Monday, November 30, 2009

Most Americans Angry at Feds

The Climategate scientists are agreeing to reveal their data, at least the data that they didn't destroy.  Why trust "science" that is based on data that has been destroyed?  British doctors are being told to give advice to their patients about how they can shrink their "carbon footprint."


ObamaCare could cost over $6 trillion in its first ten on-budget years, will allow criminal aliens to get health care, and would give the HHS Secretary unprecedented new powers for an unelected bureaucrat.  Maybe these are just a few of the reasons why support for the measure is only at 41%, with 53% opposing it.


Seventy-one percent of voters are angry at the federal government, which is up five points since September.


The Justice Department says that ACORN can be paid for all of the contracts they received before Congress banned all funding to the organization.


Nancy Pelosi says that the American people would accept larger deficits and more debt as long as there are (government) jobs.  Obama is going to have a "Jobs Summit" Thursday, and I'm guessing there will not be much talk of creating private sector jobs.


The Obama Administration is going to pressure and publicly "embarrass" mortgage companies to reduce more peoples' loan payments.


The Fairfax County, Virginia is considering a meals tax to keep their government big.


Swiss voters approved a constitutional ban on minarets, the towers on top of mosques, on Sunday.


Iran is building 10 new uranium plants.  Clearly, Obama has done nothing to make them or anybody else in the Muslim world hate us any less.  Meanwhile, Muslim honor killings are spreading in the United States.


Obama will give his speech tomorrow night on his Afghanistan policy that apparently will include an exit strategy.  British troops are already planning on pulling out of Afghanistan by next year.


The guy suspected of killing four police officers in Washington State over the weekend was pardoned by Mike Huckabee in 2000.


Most voters do not consider a political candidate's religious faith as an important factor in how they vote.


The Republican Party can only agree that they don't like Obama, Pelosi, and Reid running things in Washington.


GM is working with the blind to make hybrid and electric cars louder.


A majority of voters have a favorable opinion of the AARP, but their support of ObamaCare is hurting their reputation.


Why does Gov. Perdue need a PAC that raised about $400,000 last year if he can't run for Governor again?

Friday, November 27, 2009

Climategate May Kill Cap and Tax

The peace-at-any-price left is promising to "spank" President Obama if he sends more troops to Afghanistan.  Why must they use that word?


Three million Muslims threw stones at the devil as part of the annual Islamic pilgrimage earlier today.  Why do they give the devil the same punishment they give rape victims and homosexuals?


The Climategate e-mails may kill cap-and-tax in the United States Senate and in the Australian Parliament, as they leave the impression that global warming has been a fraud from the beginning, something that I already knew to be true.  The scandal is spreading around the world, including to New Zealand, where real scientists found fraud in the "official" reporting of global temperature increases.


Here's a nice essay on why Ayn Rand still resonates with people, especially young people.


Businesses are still not hiring in part because Congress is still thinking about the cap-and-tax bill and their takeover of health care.


A couple was able to crash the White House State Dinner Tuesday night.  While the Secret Service says that they never posed any threat to the President, remember that members of Al Qaeda have learned how to transport explosives in their rectums.


Michael Barone says that ObamaCare will speed up the bankrupting of America.


The New York Court of Appeals ruled that New York City can take the private property of home and business owners for the purpose of economic development.


John Stossel says that we pay politicians to lie to us.  We pay them first with our tax dollars, second with our liberties, and third with our votes.


Levi Johnston's mother was sentenced to three years in prison for dealing Oxycontin.


Secretary of State Karen Handel wants to eliminate some of the 36 boards that hand out 200 different kinds of licenses for professionals.  Where has this been the previous three years while she's been Secretary of State?


The Centerville Islamic terrorist (whom the Macon Telegraph still is not labeling as a Muslim) has been extradited to Philadelphia.


Clifford Holmes plans to vote for Chuck Shaheen for Mayor next week, based in part on rumors that former supporters of Donald Walker were making decisions for Chuck Chalk.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Angelina Jolie Not An Obama Fan

Now President Obama might only add 30,000 troops in Afghanistan.  Regardless of what he does, he'll announce it Monday night in a big production at the US Military Academy at West Point that is more about show than substance.  The Brits are starting to criticize Obama's delay in making any decisions because they have troops there too.


