be blamed on global warming, even though carbon dioxide is irrelevant to climate change according to one MIT scientist.


While veterans are waiting to get their benefits checks from the VA, they're giving out $24 million in bonuses to some officers.  Where's the pay czar when you need him?


The White House is going to have their own interrogation unit.


Public health officials are considering promoting circumcision to fight the risk of HIV.  Under socialist medicine, "promoting" will become "forcing."


Some uptight quasi-bureaucrats have banned the use of terms like "black mark" and "right-hand man" because they might be considered racist or sexist.


MoveOn.Org sent out an e-mail to try and encourage people to come to the town hall meeting in Warner Robins today.  If I can find a MoveOn member I'll put them on the show.


Congressman and Republican candidate for Governor Nathan Deal used his pull as a member of Congress to preserve an obscure state law that benefits him personally.  This looks very bad for him.

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