On day 200 of the administration, President Obama's approval ratings have dropped to 50% following failures on the economy and a 13% disapproval rate on health care. After six months, more people view Obama as a failure than did Bush at the same time. Also, 71% of voters say that Obama's policies have driven up the deficit.
According to Nancy Pelosi, the woman who will be putting together the three bills in the House, said that us right-wing extremist astroturfers who are bought and paid for by the insurance companies are carrying swastikas into town hall meetings. Another Democrat Congressman, Brian Baird, will not hold any town hall meetings because he fears being "ambushed" by Republican "lynch-mobs." Democrats are starting to get away from the idea of the public option, with Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT) saying that there is not enough support for the idea in the Senate. The Wall Street Journal today points out the true cost of Obamacare, which is really a lot higher than what the Democrats are admitting.
The Senate will add another $2 billion to the failed cash-for-clunkers program this afternoon, as sales under the program top 180,000. The part that the Obama administration doesn't want you to know is that people are not buying cars from bailed-out automakers. Meanwhile, top car dealers are having their own private sector version of the program, and I'd be willing to bet that they won't be destroying the cars that they take in trade.
One out of every nine Americans is now on food stamps. Expect the Democrat talking points to reflect this next election.
According to the White House, the "War on Terrorism" is over. They have banned that, along with "jihadists" and "global war," inside the White House.
A little girl in California got a valuable lesson on the workings of government after the city shut down her lemonade stand.
Judge Sonia Sotomayor will be confirmed to the United States Supreme Court this afternoon. Plenty of Republicans will roll over and vote for the "wise Latina."
That photo of Obama as the Joker is secretly racist.
For you Ron Paulites, Ron Paul's son Rand will be running for the Senate in Kentucky.
Foreign companies are now receiving "stimulus" money, while other money is going towards training "domestic violence" counselors for cohabitating homosexuals. How does that create jobs in the United States?
The Democrats are planning on using all of their political capital to get health care passed, so it looks like cap-and-trade might die in the Senate, at least for this year.
Today is the 64th anniversary of the dropping of the bomb on Hiroshima. What you think about that decision shows what you think about America.
The Obama administration doesn't properly vet its cabinet nominees, so why would we expect them to vet their choices for Medal of Freedom?
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