The "pay as you fight" tax is gaining traction on Capitol Hill, and it will hit a lot more than just the rich.


Some Navy SEALs are facing assault charges because when they captured the guy who masterminded the attack on and mutilation of four Blackwater security guards in 2004, he came in with a bloody lip.


The smoking gun was found in the hacked global warmers' documents; they have been falsifying data to hide their agenda.  Despite proof that global warming is a fraud, President Obama is going to attend the beginning of the UN climate summit in Copenhagen in a couple of weeks.


Obama's polling numbers are in the dumps.  Almost all he has left are minorities, the poor, and people who don't go to church.


President Obama has shattered the spending record for a first-year President, but next year he's going to get serious about the deficit.  I'll believe that when I see it.


The growth in the 3rd Quarter GDP was revised downward by 20% yesterday.


Obama has the fewest Cabinet members with private sector experience of any President in the last 100 years.  The private sector is a mere obstacle, not something to be celebrated.


The Washington Post is closing all of their bureaus outside of Washington, DC.  I have absolutely no sympathy for the failing mainstream media.


Thomas Sowell nails it with this one:  politicians are not trying to solve our problems; they're only trying to get themselves re-elected.


Even Arianna Huffington is asking if unemployment is Obama's Hurricane Katrina.


Obama's Muslim grandmother is on a pilgrimage to Mecca at the invitation of Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah.


The One was caught leaving the White House carrying the latest issue of GQ, which features him on the cover.  Give the guy a break; he could have just been looking at the Leighton Meester spread.


As Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO) tries to make today "Complaint Free Wednesday," David Boaz has a complaint for him and every elected official everywhere.


The very hot Angelina Jolie apparently "hates" President Obama.  She just got a lot hotter.


PETA wants the University of Georgia to stop using a real bulldog as their mascot.  UGA fans, I'm with you on this one.


Marietta police officers are considering changing the city's oath for police officers because somebody might get offended by having to say "so help me God."


Islamic terrorism has come to Centerville.  Wonderful.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Defining Republican "Purity"

President Obama didn't just bow to the Emperor of Japan; he also bowed to the Premier of China.  Bowing to the Japanese is one thing, but to bow to a ChiCom leader is a different story.  I'm guessing it's related to begging them to keep buying our debt.


Jamie Dupree has a preview of what the month of December will look like in the United States Senate.


Apparently President Obama plans to send 34,000 more troops to Afghanistan as he plans to "finish the job."


Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) has dug in his heels in opposition to the government health insurance option.  The Washington Post's Eugene Robinson supports rationing health care.


Those leaked e-mails are showing the truth behind the corruption in climate "science."


While a plurality still believes that the "stimulus" helped the economy, the number of people who says it hurt the economy is only two points lower.  Despite the desperate panic to pass the "stimulus," 78% of the money was still unspent by the end of September.


My latest post on United Liberty addresses the problems of letting government run anything.


Government's borrowing has pushed private borrowers to the end of the line, meaning that there is not much private credit available.


The Fort Hood shooter may use the insanity defense.  Crazy and clinically insane are two completely different things.  Sixty-three percent of voters say that political correctness prevented the military from responding to warning signs about the shooter.


The Republican National Committee is considering a "purity" resolution for Republican candidates.  It's not a bad idea, except that they will not stick to it.


A British welfare queen with 13 kids says that she won't stop until she has twins.  This really makes the case for government rationing of health care.


Congressional Democrats are planning a $150 billion tax on Wall Street stock transactions.


A Canadian woman lost her insurance after posting pictures of herself on Facebook.


A Republican member of the state Senate filed a bill to force lottery officials to get legislative approval before awarding any bonuses.  Hating the rich is a bipartisan game.


Because it is election season, the issue of diversity among city employees is being thrown around, forcing candidates for Mayor to dance around the issue.


