In the day when the White House told Democrats to "punch back twice as hard," some liberals took their orders too literally last night, as health care town halls turned violent in Tampa and St. Louis. In Tampa, an SEIU Astroturfed event for Rep. Kathy Castor turned violent after the union members tried to prevent anti-Obamacare constituents from even entering the room. Castor will now only have a telephone town hall meeting. In St. Louis, after Democrats snuck their union thugs in the back door to the event for Rep. Russ Carnahan, six people were arrested after an attack on a black conservative activist. The former community organizer (read: left-wing agitator) doesn't seem to like it when people get in his supporter's faces.
In other, more peaceful town hall meetings, Rep. Jack Kingston had a large turnout of anti-Obamacare citizens for an event in Waycross, and in a suburb of Houston, Texas doctors jammed a town hall meeting to oppose the bill.
Conservative opposition is getting so strong that now labor unions have jumped into the debate and Harry Reid is accusing the opposition of having no ideas and just following the orders of talk show hosts and insurance companies. The Democrats' biggest problem is the American people, who like their private-sector insurance.
In an apparent effort to kill their members, the AARP has officially endorsed the Obamacare bill in the House. AARP organizers at a local "listening session" left the meeting when their members started to oppose the Obamacare bill.
The unemployment rate for July was 9.4%, lower than in June, and of course the media and the Obama administration is spinning this to mean that the stimulus package is helping the economy recover. They are ignoring what they always trotted out during the Bush administration, the number of discouraged workers, which was up from June. The unemployment rate could be 10.7% or higher.
Now environmentalist wackos are coming up with the idea of creating "cloud ships" to cut down on global warming. This is the closest thing to the way that the earth does it.
The federal deficit has hit $1.3 trillion for the year. The United States is already bankrupt.
Guess who's back to the government trough?
President Obama wants conservatives to just shut up, as he continues to blame us for the economy.
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