The Greater Macon Chamber of Commerce is holding a food drive to help 75 military families stationed at Robins Air Force Base who can't provide food and gifts for their families.  This is great, but what is wrong with America when the people who put their lives on the line to defend us can't feed their families?


State Senator Ross Tolleson will not challenge Jim Marshall for his seat in Congress next year, but he will be an honorary campaign chair for Angela Hicks.  This is a woman who used to have her height and weight on her campaign website.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Senate Moves On ObamaCare

Even as the Senate takes up ObamaCare, support for the measure continues to hemorrhage.  Some Democrat members of the Senate are even starting to admit that they would become martyrs for the cause of nationalizing American health care.  While Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) says that this bill is as important as the Civil Rights Act and the creation of Social Security, Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT) points out some of the numbers behind the bill.


By 2019, taxpayers will pay $196 billion per year for ObamaCare but 24 million people will still be uninsured.  Some of those taxes will be on the companies making the swine flu vaccine, and we'll also be paying for the $300 million vote of Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA).  Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) calls Medicaid a "Medical Ghetto," and even 60 Minutes is looking into the death panels.


Federal officials are investigating a small radiation leak at Three Mile Island.  Yet again, the safety procedures worked.


The United States is approaching a large wave of debt payments.  How much is $12 trillion?  Speaking of paying back the debt, did anybody see the Saturday Night Live opening skit?


Democrats are fighting over what to do with $200 billion in leftover bailout cash.


Unemployment taxes are rising, which could cause businesses to have more difficulty hiring new employees as the real unemployment rate is already 17.5%


As blame for the bad economy continues to shift from Republicans to Democrats, support for President Obama dropped below 50% for the first time in the latest Gallup survey.


The 9/11 defendants are going to plead not guilty so they can put the United States on trial.


Programs for gifted students do not receive much funding compared to other programs.


German magazine Der Spiegel says that Obama's nice-guy act in foreign policy is not accomplishing anything.


I could have told you this:  getting dirty might be good for a child's health.


Here's my post at United Liberty about the fake stimulus jobs in Georgia.


The state is paying its chief water litigator $855 per hour.


Good news for Robins Air Force Base:  the last BRAC cost more than it saved.

Friday, November 20, 2009

ObamaCare Senate Vote Saturday Night

The Senate will have a test vote on their ObamaCare bill tomorrow night, since Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) caved on his idea of having the Senate clerks read the entire bill before a vote.  They will get the vote of Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA) because they earmarked $100 million for her state in the bill.  Jamie Dupree has a few of the tidbits from the bill.


Here are the top ten biggest stimulus projects, along with the number of jobs allegedly created or saved.


Major Nadal Hasan, who was apparently worried about the results of a recent HIV test, sent an e-mail to radical cleric Anwar al Awlaki saying "I can't wait to join you" in the afterlife.  This is one seriously disturbed crazy Muslim.


Climatologists are confused as to why global warming is no longer happening.  Here's an idea:  maybe global warming is a massive hoax and scam that you scientists came up with so you could scare politicians into giving you grant money with our tax dollars and push poor Filipino women into prostitution.


Nancy Pelosi wants the tax on Wall Street to be international.  She wants to make sure that wherever you go your money belongs not to you, but to her.


Treasury Secretary and Tax Cheat Timothy Geithner is still following the administration line of blaming the Bush administration for everything that goes wrong.


The Washington Post has a story today about poor little rich kids who feel so bad for the fact that mommy and/or daddy were successful.


Arianna Huffington and Keith Olbermann want to exclude conservative speech from the First Amendment.


Democrats and unaffiliateds are more likely to be unemployed than Republicans.  Ask yourself:  which comes first, being a Democrat or being a parasite?


Can the Postal Service be saved?  More importantly, should it?


The FDA is trying to ban alcoholic beverages with caffeine.


Candidate for Mother of the Year:  a woman told a cop to taze her daughter because she was not behaving.  The officer listened to the mother.


Check out the artistic abilities of Sens. Saxby Chambliss and Johnny Isakson.  This is another reason to have them booted from office.  (h/t to Jason Pye, click on Georgia)


The Brunswick News is calling for Glenn Richardson to step down as Speaker of the Georgia House following his suicide attempt.


About 300 people showed up last night to the final Houston County school zoning meeting.  Where were these people when the School Board was raising taxes in July?

Thursday, November 19, 2009

No Update Today

Sorry, there will not be an update here again today.  I'm still working on getting the new computer up and running.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Fun With Stimulus Jobs

The Obama Administration claims that the stimulus package has created or saved jobs in congressional districts that don't even exist, like Georgia's 86th district.


The House will consider a bill this week that will spend all of the money that they claimed to cut from Medicare in the Pelosi-ObamaCare bill.  Rep. Carol Shea-Porter (D-NH) explains her support for the individual mandate in the most idiotic of terms, and an unanswered question is asked:  where are the doctors to implement ObamaCare?


A majority of Americans support taxing the evil, hated rich to pay for the Democrats' takeover of health care.


Mortgage delinquencies hit another record in the third quarter.  Where's the recovery we're being promised.


Europe feels rejected by Obama.  Remember when they couldn't wait to have that crazy warmongering George Bush out of office?


Even though taxes are already chasing corporations out of the United States, the IRS is bragging that an offshore tax crackdown should produce billions of dollars.  What's wrong with that statement?


Maybe Europe just wants Obama to come and bow down in deference to them the way he did with the Emperor of Japan.  Obama's bow was a sign of inferiority, says Wesley Pruden.


The federal government spent an average of $10,700 per car sold by GM and Chrysler.


Barack Obama's first military decision was that the military did not need the F-22 fighter.  That decision was wrong.


Major Nidal Hasan wanted war crimes prosecutions of American soldiers.  The Army really dropped the ball in their attempts to be politically correct.


Twenty-six percent of employed adults say that they believed that somebody they worked with at one point was capable of mass violence.


A 17-year-old trying to get his Eagle Scout by cleaning up a walking path in a city park in Allentown, Pennsylvania is now public enemy number one for the local SEIU.  He'd better watch his tires and his pets.


Washington DC won the Triple Crown of VD.  No, that doesn't include Congress.


Women are not allowed to wear pants in Paris.  That sounds like fun, except that the women are French.


This year's word of the year from the Oxford University Press is "unfriend."  My spell-checker doesn't understand it yet.


The AJC has a story about how vampires just want people to be tolerant and understanding.


Republicans in the General Assembly continue to say that they will not raise taxes, as more Democrats say that it is time to do so.


While in Afghanistan, Governor Perdue spent more time speaking with Gen. Stanley McChrystal than President Obama did.


Warner Robins has returned City Attorney Jim Elliot to full-time status, and they're paying him more than double what the Mayor makes.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Is This Twilight For America?

President Obama went to Japan and bowed so low to the Japanese Emperor that he nearly scraped his forehead on the floor.


A writer for the Canada Free Press says that this is twilight for America.


President Obama is urging Congress to put off a probe into the Fort Hood shooting.  The radical imam says that he did not pressure Nidal Hasan to commit his act, but last week he was calling him a "hero" for killing American troops.  Remember, you can't fight Islamist terrorism if you're afraid of the words "Muslim" and "terrorism."


The Pelosi-ObamaCare bill will not only increase health care costs, it will also slash Medicare spending by half a trillion dollars if Congress follows through on what they claim they will do to keep costs down.  Last year, Medicare paid $47 billion in questionable claims.  The Washington Post ran an op-ed from somebody who works at a left-wing think tank terrified of the thought of conservatives running health care.  Remember; only trust the government with power that you would trust your worst enemy with.


Meet the death panels.


President Obama is taking a lot of heat for continuing to put off his decision on what to do in Afghanistan.


The Khalid Sheikh Mohammed trial is going to be an intelligence-gathering excursion for al Qaeda.  In 2006 then-Senator Barack Obama praised the fact that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed would get a military trial.


Over 15 percent of Americans will have to repay at least part of the main tax credit that was passed by the "stimulus" package.


President Obama claims that he wants to cut domestic spending in his next budget.  I'll believe it when I see it.


The number of jobs in Georgia created by "stimulus" dollars was overstated due to mistakes and discrepancies in the count.  Nationally over 10 percent of all claimed stimulus jobs were made up, and that's after the Obama administration slashed 60,000 jobs before issuing their report.


A new report says that almost one out of every six Americans is going hungry.  Look around; do you really believe that?


The British Government is going to have health and safety inspectors to go into individuals' homes to look for hazards to children.


Government Motors has made so much progress that they only reported a loss of $1.15 billion in the third quarter.


Newt Gingrich is preparing a Contract With America 2.


The world average corporate tax rate has been falling for 10 years, but it has stayed high in the United States.  Is it any wonder that American businesses are leaving the country?


There may be another big eminent domain case headed towards the Supreme Court.


The Dutch government is going to repeal all of their car taxes and replace them with a single tax based on the number of kilometers driven and at what time.


The city of Pittsburgh wants to tax students.


A New Zealand team is drilling through Antarctica's ice for two crates of 100-year-old Scotch.  That's something I can support.


Sarah Palin says she didn't know that her daughter Bristol was having sex until she found out that she was pregnant.  That's usually the way it works with teenagers.


Carrie Prejean has 8 solo sex tapes plus a few dozen nude photos floating out there.  What a dumb bimbo.


Plenty of state lawmakers are upset by the bonuses being paid out to lottery staffers even though lottery revenues are up.


A teacher in Barrow County was fired for having pictures on her private Facebook page showing her drinking wine and beer while in Europe.


A Columbus bridal shop owner was arrested for serving mimosas to her customers because she doesn't have a liquor license.


Taxpayers are revolting in Hancock County, where tax assessments have increased some tax bills by 200 to 400 percent.


The guy who shot a Houston County Sheriff's Deputy on Friday is still in the hospital.  It's a shame he made it there.


The Houston County School Board had to move their next hearing on rezoning to a larger venue due to the turnout at the last one.  Where was the outrage when they raised taxes in July?


Friday, November 13, 2009

Islamist Terrorists In Civilian Courts

9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed will be tried in civilian court in New York, which appears to be illegal based on the 2010 Defense Authorization Act.


White House counsel Gregory Craig resigned today.  He was the guy who came up with the policy to close Guantanamo Bay and neuter interrogations of Islamist terrorism suspects.


Federal prosecutors seized four mosques yesterday that were a front for the Iranian government.


Sarah Palin's new book exposes that the McCain campaign used her essentially as nothing but a pretty face.  She is a pretty face, but they grossly misused her.


The federal budget deficit in October was $176.4 billion, but next year Obama plans to get tough on the deficit.  I don't trust him.


President Bush is warning now about big government.  Where was this during his eight years in office?


Half of Americans think that health care is not the federal government's responsibility.  The more they learn about what government involvement in health care does to the price of health insurance, the less likely they will be to support it.


The British government is considering giving every citizen a "carbon allowance."  A plurality of Americans now believes that global warming is caused primarily by long-term planetary trends rather than humans.


President Obama refused to defend the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  Is it ignorance or just hatred of America?


Many Chinese are celebrating Obama's trip there by comparing him to Mao.  That seems appropriate.


If you don't think you pay enough in taxes, send a check to the Bureau of Public Debt in West Virginia.


The Obama Administration is making moves to remove Republicans from the bureaucracy.


The Republican National Committee's health insurance plan included coverage for abortions.  They're not making much of a case for their competence at running things.


The White House is going to start a push for amnesty next year.  They really are painting a target on Democrats' backs.


Fidel Castro is a big fan of Barack Obama.


NASA bombed the moon and found water.  Whoopee.


Chefs in Colombia have created a passion fruit and Viagra dessert.


Your dumb criminal story of the day comes from a now-suspended Delta pilot.  Enjoy.


The University of Georgia overstated the number of jobs they created with stimulus money, but you won't get them to admit it.


Charles Richardson is worried about the average Georgian.  He's so worried, in fact, that he wants to raise taxes.


Mike Daley has now received the endorsement of every serious candidate for City Council who did not make the runoff, thanks to the support of Art Howard earlier this afternoon.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Obama To Host "Jobs Summit"

President Obama rejected all of the options he was presented by his military advisors for an Afghanistan strategy.


President Obama is going to hold a jobs summit next month to talk about how to create jobs.  This is typical Obama:  there's a problem, so let's talk about it rather than actually doing something about it.  I have a few ideas, like not passing a payroll tax increase to pay for a nationalization of health care.  Or not nationalizing health care.


Nancy Pelosi says that it is fair to jail people for not buying health insurance.  Also included in PelosiCare is a 69% increase in capital gains taxes and a kickback to the trial lawyers.


The AP is using the m-word:  malaise.


Fort Hood shooter Nadal Hasan is being charged with 13 counts of premeditated murder, which is much too kind.  Officials from Walter Reed Army Medical Center knew that Hasan might have been psychotic, but did nothing due in part to political correctness.  Striving for diversity is not unique to the Army, as the Naval Academy changed a color guard to engineer a diverse photo opportunity.


New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg held a roundtable to discuss the Fort Hood shootings that included the unindicted co-conspirator in the first World Trade Center bombing.


Hate crimes against Muslims have plummeted since 2001.


New rules from the Federal Reserve would restrict banks' ability to apply overdraft fees on debit cards.


The pay czar is worried about companies' ability to keep top talent considering the restrictions on their pay.


The White House wants to use TARP money to cut the federal deficit.


Here's a column worth some thought:  Barack Obama despises America.


Obama uses the same language to describe radical Muslims that he uses to describe opponents of his health care plan.


ACORN is suing the federal government, claiming that cutting their funding was unconstitutional.


Anti-incumbent sentiment is at its highest level since 1994, but a majority of Americans still want to see their own representative re-elected.


Most Americans prefer big-screen TVs to saving energy.


Chrysler used the idea of building electric cars to get bailout money.  Now they've bailed on the idea of building electric cars.


Now churches are getting in on the global warming alarmist bandwagon.


Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC) is introducing a term limits bill.  It won't happen.


The Charleston County, South Carolina Republican party censured Lindsey Grahamnesty for being a RINO.


The Huffington Post wants separate bestseller lists for conservative and liberal books because conservative books dominate the lists.


Freshmen at the City University of New York fail basic algebra.  This problem is not limited to New York.


Are you looking for a job?  McDonald's is looking for an assistant manager at their franchise at Guantanamo Bay.


A judge has ruled that a quadriplegic man has a right to own guns.


Curvy women are more intelligent than their slimmer counterparts.


The state will have a public meeting on Tuesday to discuss improvements and widening for Highway 96.  It's about time they did this.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Happy Veterans' Day!

Happy Veterans' Day!  Take the time to thank a veteran today.  Eighty-one percent of Americans have a favorable opinion of the military.  The other 19% deserve to have their asses kicked.  Muggers in Milwaukee gave their victim his wallet and other possessions back after finding a military ID card in his wallet.


Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has put the PelosiCare bill on the Senate calendar, even as members of his own caucus say that they will not vote for a bill that looks like the House's.  Here are some of the deals that had to be brokered in order to get some Democrats to support PelosiCare in the House.


The United States has higher unemployment rates than Europe, and high unemployment is expected to stick around for years, not months.  Meanwhile, the "stimulus" is having no real effect on businesses hiring.  The Boston Globe found that Massachusetts overstated the number of jobs created by the stimulus.  A housing program in Las Vegas has been given $64.3 million for a housing program that hasn't bought a single house.


Apparently the DC sniper was "fearless" before his execution.  He should have been sweating at least a little bit.


ABC and CBS skipped most of the Fort Hood memorial yesterday (showing, of course, the part where President Obama spoke), but they showed the entire Michael Jackson memorial.  Reason's Jacob Sullum points out that Hasan could have been stopped earlier had Fort Hood not been a "gun free zone."


Republicans have a four-point lead, including a 22 point lead among independents, on the generic Congressional ballot for next year.


China could be the next Enron.


Antarctica's ice loss is helping to fight global warming.  So global warming is causing a lack of global warming?


Apparently a repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" will be in next year's defense authorization bill.  I don't see what the big deal is; gays are less of a threat than radical Islamists.


Kids in Goldsboro, North Carolina are able to buy better grades in a school fundraiser.  That should do wonders for teaching things like integrity and hard work.


A Columbia University professor punched a white female over a discussion of "white privilege."  Reverse the races, and that's a hate crime.


The Washington Post had a story yesterday detailing some of the jobs lost that they blame on free trade.  Protectionism will do nothing to prevent any of those lost jobs.  In fact, America is leaving itself behind by not engaging in trade deals.


President Clinton called us tea-baggers yesterday.  Is he allowed to do that?


Babies are born with accents that they pick up from their parents.


Death penalty opponents have made it so expensive to lodge appeal after appeal against the state that the Georgia Supreme Court heard a case yesterday about whether or not Georgia can afford the death penalty.


The reason the state had negative revenue from corporate income taxes last month was because corporate tax refunds exceeded corporate tax payments.


I never thought I would say this, but Macon should be a model for the state's government.  Mayor Robert Reichert is laying off city employees to balance the budget and "right-size" city government.


The Houston County Board of Education is looking at changing a couple of their policies regarding enrollment and redistricting.  Meanwhile, another couple was indicted for sending their children to Houston County schools even though they do not live in Houston County.  I wonder how many years Houston County has missed these two?


Bibb County School Superintendent Sharon Patterson says that state taxpayers should pay for security in their schools.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Happy Birthday USMC!

Happy birthday to the United States Marine Corps!


The Beltway Sniper, Muslim terrorist thug John Allen Muhammad, will be executed today.  Good riddance.  Make sure you slip some bacon grease into his last meal.


More details continue to emerge about the Fort Hood shooter's Islamist beliefs, including his statement in 2007 that the military should allow Muslims to leave service as conscientious objectors and the fact that he was under an FBI probe in 2008.  Despite that, he still received a promotion just a few months ago.  The media, meanwhile, continues to blame Bush and Chris Matthews can't figure out what is wrong with a member of the Army making a call to al Qaeda.


Even liberals admit that ObamaCare will bankrupt America, but that doesn't stop the Democrats in Congress from using tax dollars to buy votes on the plan to make sure it passes.  President Obama says that it is appropriate to penalize people for not getting health care but stopped short of endorsing jail time for people who do not pay the fines.  The Wall Street Journal points out that this really is all about making the middle class dependent upon government.


The European media says that Obama did not go to Berlin because it was not enough about him.


This year had the third coolest October on record.  It's all that global warming.


Environmentalists have found a new enemy:  golf balls, which are being called "humanity's signature liter."


NASA is trying to debunk the 2012 apocalypse myths.  Your tax dollars at work.


Remember the Kelo decision?  Now the property sits vacant and barren as the company that wanted it is leaving the city of New London, Connecticut.


The Obama State Department is willing to give Iran time to think about whether to accept a nuclear deal.  They'll use that time to build bombs and enrich uranium.


The Warner Robins City Council discussed changes to the city's sign ordinance in a special meeting last night.  There is absolutely nothing entertaining or sexy about sign ordinances until strip clubs or sex shops get involved.


Georgia's October revenue figures are in, and it doesn't look pretty for the budget writers in the General Assembly.  It looks like they will have to either raise taxes, like left-wing interest groups want, or have real substantial cuts to spending, like I want.


The state had a bond sale, and some of those bonds will be paid back by a federal tax subsidy.


Jim Marshall is being targeted by  Oh please, please, pretty please primary him!


Former Miss California USA Carrie Prejean has a sex tape, and her mother saw it.  Will this bimbo stop clinging to her 15 minutes now?


Check it out, my first post on United Liberty!

Monday, November 09, 2009

PelosiCare Passes House

The House passed PelosiCare 220-215 (link is to roll call vote) on Saturday.  Betsy McCaughey wrote in Saturday's Wall Street Journal what the bill really says, and here are the winners and losers as chosen by Nancy Pelosi in the bill.  Right now Republicans call the bill dead on arrival in the Senate, which means that all Pelosi did was force a few members to sign a suicide pact for next year's elections, because Republicans will be gunning for every Democrat in a winnable district who voted for this monstrosity, but the more important thing is the step towards a cradle-to-grave entitlement state like the Democrats want.


The sad thing is that the Republicans had an opportunity to kill this bill on Saturday, but they went along with an anti-abortion amendment to the bill that gave a few Democrats a chance to pass it over the objections of socially conservative Democrats.  Every Republican voted for the amendment, which passed 240-194 (link is to roll call vote), and senior Democrats are now saying that the amendment will be stripped from the final bill.  Pelosi played Republicans like a fiddle this weekend.


President Obama called us teabaggers in a private meeting with House Democrats.


More information continues to emerge about the alleged Fort Hood shooter, and all signs point to the Army failing to keep an eye on him.  Hasan had been spewing anti-American viewpoints, he may have been connected to some of the September 11 Muslim terrorists, intelligence agencies were aware that he tried to contact al Qaeda, and he attended a radical mosque.  At some point the people who knew this information should have been able to step up.  My guess is that political correctness got in the way.


Today is the 20th Anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.  Yesterday, Tom Brokaw said that some East Germans are "still adjusting to harsh economic realities" of capitalism.  Freedom is too difficult for some.


A village in New York has been forced to adopt new voting rules to make sure that a Hispanic gets elected as a trustee.


Cato's David Boaz says that the "slippery slope" of government intervention has become dropping off a cliff instead.


Iran has apparently tested an advanced nuclear warhead design.  The Obama administration is still sitting on its thumbs.


Government-owned Freddie Mac posted another $5 billion in losses last quarter and predicted that it will need another bailout.


Gold prices continue to rise to new record highs due to the weakness of the dollar.


Almost half of the members of Congress are millionaires.


Our runoff system is largely a Southern thing.  I really like the head-to-head nature of it.

Friday, November 06, 2009

Muslim Terrorist Attack At Fort Hood

We now have more details on the shooting at Ford Hood yesterday.  The shooter was Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, a Muslim who has been on the radar of federal law enforcement officials for at least the last six months over internet postings praising suicide bombers.  He was also shouting "Allahu Akbar" before shooting yesterday, but President Obama is warning people not to jump to conclusions as the Council on American Islamic Relations condemned the attack.  Obama's first statement yesterday after the shootings was not in reference to the attack, but a shout out to a friend of his.  Keep it classy.


Major news outlets refused to mention his religion yesterday, but just imagine if he had been a Christian listening to talk radio or watching Fox News.  In fact, the media seems to be trying to advance a storyline that the shooting shows problems not with Muslims, but with the military, despite the fact that the guy had given a presentation about killing the infidels.


Remember that Census worker found dead in Kentucky with "Fed" on his chest?  After the left tried to blame his death on talk radio and right-wing extremism, right now it is believed that he committed suicide.


The health care vote may be pushed back, as Democrats scramble to find 218 votes.  The Democrats are also scrambling with the health insurance industry fighting back and a Cato study showing that young people will pay significantly more for health insurance under ObamaCare.  They are also having trouble with costs, with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services saying that they are not sure they will have a cost score of the bill before a Saturday vote if it happens.  Michael F. Cannon says that the Democrats' $1 trillion bill will actually be a $2.5 trillion bill when you consider what has happened in Massachusetts.  The Republicans' plans, on the other hand, will lower premiums and only cost $61 billion.


Unemployment last month jumped to 10.2%, with a broader unemployment rate of 17.5%.  The media is reporting that the economy is recovering; if a Republican was in the White House we'd be on the verge of economic Armageddon with widespread misery and 17.5% of people unemployed.


More "stimulus" fake jobs numbers:  most of the jobs "saved" in California were never in jeopardy.


Most young Americans don't qualify for military service because they're either too fat, too stupid, or have a criminal record.


Valerie Meyers will kick off her campaign against Jim Marshall tomorrow.


Rep. Nathan Deal, who is running for Governor next year, is going to ask for Barack Obama's birth certificate.